then in november, samhain - or halloween - when we recognize that all things die, and that the energy goes to the root, to the unseen source beneath the surface, that gives way to the conception at winter solstice for another cycle of life and becoming. so it's a love story between earth and sun, and the endless children that are life. >> and we can mythologize that not just as earth-based in terms of what are we growing in our fields, which a lot of us are not quite as in touch with as our ancestors may have been, but what are we growing in our hearts, what are we growing in our souls, what are we growing in our lives. and what has come to fruition at this point in our lives? and what is it time to let go of? so we work with the cycles of the year, the wheel of the year, and we work with it often in a very personal way for each individual. >> what i've been listening and watching to reminds me so often of when i go for a walk by myself around isaac walton or in our local forest preserve, and no one's with me, but i'm just feeling myself and what's around and communing with nature, i