>> i never really led on to say that this is samira frasch, he just said that he saw a black female standing residents. >> but he probably thought it was her? >> i think he did. >> what time? >> he said that he and his daughter were taking a walk in the neighborhood and this was in a time period about 20 minutes before joe gardner had discovered her. >> wait a minute, that would be 10:30, something like that? >> correct. >> and he was very sure about the time, very sure, no earlier than 10:25 am. so, was it samira? the detectives were baffled. having checked the security cameras, they knew adam had, as he said, left the house with the two kids around 8 am that morning, and if the woman the neighbor saw was samira, that man she was still alive when adam left, and for couple of hours after. and if that person was telling the truth, or was accurate, your guy could not have done the crime? >> that is correct. >> and then there was another possibility, that the woman in the driveway wasn't samira at all, it was someone else entirely. and if that was true, the woman the neighbor saw might have bee