will need to go down to the level below we will cook. condolences rehabilitation here is samoilov konstantinovich goodnoon senior prokopenko, i have to ask you some questions about the accident. good afternoon. i'll come and you'll come by and i'm ready to answer any questions you may have. tell me you are sure that we can be transported, of course, do not worry you will be transported together to a specialized center. did ruslan ask something about me or about the child? where did you come to us from velikiye luki, here, come back your velikiye luki and leave my family alone. you are now a young mother. and what should i do? he decided to take. i was waiting for him. he came back and took two steps forward. and he didn't make it. that's all. there are three cameras at the intersection and you can clearly see all the records, who is to blame for allowing you to pass a red traffic light at a regulated intersection. what caused an accident involving two cars? truck driver , you understand that. i am not guilty. you know, after the operation, he said that he did not sleep for two days. maybe he fell asle