directed by ekaterina granitova, scripted by the absolutely brilliant screenwriters lutsik and samoryadovere choirs, somewhere there were stylizations. to the cossack song, we had such a big, big number there, we sometimes sing at concerts when there are enough backing vocalists, because there are a lot of voices, belarybitsa, oh bela rybitsa, oh she walked in the river, and save her, yaeeya. but it didn’t seem to be, then it was as if 15 verses are skipped, as usual in songs, you know, they are endless, and there is some kind of sad ending about what it means she didn’t love him, and he went somewhere, listen, but i’m going far, this is the song, just this is a song that was specially composed for this performance, and for a long time we were looking for the main lyrical theme with ekaterina gennadievna, with the director of the play, it didn’t work out for a long time, at some point we got this tune. easy, easy, and there it is, if you look, it seems so simple, in fact, the size is constantly changing musical, all the musicians, when they come, they see the notes and such, and what a ho