wing scholars samuel abrams a professor at sarah lawrence college actually called for regulating political balance this warped ideological distribution among college administrators should give on students and their families pose the ideological imbalance coupled with their agenda setting power threatens the free and open exchange of ideas which is precisely what we need to protect in higher education in these politically polarized times now this idea of hiring professors based on their political views and mandating that it be 5050 among the left and right didn't go over too well in fact many called for him to be fired just for suggesting this is what new york city college students think about the atmosphere on the campuses any ideas that counteract this progressive movement or this so-called leftist movement often get met with a lot of backlash conservative professors or people with conservative viewpoints doesn't get shut out of the conversation would be comparative to me going into a class that was something against what i believed and i make the same insight i like don't think that they