people like samuel adams, but also including some more middle merchants and craftsmen. you know, there's some indication that they were the ones who were kind of coordinating this protest, you know, making sure that the positive tone yangs did what they had to do and that they pulled in some of their employees and apprentices and associates and said, okay, we've got a job to do, let's put on indian disguises and to this. there's some indication it was a top-down affair. but i also found this very weird document of a bunch of yale students in the early 19th century who were traveling around the countryside, and they run into this old guy who talks about his experiences at the boston tea party, and he says it was a bunch of craftsmen who got together and said, you know, we are the ones who have to do something about the tea party. and they tried to get a leader, one of these elite leaders to back them, and guys would come in, and they would kind of, you know, dance around and say i don't know if i can countenance this. and one guy the farthest he's willing to go is say if