he said he would wipe the floor with samuel chase. did not wipe the floor with chase, and he remained on the court despite concerns he was too partisan. appointments to the supreme court are for life, there are no take backs. but the founders granted the congress the exact same method for removing justice for violating oaths of office that they granted against pre-s, impeachment. in all 13 federal judges have been impeached in u.s. history and eight have been removed. the wig fashion sense notwithstanding. michael, great to have you with us tonight after a very news worthy day. >> right, and a long week. and you're absolutely right, joy. samuel chase really did have a killer wig. >> his wig game was very strong. >> right, it's terrific. >> sometimes we do forget that clause in the constitution that gives the congress the power to impeachment the president also extends to federal officers. and so are we looking at a situation, a sort of samuel chase moment, where a new senate, a new house if democrats were to take over, could decide bas