this one was samuel d. ingham, the secretary for the treasury for andrew jackson. president andrew jackson. so that is how she got her name. her early period was serving alaska, patrol duty, fisheries and saving lives in the alaskan waters. when we declared war in 1941 they had to have ships escort merchant ships and this is one of the ships that did that function. the escorts had up to four or five different ships escorting them. somebody up front into the rear and on each flight, the size -- side. -- f;lank, the side. the size of the convoys could be anywhere from 10 to 80 ships. sometimes the larger ones had a really large convoy. the longest battle all the war it was nasty out there. storms came up. hurricanes, ice all over the ships, really adverse conditions. the ships were outfitted with depth charge racks and k guns. they were heavily loaded with weapons. it is a little bigger than a destroyer escort. in one of her crossings she picked up the sound of a u-boat and closed in on it and dropped depth charges on it and sank u-boat 626. this was in late 1942. th