the director, samuel goodsman, came across this man in a letter, and this is dr. kurt blama. the deputy director of the third reich. it's hard to imagine he became part of prognosis paperclip, and the at the time goodsman found out the information he would not have believed that and he later wrote in this memoirs we do not believe that. also in the documents that goodsman came across what decider walter some ryaner, surgeon general of the third reich, became part of paperclip and would wind up living in texas. dr. schieber was in charge of the vaccine program for the reich so while blome was heading up the biological weapons division, the reich was trying to create a bubonic plague weapon, and they nude they needed to create a vaccine against such a weapon because were they to unleash this, their own soldiers would be subject to this kind of biological agent if they didn't have a vaccine. so, schreiber was in charge of the vaccine program, and to do that he was working with concentration camp inmates. so, here we have spear -- come up later -- and hitler in paris, and this is