i mean, samuel l. jackson, billie eilish, chris evans? what about john hamm? >> be a goldfish, sam. >> what kind of advice is that? listen, i just saw a fish so good. i saw you did another one for apple, "greyhound," too. that's fun. seriously? denzel, frances mcdorr man, momoa, snoopy. a missed opportunity. maybe on the next one you and me -- >> satisfied with your message -- >> no, not satisfied. two kind of feels like cheating. will ferrell, paul rudd, jon stewart. it keeps going. >> that was, i mean, seriously, jonathan lemire, that was a super bowl ad. super bowl-quality ad. john hamm, that was a classic. also the what's app ad was something, too. >> that ad with john hamm was so good, it felt like it was the creation of don draper, legendary ad man that john hamm played. it was hysterical. the pure disdain in his voice when he said, chris evans? is what killed me. he rolls through the list of people and say i would be mortally insulted on apple tv. it fades to black. he's like, jon stewart? it's so, so good. snoopy? >> and the what's app add. >> he's ope