. >> okay, jason runner, samuel lee cole and rick mel tloe. >> good morning, my name is jason orangerwith the united service workers west and for item no. 2, 3a and b and i definitely support a continuation of these items. as you know aclu submitted a very detailed letter regarding the historic aspect of the environment. one of the historical review folks is will this be sufficient time continuation or just in kremently inching forward because we support a full environmental report. i don't think it's sufficient time to do that. we have not heard any response of the concerns that we raised at the last meeting here and the concerned submitted by the 9th. but we definitely support a continuation and we hope that you will do a full review of this project because we think it's very complex. there is a legislative component, there is a variance, there is a lot of pieces to this and to this point they have been considered all separately and independently. thank you. >> samuel cole. i'm a security officer and have been for at least 44 years. i also encourage this continuation as well. i am a