police arrested bernstein's friend samuel woo woodward frid.ectives are investigating if it was an act of rage. tonight hundreds of mourners gathered for his private funeral service. >> police are on the scene of a shooting in the kenzington section of philadelphia. it happened at 10:30 on frankfurt avenue. the gunshot victim has been rushed to temple hospital. the new jersey driver whose passenger died once the car plunged into the river. once he jumped out of the river he toldors t told others to hels girlfriend and he ran away. >> authorities aren't sure if a sinkhole caused a main break or the other way around. seven townhomes on blake court are condemned. 80 others were given an hour to gather their belongings and get out. the red cross is helping temporarily but it could be days or longer before they can come back. >> we are ready for another week of eaglemania. it's only going to build as we get closer to the game against the vikings. dann cuellar is live at the link. dan, you have been making the eagle rounds tonight. >> jim, it is all