Apr 3, 2024
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padre quien acababa de asesinar a su madre ademas, murio baleada por oficiales del condado de san bernardino que ella salio del auto y siguio claramente las instrucciones de la policia. >> edgar munoz tiene detalles de este caso ocurrido hace dos anos, pero que hoy con la publicacion de los audios y videos esta nuevamente bajo escrutinio. >> nuevas imagenes y audio revelan el momento en que murio a tiro la joven sabana graciano de 15 anos quien en septie hombre de 2022 fue su san salio de los escrutinio. >> quien tambien murio por la balacera con los agentes tras un de la policia de camino acto en el momento del caos y la balacera. >> fuera! en la lluvia de bala, sabana corrio hacia los agentes, cayo en medio de los disparos, la llevaron al hospital donde fue declarada muerta. >> tenemos evidencia que sugiere que savannah participo en el tiroteo, dijo en su momento el jefe del alguacil de san bernardino quien aseguro que un dia antes la adolescente se encontraba en la parte trasera del auto de su padre cuando este mato de varios disparos a su mama, tracy martinez, con quien proceso de divorc
padre quien acababa de asesinar a su madre ademas, murio baleada por oficiales del condado de san bernardino que ella salio del auto y siguio claramente las instrucciones de la policia. >> edgar munoz tiene detalles de este caso ocurrido hace dos anos, pero que hoy con la publicacion de los audios y videos esta nuevamente bajo escrutinio. >> nuevas imagenes y audio revelan el momento en que murio a tiro la joven sabana graciano de 15 anos quien en septie hombre de 2022 fue su san...
Apr 6, 2024
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justicia federal hagan investigaciÓn sobre tÁcticas del departamento del alguacil del condado de san bernardinoatada en medio del tiroteo contra su padre que la secuestrÓ en 2022. jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn. elian: casi 80 migrantes podrÍan ser desalojados en breve en un hotel en oregÓn. una familia de migrante dijo que se les permite permanecer en ese hotel hasta el prÓximo 30 de abril y no serÁn desalojados este viernes como originalmente estaba pautado. el condado confirmÓ que estarÁ pagando la prolongaciÓn de estancia de estos migrantes hasta el prÓximo 30 de abril. tras un litigio que comenzÓ en el 2018 cuando unos abogados que representaban a menores interpusieron la demanda, ahora diga que una juez emitiÓ una orden en la que precisa que estos menores, que ademÁs ha camping la intemperie, estarÍa legalmente bajo la custodia del departamento de seguridad y esta condiciÓn hace que deben de ser procesado lo antes posible y ser ubicados en instalaciones higiÉnicas que seguras. reina nos amplia. reina: a pesar de miedos y retos de una larga jornada este joven migrante con lÁgrimas en sus ojos nos
justicia federal hagan investigaciÓn sobre tÁcticas del departamento del alguacil del condado de san bernardinoatada en medio del tiroteo contra su padre que la secuestrÓ en 2022. jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn. elian: casi 80 migrantes podrÍan ser desalojados en breve en un hotel en oregÓn. una familia de migrante dijo que se les permite permanecer en ese hotel hasta el prÓximo 30 de abril y no serÁn desalojados este viernes como originalmente estaba pautado. el condado confirmÓ que estarÁ...
Apr 3, 2024
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Últimos momentos de vida de la joven hispana de 15 aÑos que muriÓ baleada por los agentes de san bernardino a su esposa y madre de la vÍctima de 15 aÑos. el hombre secuestrÓ a su hija y la menor fue vista en una gasolinera y las autoridades comenzaron una persecuciÓn en las que el hombre le disparÓ en mÚltiples ocasiones, se cree que la joven tambiÉn disparÓ el asiento del pasajero. la camioneta finalmente se detiene frente a la autopista 15 donde entra una rÁfaga de balas, la joven saliÓ del vehÍculo. portaba equipo tÁctico y se dirigÍa a los agentes bajo la direcciÓn de uno de ellos. [disparos] >> [habla en inglÉs] [disparos] reyna: la joven cayÓ impactada por las balas. >> ella no merecÍa morir. reyna: la vÍctima fue llevada al hospital donde muriÓ y el padre muriÓ en esta zona dentro de la camioneta. el departamento de la policÍa continÚa investigando estos hechos. jorge: continÚa la valencia polÍtica en mÉxico, asesinan a una candidata a presidenta municipal en celaya, con ella ya sumas de una ventana de polÍticos y candidatos asesinados en este ciclo electoral. [disparos] ivÁn: se dis
Últimos momentos de vida de la joven hispana de 15 aÑos que muriÓ baleada por los agentes de san bernardino a su esposa y madre de la vÍctima de 15 aÑos. el hombre secuestrÓ a su hija y la menor fue vista en una gasolinera y las autoridades comenzaron una persecuciÓn en las que el hombre le disparÓ en mÚltiples ocasiones, se cree que la joven tambiÉn disparÓ el asiento del pasajero. la camioneta finalmente se detiene frente a la autopista 15 donde entra una rÁfaga de balas, la joven...
Apr 2, 2024
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ellos estuvieron desaparecidos 24 horas, alguien los vio en el condado de san bernardino, desafortunadamentetes [no audio] ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: toda una familia destruida, muchas gracias, esta historia da pÁnico, una mujer de la tercera edad cuenta que un hombre la persiguiÓ hasta su edificio, y dentro de un elevador la atacÓ a puÑaladas. alejandro condici fue al escena, ella tiene reacciones. alejandro: esta fue la dominicana viviÓ el peor domingo de pascua de su vida, cerca del mediodÍa, un hombre la sigue y hasta parece ser amable al abrir la puerta y cederle el paso, pero los que vivirÍan serÍa momentos de terror, la apuÑalar ya varias veces en la cabeza, segÚn la policÍa de la ciudad de new york. llegamos al edificio ubicado en el bronx, donde muchos vecinos tenÍan miedo de hablar de lo sucedido. nos montamos en el mismo ascensor del ataque con algunos residentes, incluida ana. >> no pude mÁs que correr. alejandro: ana se lamenta del pÁnico que viviÓ su vecina. >> asusta, uno vive aquÍ, yo nunca habÍa pasado por una situaciÓn asÍ. alejandro: en el quinto piso, donde vive la seÑora de
ellos estuvieron desaparecidos 24 horas, alguien los vio en el condado de san bernardino, desafortunadamentetes [no audio] ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: toda una familia destruida, muchas gracias, esta historia da pÁnico, una mujer de la tercera edad cuenta que un hombre la persiguiÓ hasta su edificio, y dentro de un elevador la atacÓ a puÑaladas. alejandro condici fue al escena, ella tiene reacciones. alejandro: esta fue la dominicana viviÓ el peor domingo de pascua de su vida, cerca del...
Apr 3, 2024
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joven estaba siguiendo instrucciones, in insistio nathan solis el de departamento del alguacil de san bernardinopondio que el caso esta bajo investigacion y lo tiene justicia de california tuvieron que pasar 18 meses para que estos nuevos audios y videos fueran liberados por presion de la prensa en un hecho que c conmociona a la comunidad. >> ahora las autoridades tendran que determinar quien le disparo a sabana. >> en los angeles, edgar munoz, noticias telemundo. >> hoy israel reconocio que sus misiles mataron a siete civiles que llevaban ayuda humanitaria en gaza. >> la controversia es enorme. >> el vehiculo de las victimas estaba identificado como parte de la organizacion del chef jose andres, que reparte alimentos en lugares de crisis y a raiz del ataque esta y otras organizaciones ya suspendieron sus operaciones en gaza. >> la tragedia humanitaria por esto, por la guerra, podria empeorar. >> javier vega reporta. >> eran todo menos y fueron repartian ayuda y fueron atacados por el ejercito israeli con el que coordinaron sus movimientos en este convoy perfectamente identificado, viajaban siet
joven estaba siguiendo instrucciones, in insistio nathan solis el de departamento del alguacil de san bernardinopondio que el caso esta bajo investigacion y lo tiene justicia de california tuvieron que pasar 18 meses para que estos nuevos audios y videos fueran liberados por presion de la prensa en un hecho que c conmociona a la comunidad. >> ahora las autoridades tendran que determinar quien le disparo a sabana. >> en los angeles, edgar munoz, noticias telemundo. >> hoy...
Apr 6, 2024
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para sectores del este se reportaron tormentas, todavÍa granizo, en sectores como santa rosa, san bernardino como concord, napa y livermore. el siguiente segmento hablarÉ de el tan esperado eclipse solar. dayana: california reabre su sistema de loterÍa, para el programa de asistencia para el pago inicial, en la compra de su primera casa. le voy a decir cuÁles son porque nuevos requisitos. celebrarÁn inauguraciÓn de un centro de recursos econÓmicos, le dirÉ que tipo de servicios ofrecerÁn para usted. dayana: la cadena de tienda, cerrarÁ todos sus locales ubicados en california, texas y nevada. entre las razones para cerrar los locales, se encuentra el impacto sin precedente de la pandemia, ademÁs de la inflaciÓn preexistente y las pÉrdidas atribuidas a los robos y a los errores administrativos. desde esta semana, el estado de california abriÓ su sistema de loterÍa, que beneficia kenneth por primera vez compra una vivienda. este programa otorga hasta el 20% del pago inicial de una casa o el conocido costo de cierre, sin exceder los $150,000. >> lo que tienen que hacer es, ser primeros comprado
para sectores del este se reportaron tormentas, todavÍa granizo, en sectores como santa rosa, san bernardino como concord, napa y livermore. el siguiente segmento hablarÉ de el tan esperado eclipse solar. dayana: california reabre su sistema de loterÍa, para el programa de asistencia para el pago inicial, en la compra de su primera casa. le voy a decir cuÁles son porque nuevos requisitos. celebrarÁn inauguraciÓn de un centro de recursos econÓmicos, le dirÉ que tipo de servicios...
Apr 3, 2024
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we should tell you it's been edited and released by the san bernardino sheriff's department.etails a 70 mile car chase that ended in the fatal shootout. official says savannah gratciano, had been abducted by her father. she then gunfire, the video taken from police helicopters, shows the white pickup truck speeding down the freeway, eventually stopping. then savannah gets out of the car, following police commands to walk toward him. this is the moment right before savannah was shot and killed. and i have to warn you, it can be disturbing to watch. >> the female is out. she's out of the passenger side. does anyone else have eyes on the vehicle to see if there's any other passengers? >> so the sheriff also released audio from the recording of the officer closest to savannah in the moments before she was shot. again, i want to warn you, this is difficult to listen to. >> hey, hey, hey, come here, come to me. come to me. come to me. come to me. come, come, come, come, come, walk, walk, walk, walk, stop shooting her. he's in the car. stop. >> the california justice department now
we should tell you it's been edited and released by the san bernardino sheriff's department.etails a 70 mile car chase that ended in the fatal shootout. official says savannah gratciano, had been abducted by her father. she then gunfire, the video taken from police helicopters, shows the white pickup truck speeding down the freeway, eventually stopping. then savannah gets out of the car, following police commands to walk toward him. this is the moment right before savannah was shot and killed....
Apr 5, 2024
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borjas: ocurriÓ cuando los agentes respondieron a una llamada por una disputa domÉstica en san bernardinoo enfrenta graves cargos. carolina: una madre y su hija han sido arrestadas en texas, presuntamente aplicaba en intenciones y agrandamiento para bloqueos avaria paciente de forma ilegal segÚn la investigaciÓn consuelo marÍa adal bao si 26 aÑos y su hija isabella de 18 aÑos, cobraban aproximadamente $6000 por esta prÁcticas, ambos enfrentan cargos por hacer eso de forma ilegal. borjas: tenemos buenas noticias para acerca de 1,000,000 de inmigrantes estados unidos va a extender desde el prÓximo lunes 8 de abril la vigencia de ciertos permisos de trabajo de aproximadamente 800,000 inmigrantes, hasta 540 dÍas la medida aplicarÁ Únicamente para inmigrantes que hayan solicitado la renovaciÓn del documento desde el 27 de octubre de 2023, o quienes deban renovar entre el 8 de abril de 2024, y antes del 30 del septiembre del 2025. la administraciÓn de joe biden debe trasladar a los niÑo migrantes de los campamentos improvisados al aire libre a instalaciones seguras e higiÉnicas, en la decisiÓn
borjas: ocurriÓ cuando los agentes respondieron a una llamada por una disputa domÉstica en san bernardinoo enfrenta graves cargos. carolina: una madre y su hija han sido arrestadas en texas, presuntamente aplicaba en intenciones y agrandamiento para bloqueos avaria paciente de forma ilegal segÚn la investigaciÓn consuelo marÍa adal bao si 26 aÑos y su hija isabella de 18 aÑos, cobraban aproximadamente $6000 por esta prÁcticas, ambos enfrentan cargos por hacer eso de forma ilegal....
Apr 23, 2024
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join us and start watching on the new high speed rail line between las vegas and san bernardino county a rail company called brightline west plans to lay 218 miles of new track, mostly in the median of interstate 15. the company will also build new stations, including one near the vegas strip and another in rancho cucamonga. the $12 billion project includes $6.5 billion in federal funds. brightline ceo says the goal is to have trains running for the summer olympics in los angeles by 2028, so no time to waste. we shall see. >> well, much more news ahead at 530 on streaming tv. >> and if you're watching us on tv, world news tonight with david muir is next with sandhya patel. a ♪ >> david: tonight, breaking news, the criminal trial of donald trump. the first witness takes the stand, and what now happens first thing tomorrow morning. tonight, the prosecution's first witness facing the jury. david pecker, the former publisher of "the national enquirer," who prosecutors say was part of a scheme called
join us and start watching on the new high speed rail line between las vegas and san bernardino county a rail company called brightline west plans to lay 218 miles of new track, mostly in the median of interstate 15. the company will also build new stations, including one near the vegas strip and another in rancho cucamonga. the $12 billion project includes $6.5 billion in federal funds. brightline ceo says the goal is to have trains running for the summer olympics in los angeles by 2028, so no...
Apr 3, 2024
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according to the san bernardino sheriff's offense, at the time, savannah graziano had been dead kidnapped by her father after he allegedly killed her mother. video shows the chase with deputies and his truck. an officer is heard telling savannah to get out of the car and come toward him. she takes several steps, pauses and then moves toward police again. other officers are then seen shooting the teenager just as she appears to be surrendering. her father was also killed. so the video appears to directly refute initial claims by police that the teen was wearing tactical gear and a helmet. the sheriff'soffice did not comment on the video on tuesday, citing the doj investigation. >>> now to baltimore where complex work is under way to respond to the bridge disaster. the navy is now sharing images of what the wreck hajj is loo wreckage is looking like underwater. >> reporter: the images provide the first view yet of the francis scott key bridge resting on the bottom of the water. >> the wreckage has been completely collapsed. some people use the term pancaked. >> reporter: 3d shows the razor-
according to the san bernardino sheriff's offense, at the time, savannah graziano had been dead kidnapped by her father after he allegedly killed her mother. video shows the chase with deputies and his truck. an officer is heard telling savannah to get out of the car and come toward him. she takes several steps, pauses and then moves toward police again. other officers are then seen shooting the teenager just as she appears to be surrendering. her father was also killed. so the video appears to...
Apr 3, 2024
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years ago still leaves behind more questions than it does answers in this edited video by the san bernardino sheriff department, you can see savannah grassy arnault, who at the time was believed to have been kidnapped by her father. she follows a deputies order to get out of the car and more walked toward them. we're going to freeze the video right before savannah is shot, but you will briefly here audio from a police helicopter my grazia anos, father was killed during the shootout with the officers. cnn currently does not have access to the entire video. the california department of justice is investigating this deadly incident no officers face any charges. sam levin, a senior reporter for the guardian, is covering the story and sam, thank you so much for joining us. there's still so much unknown about the shooting now that you've seen this video, what's your reaction? >> it's deeply concerning. we see that the sheriff's department had really spread a misleading narrative about what actually happened in the immediate aftermath they suggested that perhaps she had been shot by her father and
years ago still leaves behind more questions than it does answers in this edited video by the san bernardino sheriff department, you can see savannah grassy arnault, who at the time was believed to have been kidnapped by her father. she follows a deputies order to get out of the car and more walked toward them. we're going to freeze the video right before savannah is shot, but you will briefly here audio from a police helicopter my grazia anos, father was killed during the shootout with the...
Apr 3, 2024
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. >> reporter: for months, the only official version was what the san bernardino county sheriff said just after the shooting. >> preliminarily, again, there may be some indications that the passenger of the vehicle, which we believe is savannah, may have also been involved in some of the fire exchange. >> reporter: the indication was savannah could have fired at deputies. but this video and audio just released under the california public records act, show she was trying to get to safety when apparently shot by those tasks with trying to save her. the california department of justice is investigating the shooting and how this could have even happened. one retired police sergeant told cbs los angeles that in the chaos -- >> you have deputies over here that are firing at the truck, so you've got a cross-fire situation also. >> reporter: tonight, savannah's family said they're too distraught to talk about the tragedy, but they want answers on how deputies are trained for incidents like this. elise preston, cbs news, los angeles. >>> tonight we're getting our first look at the broken and
. >> reporter: for months, the only official version was what the san bernardino county sheriff said just after the shooting. >> preliminarily, again, there may be some indications that the passenger of the vehicle, which we believe is savannah, may have also been involved in some of the fire exchange. >> reporter: the indication was savannah could have fired at deputies. but this video and audio just released under the california public records act, show she was trying to get...
Apr 3, 2024
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now according to the san bernardino sheriff's office, at the time, savannah grauts yaw know had been about with her father. deputies say at the time, somebody was shooting at them from inside. >> an officer is heard telling savannah to get out of the car and come toward him. she takes several steps, pauses, then moves toward police again. other officers are then seen shooting the teen just as she appeared to be surrendering. her father was also killed. now this video appears to directly refute initial claims by police that the teen was wearing tactical gear and a helmet. the sheriff's department did not comment on the video tuesday, citing that doj investigation. >>> overnight, millions of americans remained under severe weather alerts as a dangerous storm continues to march across the u.s. after wreaking havoc in the midwest and south. the system bringing tornados, heavy rain and a lot of hail. nbc's dan scheneman has the details as much of the east coast is bracing for impact this morning. >> reporter: much of the nation threatened by weather. nearly 70 million americans in the pat
now according to the san bernardino sheriff's office, at the time, savannah grauts yaw know had been about with her father. deputies say at the time, somebody was shooting at them from inside. >> an officer is heard telling savannah to get out of the car and come toward him. she takes several steps, pauses, then moves toward police again. other officers are then seen shooting the teen just as she appeared to be surrendering. her father was also killed. now this video appears to directly...
Apr 2, 2024
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por el dep departamento de justicia de california, mientras que el departamento del alguacil de san bernardino a cabo una revision interna. >> por el momento se desconocen los hombres de los agentes involucrados en este incidente que como deciamos fue en 2022, en septie hombre. >> triste situacion. >> pendientes de investigacion, por supuesto. >> gracias, gracias, miriam. >> custodia. >> vean nada mas el carro que se estrello contra la barrera de seguridad del acceso a la oficinas quedo quedo danado cuando su conductor trato de entrar siguiendo el auto de un empleado que iba hacia un area de estacionamiento restringida. >> el el sujeto salio del auto e intento correr dentro del perimetro, pero fue derribado poco despues por agentes estacionamiento motivo del incidente aun no esta claro, segun el fbi y poca atencion ya que los votantes de florida podran decidir el futuro del aborto y de la marihuana, esto en las elecciones de novie hombre. >> de novie hombre. >> la corte suprema del estado dejo que entrara en vigor la prohibicion al aborto a partir de la sexta semana de gestacion, excepto en ca
por el dep departamento de justicia de california, mientras que el departamento del alguacil de san bernardino a cabo una revision interna. >> por el momento se desconocen los hombres de los agentes involucrados en este incidente que como deciamos fue en 2022, en septie hombre. >> triste situacion. >> pendientes de investigacion, por supuesto. >> gracias, gracias, miriam. >> custodia. >> vean nada mas el carro que se estrello contra la barrera de seguridad...
Apr 25, 2024
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the author of the bill, assembly member james ramos of san bernardino, says schools would be required to connect students with treatment services first to help break the cycle of punishment often associated with drug use. >> this is an important health and even potentially life saving measure by allowing schools to refer students to programs, we can get them the much needed resources they need, assembly member ramos says more than 83% of drug related suspensions are students of color. >> the bill has the support of several children, advocacy and mental health groups. if approved, the measure would take effect in two years. >> the use of narcan is being credited for saving the life of a high school student. the antioch unified school district says. the schnue at deer valley high school administered four milligrams of narcan yesterday to a student who was showing signs of a possible ntyl overdose. that student was immediately revivednd transported to the hospital this mog,he family reported the student was doing well and planned to return to schooltoy,o release an informational video to
the author of the bill, assembly member james ramos of san bernardino, says schools would be required to connect students with treatment services first to help break the cycle of punishment often associated with drug use. >> this is an important health and even potentially life saving measure by allowing schools to refer students to programs, we can get them the much needed resources they need, assembly member ramos says more than 83% of drug related suspensions are students of color....
Apr 19, 2024
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the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino, an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assemblymember josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansio
the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino, an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes....
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authorities issued an amber alert hours after they say her father murdered her mother a day later, san bernardinoriff's deputy spotted her father's truck. >> there's a white pickup truck probably doing a hundred miles an hour east. >> 45 year-old anthony graziano leading them on a 70 mile pursuit. witnesses reporting shots were fired out of the driver and passenger sides of the truck. deputies then firing back. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> savannah got out of the truck wearing tactical gear and a helmet, dropping to the ground, then walking towards law enforcement on their command. non stop shooting her. >> he's in the car. stop! >> but that order to stop firing was not broadcast over the radio . savannah was shot and later died at the hospital. her father also killed. deputies say multiple weapons and ammo were found in the truck, but they say savannah was not armed and the sheriff initially said savannah participated in that shooting. but they can no longer confirm that state authorities are investigating bird flu has halted production at the nation's largest producer of fresh eggs. >> rough
authorities issued an amber alert hours after they say her father murdered her mother a day later, san bernardinoriff's deputy spotted her father's truck. >> there's a white pickup truck probably doing a hundred miles an hour east. >> 45 year-old anthony graziano leading them on a 70 mile pursuit. witnesses reporting shots were fired out of the driver and passenger sides of the truck. deputies then firing back. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> savannah got out of the...
Apr 3, 2024
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savannah graziano can be seen walking toward san bernardino county sheriff's deputies after they stoppeder's pickup truck back in 2022. the father shot and killed her mother the day before and abducted the girl. she got out of the truck and was following deputies' instructions when there was a hail of gunfire. >> stop, stop, stop -- walk, walk, walk -- [ gunfire ] >> stop! stop! >> the father was also killed. it took more than a year for authorities, though, to release the video which contradicts what they said in the aftermath of the shooting. they originally claimed the girl shot at deputies. >>> and the "new york post" says kansas city chiefs wide receiver rashee rice admitted he was involved in a six-car accident in dallas. rice was in a leased lamborghini saturday that was racing a friend in a corvette owned by rice. that's according to tmz sports. the vehicles lost control and caused a chain-reaction collision. four people were hurt. tmz says rice admitted his involvement in a text to the company that leased hip the -- leased him the lamborghini. >>> and "people" says sean "diddy"
savannah graziano can be seen walking toward san bernardino county sheriff's deputies after they stoppeder's pickup truck back in 2022. the father shot and killed her mother the day before and abducted the girl. she got out of the truck and was following deputies' instructions when there was a hail of gunfire. >> stop, stop, stop -- walk, walk, walk -- [ gunfire ] >> stop! stop! >> the father was also killed. it took more than a year for authorities, though, to release the...
Apr 4, 2024
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vámonos al sur del estado, en san bernardino, un caso de homicidio y tiroteo que sacudió a la comunidadte se hizo público un video en el que una joven de 15 años es baleada por los oficiales del alguacil, mientras seguían sus instrucciones alejándose de su padre, quien la mantenía secuestrada. el padre de savannah, graziano, había asesinado a su esposa y huido de la policía, desencadenando una persecución que culminó en dicho tiroteo. este incidente ha generado conmoción en la comunidad, mucho, mucho disparo y este. y pues me tuve que meter aquí a la target, pero estuvo muy feo. bueno, así relata lo que vivió. expertos señalan que este video podría ser útil para que el alguacil revise su política de uso de la fuerza. los hechos aún siguen siendo investigados. bueno, hablemos ahora del tres de abril de 2022. esa fecha ocurrió. un tiroteo masivo que tiñó de sangre el centro de sacramento. ese día fue 1 de los más violentos en la historia de la ciudad. y a 2 años de la masacre. familiares de las víctimas siguen a la espera que se haga justicia. lupita baltazar nos amplia un dolor que ahí e
vámonos al sur del estado, en san bernardino, un caso de homicidio y tiroteo que sacudió a la comunidadte se hizo público un video en el que una joven de 15 años es baleada por los oficiales del alguacil, mientras seguían sus instrucciones alejándose de su padre, quien la mantenía secuestrada. el padre de savannah, graziano, había asesinado a su esposa y huido de la policía, desencadenando una persecución que culminó en dicho tiroteo. este incidente ha generado conmoción en la...
Apr 19, 2024
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the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino, an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assemblymember josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansio
the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino, an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes....
Apr 2, 2024
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for months, the only official version was of the san bernardino county sheriff said just after the shooting preliminarily, again, there may be some indications that the passage of the vehicle, which we believe it savanna, may have also been involved in some of the fire exchange. >> reporter: the indication was savanna could have fired at deputies, but this video and audio just released under the california public records act shows she was trying to get to safety while apparently shot by those tasked with trying to save her. [gunfire] the california to pumped of justice is investigating the shooting and how this could have even happened. one retired police sergeant told cbs los angeles that, in the chaos... >> you got deputies over here that are firing up the truck, so you've got a cross fire situation, also. >> reporter: tonight, savannah's family says they are too distraught to talk about the tragedy, but they want answers on how deputies are trained for incidents like this. elise preston, cbs news, los angeles. >> norah: tonight, we are getting our first look at the broken and twisted wre
for months, the only official version was of the san bernardino county sheriff said just after the shooting preliminarily, again, there may be some indications that the passage of the vehicle, which we believe it savanna, may have also been involved in some of the fire exchange. >> reporter: the indication was savanna could have fired at deputies, but this video and audio just released under the california public records act shows she was trying to get to safety while apparently shot by...
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a day later, san bernardino sheriff's deputies spotting her father's white pickup truck. >> there's a white pickup truck probably doing 100 miles an hour east. >> reporter: 45-year-old anthony graziano leading law enforcement on a 70-mile pursuit. the sheriff's helicopter recording from above. >> we have a camera on the suspect. >> reporter: deputies and witnesses reporting shots fired out of the driver and passenger sides of the vehicle. the truck getting stuck in an embankment near i-15 in hesperia. deputies exchanging fire. >> shots are fired, shots are fired. he's continuing to shoot at the deputies. >> reporter: savannah seen exiting from the passenger side, wearing tactical gear and a helmet, dropping to the ground, then walking towards law enforcement. a deputy calling her over, >> stop shooting her! she's in the car, stop! >> reporter: ordering the others to stop firing. >> oh, no. >> reporter: tonight, we're learning that audio from his belt recorder not broadcast over the radio. savannah was unarmed and shot. taken to the hospital, where she later died. her father pronounced
a day later, san bernardino sheriff's deputies spotting her father's white pickup truck. >> there's a white pickup truck probably doing 100 miles an hour east. >> reporter: 45-year-old anthony graziano leading law enforcement on a 70-mile pursuit. the sheriff's helicopter recording from above. >> we have a camera on the suspect. >> reporter: deputies and witnesses reporting shots fired out of the driver and passenger sides of the vehicle. the truck getting stuck in an...
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in the san bernardino mountains, intense snowfall and high winds bringing low visibility and treacherous driving conditions. stranded cars and vehicles along the roads. drivers trying to dig out over a foot of snow since friday night. >> linsey: a mixed bag on this april eve. dani is back with us. the storm system is now making its way across the country, now threatening the heartland. time this all out for us. >> reporter: heavy rain and mountain snow impacting the west coast all weekend long and it's not over yet. flooding concerns continue in southern california this evening with alerts in effect across several states, including winter weather hazards for much of the rockies. tomorrow, our attention turns to the middle of the country cities like dallas, tulsa, and st. louis on alert for potential severe weather outbreak. with damaging wind, large hail, and possible tornadoes. and enhanced risk, that's 3 of 5, for severe storms for much of oklahoma, missouri, and illinois after dark on monday. tuesday, the threat shifts east again, with parts of the south and mid-atlantic facing the po
in the san bernardino mountains, intense snowfall and high winds bringing low visibility and treacherous driving conditions. stranded cars and vehicles along the roads. drivers trying to dig out over a foot of snow since friday night. >> linsey: a mixed bag on this april eve. dani is back with us. the storm system is now making its way across the country, now threatening the heartland. time this all out for us. >> reporter: heavy rain and mountain snow impacting the west coast all...
Apr 5, 2024
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en información local, la oficina del alguacil del condado san bernardino reveló videos de los agentesso sigue bajo investigación, pero se conoció que las autoridades tuvieron contacto con la víctima varias veces desde enero por tratar de hacerse daño. y recuerde que si usted o alguien que conoce tiene alguna crisis de salud mental, puede pedir asistencia llamando al 9 8. 8 es un servicio que funciona en español las 24 horas y es confidencial. vámonos a otra información. la cadena de tiendas ninety nine anunció el cierre de cientos de tiendas en varios estados 371 tiendas que en conjunto emplean a 14.000 personas en california, arizona, nevada y texas. todas cerraran sus puertas. la empresa indicó que esta medida se debe a varios años difíciles para la compañía, sumados al impacto de la pandemia, la inflación y la criminalidad, la liquidación de mercancía y el mobiliario de las tiendas comenzará mañana, momento de pasar con marcelo rivera para que nos hables marcelo sobre las temperaturas actuales a las 11,18. gracias césar. las temperaturas actuales van a continuar en ese rango de las
en información local, la oficina del alguacil del condado san bernardino reveló videos de los agentesso sigue bajo investigación, pero se conoció que las autoridades tuvieron contacto con la víctima varias veces desde enero por tratar de hacerse daño. y recuerde que si usted o alguien que conoce tiene alguna crisis de salud mental, puede pedir asistencia llamando al 9 8. 8 es un servicio que funciona en español las 24 horas y es confidencial. vámonos a otra información. la cadena de...
Apr 8, 2024
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have dozens of peopople on the terrorist watch list coming across, i will remind everyone that san bernardino was from the terrorist watch list. and i think schumer is going to regret dismissing these charges. >> todd: if anybody should be sensitive to a terror attack it should be the senior senator from the state of new york. congressman michael waltz, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: it is 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's monday, april 8th. and this is "fox & friends." hello darkness, our old friend. i will spare you the singing. we are hours away from that total sola
have dozens of peopople on the terrorist watch list coming across, i will remind everyone that san bernardino was from the terrorist watch list. and i think schumer is going to regret dismissing these charges. >> todd: if anybody should be sensitive to a terror attack it should be the senior senator from the state of new york. congressman michael waltz, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪...
Apr 21, 2024
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the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardinoan oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assembly member josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansion
the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardinoan oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes....
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traumatized because when we see this kind of rain, it feels like it's going to happen again in the san bernardinontains, snow and high winds making for treacherous driving conditions. >> numerous vehicles, stranded drivers trying to dig out that same system is now moving east. on monday, severe thunderstorms possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging wind gusts, large hail and possible tornadoes. >> our attention turns to the middle of the country as the system slides a severe thunderstorm threat to the heartland cities like dallas, tulsa, and saint louis on alert for a potential severe weather outbreak. it's going to be a rough start to the workweek for so many later monday evening and into tuesday morning. >> flash flooding is possible amid heavy rains in parts of the midwest and ohio river valley. flood watch is in effect from indiana to west virginia. alison kosik, abc news, new york now, the heavy rain has beaches in los angeles shut down for days. health leaders are worried all that water washed bad bacteria into the ocean. l.a. county's health department says intense storms
traumatized because when we see this kind of rain, it feels like it's going to happen again in the san bernardinontains, snow and high winds making for treacherous driving conditions. >> numerous vehicles, stranded drivers trying to dig out that same system is now moving east. on monday, severe thunderstorms possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging wind gusts, large hail and possible tornadoes. >> our attention turns to the middle of the country as the system...
Apr 3, 2024
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. >> reporter: this all happened back in september 2022 in san bernardino, california, an amber alerthas kidnapped her. 24 hours after that amber alert was issued, a gas station worker called 911 after savannah came into the store. they headed back on the road in vehicle matching the description from the amber alert. a short time later, officers from the california highway patrol caught up with the white pickup truck. deputies said the vehicle was traveling upwards of 100 miles per hour. during the chase, police and witnesses who recorded this video say they saw gunshots coming from both drivers and passengers windows. that's still under investigation. the key part of what happened, about 45 minutes into the chase the truck driver drives off the road and attempts to go up an embankment, when it can't make it the truck reverses back, with officers on both sides of the road. all that is popping up on the ground is gunshots. that's when savannah gets out of the car. take a listen. >> shots are fired. shots are fired! continuing to shoot at the deputy. >> he's out. he's out of the passeng
. >> reporter: this all happened back in september 2022 in san bernardino, california, an amber alerthas kidnapped her. 24 hours after that amber alert was issued, a gas station worker called 911 after savannah came into the store. they headed back on the road in vehicle matching the description from the amber alert. a short time later, officers from the california highway patrol caught up with the white pickup truck. deputies said the vehicle was traveling upwards of 100 miles per hour....
Apr 3, 2024
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highly most populated counties in california, and taking a look, fresno county, riverside county, san bernardino and los angeles county all had numbers higher than the 72% that we quoted for the state as a whole. >> angela, we keep hearing, though, from experts as well, who say, you know, the key to treatment here is the user has to want to stop. so what's the key to curbing this trend? where are there enough resources available? >> yeah, you're right, the user does have to want to stop. i think though we can in, as a community, as a society, do a better job at ensuring access to treatment. everyone with substance use disorder treatment deserves the ability to go to recovery and have treatment. the other thing that i would pin out is we can probably do a better job at ensuring that we use the available tools and medications that we have today, mostly aimed at fentanyl, but that we are maxing rising the ability of naloxone to save lives, and medications like methadone and buprenorphine to be used in patients who have long terme disorders. >> serious issue, widespread to angela huskey from millenn
highly most populated counties in california, and taking a look, fresno county, riverside county, san bernardino and los angeles county all had numbers higher than the 72% that we quoted for the state as a whole. >> angela, we keep hearing, though, from experts as well, who say, you know, the key to treatment here is the user has to want to stop. so what's the key to curbing this trend? where are there enough resources available? >> yeah, you're right, the user does have to want to...
Apr 8, 2024
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have dozens of peopople on the terrorist watch list coming across, i will remind everyone that san bernardino, that attack was from the terrorist watch list. pulse nightclub was from the terrorist watch list. and i think schumer is going to regret dismissing these charges. >> todd: if anybody should be sensitive to a terror attack it should be the senior senator from the state of new york. congressman michael waltz, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: it is 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's monday, april 8th. and this is "fox & friends." hello darkness, our old friend. i will spare you the singing. we are hours away from that total solar eclipse and janice dean is live in the direct path of the incredible phenomenon. >> this happening today former president trump set to make a major announcement on the abortion issue. >> lawrence: the faa ashocking video this engine cover ripping apart on a southwest boeing jet. the latest ahead. >> brian: "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your morn
have dozens of peopople on the terrorist watch list coming across, i will remind everyone that san bernardino, that attack was from the terrorist watch list. pulse nightclub was from the terrorist watch list. and i think schumer is going to regret dismissing these charges. >> todd: if anybody should be sensitive to a terror attack it should be the senior senator from the state of new york. congressman michael waltz, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. "fox &...
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a storm is not letting southern california escape winter just yet, and the san bernardino mountains,gh winds are making for treacherous driving conditions. several cars were stranded over the weekend, and now that same system is moving east. today. severe thunderstorms are possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging wind gusts, large hail, and possible tornadoes. flash flood watches are in effect from indiana to west virginia for tonight into tomorrow morning. >> we're about to get another snowpack update. just days after the sierra was hit with back to back storms. tomorrow, scientists will take the official measurement. uc berkeley's snow lab says a little more than 18in fell through saturday night. statewide the snowpack is 107% of normal for this time of year, so pretty close to average. the sierra snowpack is a vital part of california's water supply. by april is a critical time for water managers as they decide how much water will have for the year and if water restrictions might be needed this year. we are not expecting to see any restrictions. >> the heavy rain
a storm is not letting southern california escape winter just yet, and the san bernardino mountains,gh winds are making for treacherous driving conditions. several cars were stranded over the weekend, and now that same system is moving east. today. severe thunderstorms are possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging wind gusts, large hail, and possible tornadoes. flash flood watches are in effect from indiana to west virginia for tonight into tomorrow morning. >> we're...
Apr 1, 2024
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and take a look at this, blizzard-like conditions in the san bernardino mountains trapping dozens ofighway. joining us now, nbc's jesse kirsch, he is in cincinnati this morning. jesse, what are you expecting later today there? >> reporter: jose, good morning. we are watching for the possibility of flooding in this region starting this afternoon following a holiday weekend that was filled with brutal weather. >> this year april showers came early for millions of americans. with torrential rains, gusty winds, and large hail battering parts of the country. in the midwest where the storm is headed next, hail the size of golf balls hitting cars. >> oh, my god, this is so bad. >> reporter: the system brings torrential downpours to california before working its way east. at santa barbara county, some drivers left stranded after severe flooding shut down this stretch of highway. twi la douglas was driving from l.a. when traffic suddenly came to a complete standstill. >> we heard this like raging water sound, and we're like, oh, this is not good at all. >> reporter: parts of the scenic highwa
and take a look at this, blizzard-like conditions in the san bernardino mountains trapping dozens ofighway. joining us now, nbc's jesse kirsch, he is in cincinnati this morning. jesse, what are you expecting later today there? >> reporter: jose, good morning. we are watching for the possibility of flooding in this region starting this afternoon following a holiday weekend that was filled with brutal weather. >> this year april showers came early for millions of americans. with...
Apr 18, 2024
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the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result. but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assemblymember josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansion
the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result. but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes....
eye 142
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it feels like it's going to happen again in the san bernardino mountains. >> snow and high winds makingonditions. numerous vehicles stranded, drivers trying to dig out that same system is now moving east on monday, severe thunderstorms possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging wind gusts, large hail and possible tornadoes. >> our attention turns to the middle of the country as the system slides. a severe thunderstorm threat to the heartland. cities like dallas, tulsa and saint louis on alert for a potential severe weather outbreak. it's going to be a rough start to the workweek for so many. >> later monday evening and into tuesday morning. flash flooding is possible amid heavy rains in parts of the midwest and ohio river valley. flood watch is in effect from indiana to west virginia. alison kosik, abc news , new york well, the heavy rain has closed beaches in los angeles for days now. >> health leaders are worried that all the water washed bad bacteria into the ocean. l.a. county's health department says intense storms like what they saw over the weekend, can wash tons
it feels like it's going to happen again in the san bernardino mountains. >> snow and high winds makingonditions. numerous vehicles stranded, drivers trying to dig out that same system is now moving east on monday, severe thunderstorms possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging wind gusts, large hail and possible tornadoes. >> our attention turns to the middle of the country as the system slides. a severe thunderstorm threat to the heartland. cities like dallas,...
Apr 26, 2024
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other places with cases include los angeles and san diego, as well as cities in orange and san bernardino counties. the ap says it was not able to determine the exact role the injections may have played in the deaths. the idea behind sedation is to calm people who are combative, critics say the practice can be too risky. >> back to that developing story we've been following all morning here in san francisco, as crews now have the upper hand on what was for a time, a raging fire that gutted a four story residential building. the two alarm fire was burning on clay street at lyon, not far from the presidio branch library, the fire department says. when crews arrived, the building was fully engulfed in flames. we spoke live with the captain from the san francisco fire department about the large response and how the weather played a role in the firefight. >> when firefighters arrived, that wind that you just heard about was pushing smoke for blocks. heavy smoke, visibility was very low and it was very dangerous for our firefighters in the wind and in the midst. >> again, at this point, the fir
other places with cases include los angeles and san diego, as well as cities in orange and san bernardino counties. the ap says it was not able to determine the exact role the injections may have played in the deaths. the idea behind sedation is to calm people who are combative, critics say the practice can be too risky. >> back to that developing story we've been following all morning here in san francisco, as crews now have the upper hand on what was for a time, a raging fire that...
Apr 22, 2024
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the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardinoy wants result. but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assembly member josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansion of the california housing accountability uni
the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardinoy wants result. but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless...
Apr 13, 2024
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. >> they went to high school together in the san bernardino mountains, 100 miles from san diego. >> the girl just didn't want to admit to her parents that she is having sex with her boyfriend , so she was going to blame the neighbor, being john. >> she and her circle of friends all believed him. the john gardner they knew was a good friend. always help. he confided in her that he been diagnosed as bipolar. >> he did display the symptoms of it. really high highs and really low lows. and on the occasions he was in a low, he started telling me about some things that happened in his childhood, that a family member had actually molested him. >> they moved to san diego from the mountains in 1998. he was working at a sporting goods store when he was arrested in 2000. he was about to turn 21 and wanted to become a mac teacher. his arrest put an end to those plans. gardner always proclaimed his innocence, but agreed to a plea deal, telling his probation officer three attorneys warned him he would get reamed if you went to trial. but before he was sentenced, the court ordered a forensic psych
. >> they went to high school together in the san bernardino mountains, 100 miles from san diego. >> the girl just didn't want to admit to her parents that she is having sex with her boyfriend , so she was going to blame the neighbor, being john. >> she and her circle of friends all believed him. the john gardner they knew was a good friend. always help. he confided in her that he been diagnosed as bipolar. >> he did display the symptoms of it. really high highs and...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Apr 18, 2024
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i felt terrified, i watch this man's life end the way ryan gainer's life ended in san bernardino.terrified i watch this mans life end the way banko brown was killed downtown. but instead of standing by me and handful of people there stepped to help de-escalate. we kept a eye on him until the cops lost interest. in all that time not a single police officer stepped into try to help. i know like so many san francisco residents and workers for us to be safe this city needs to invest in care. we are here because we want a city that cares about every single one of us. last year when we grieved cups to service across the board and sfpd budget grew from $60 million, we knew we would be here with you in a year to demand that the future would look different. we refuse to allow the sfpd to rob us. when i say us i say lavender phoenix community and every single program and service that you as supervisors care about. we demand 50 percent of the budget be redirected and we will be here week after week, month after month building our people tower until it is done. thank you. >> thank you for you
i felt terrified, i watch this man's life end the way ryan gainer's life ended in san bernardino.terrified i watch this mans life end the way banko brown was killed downtown. but instead of standing by me and handful of people there stepped to help de-escalate. we kept a eye on him until the cops lost interest. in all that time not a single police officer stepped into try to help. i know like so many san francisco residents and workers for us to be safe this city needs to invest in care. we are...
Apr 1, 2024
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this was the scene in san bernardino mountains, cars stuck amid blizzard-like conditions. >> and all of this is making its way across the country, nearly 40 million facing some kind of severe weather today. as mentioned, al does have the full forecast in a moment. let's get to nbc's jesse kirsch in cincinnati this morning, one of the many cities bracing for severe weather today, jesse, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning, we're watching for the possibility of flooding, starting with a holiday weekend that was filled with brutal weather. this year, april showers came only for millions of americans, with torrential rain, gusty winds, and large hail, battering parts of the country. in the midwest, where the storm is headed next -- hail the size of golf balls hitting cars. >> oh, my god, this is so bad. >> reporter: the system bringing torrential downpours to california before working its way east. in santa barbara county some drivers left stranded after severe flooding shut down this stretch of highway. twyla douglas was driving from l.a. when traffic suddenly came to a co
this was the scene in san bernardino mountains, cars stuck amid blizzard-like conditions. >> and all of this is making its way across the country, nearly 40 million facing some kind of severe weather today. as mentioned, al does have the full forecast in a moment. let's get to nbc's jesse kirsch in cincinnati this morning, one of the many cities bracing for severe weather today, jesse, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning, we're watching for the possibility of flooding,...
Apr 23, 2024
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distribuidas en usÍa vez como chicago, dallas,fresno, houston, orlando, phoenix, sacramento, san bernardinos sencillos. más breyers, más bueno. i think i'm going to do grand canyon university's online program and get my master's degree. trata de llevar a tu familia en el corazón y lograrás lo que tu quieres. estoy muy orgullosa de ti. find your purpose at gcu. ¡hola! soy tu piel seca. todos los días pierdo las ceramidas que necesito para mantenerme hidratada. cerave aporta tres ceramidas esenciales que ayudan a restaurar mi barrera, para retener la hidratación y lucir saludable. lociones hidratantes faciales cerave. nexium 24 h ...previene la acidez estomacal antes de que comience. para todo el día... ...y prevenir la acidez estomacal durante toda la noche... ...con solo una pastilla al día. elige prevenir la acidez elige nexium ¡encuentra los epic deals por tiempo limitado en kohl's! e hay camisetas para laz familia a 7.99 y menos. sandalias para todos a 29.99 y menos. y muebles de patio de sonoma goods for life a 30% menos! ¡además, gana kohl's cash! solo esta semana en kohl's. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
distribuidas en usÍa vez como chicago, dallas,fresno, houston, orlando, phoenix, sacramento, san bernardinos sencillos. más breyers, más bueno. i think i'm going to do grand canyon university's online program and get my master's degree. trata de llevar a tu familia en el corazón y lograrás lo que tu quieres. estoy muy orgullosa de ti. find your purpose at gcu. ¡hola! soy tu piel seca. todos los días pierdo las ceramidas que necesito para mantenerme hidratada. cerave aporta tres ceramidas...
Apr 2, 2024
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desaparecidos por veinticuatro horas son vistos y son rodeados por elementos del alguacil del condado de san bernardinoa los estudios. satcha: gracias por estos detalles. la muerte de una mujer durante una cirugÍa plÁstica aumenta el debate en torno a un cambio de leyes. se permite que doctores practiquen en cualquier Área de la medicina si lo hacen de manera competente. en este caso un pediatra provocarle una liposucciÓn. dulce castellanos tiene los detalles. no mujer de veintiocho aÑos se sometiÓ a una liposucciÓn en una clÍnica donde un pediatra le habÍa intentado la cirugÍa. se ordena la suspensiÓn de la licencia mÉdica. >> tenemos que tener mucha precauciÓn si tenemos una persona que no estÁ certificada o que no tiene experiencia es importante preguntar todas estas cosas. >> en california los mÉdicos pueden practicar en cualquier Área de la medicina si lo hacen de manera competente. muchos buscan ampliar su prÁctica al campo cosmÉtico que es lucrativo. un estudio nacional de 2015 e revelÓ que el 12% de mÉdicos que se promocionaban como cirujanos estÉticos ejerciÓ fuera de su especializaciÓn. >> mu
desaparecidos por veinticuatro horas son vistos y son rodeados por elementos del alguacil del condado de san bernardinoa los estudios. satcha: gracias por estos detalles. la muerte de una mujer durante una cirugÍa plÁstica aumenta el debate en torno a un cambio de leyes. se permite que doctores practiquen en cualquier Área de la medicina si lo hacen de manera competente. en este caso un pediatra provocarle una liposucciÓn. dulce castellanos tiene los detalles. no mujer de veintiocho aÑos...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Apr 16, 2024
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i felt terrified, i watch this man's life end the way ryan gainer's life ended in san bernardino.terrified i watch this mans life end the way banko brown was killed downtown. but instead of standing by me and handful of people there stepped to help de-escalate. we kept a eye on him until the cops lost interest. in all that time not a single police officer stepped into try to help. i know like so many san francisco residents and workers for us to be safe this city needs to invest in care. we are here because we want a city that cares about every single one of us. last year when we grieved cups to service across the board and sfpd budget grew from $60 million, we knew we would be here with you in a year to demand that the future would look different. we refuse to allow the sfpd to rob us. when i say us i say lavender phoenix community and every single program and service that you as supervisors care about. we demand 50 percent of the budget be redirected and we will be here week after week, month after month building our people tower until it is done. thank you. >> thank you for you
i felt terrified, i watch this man's life end the way ryan gainer's life ended in san bernardino.terrified i watch this mans life end the way banko brown was killed downtown. but instead of standing by me and handful of people there stepped to help de-escalate. we kept a eye on him until the cops lost interest. in all that time not a single police officer stepped into try to help. i know like so many san francisco residents and workers for us to be safe this city needs to invest in care. we are...
Apr 17, 2024
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growth of a global terrorist movement that struck my home city and state of new york, orlando, and san bernardinoas well as paris and brussels and barcelona. and yes, i agree, we absolutely need to help iraq find alternative sources of energy besides iran. but it's simply not true that iran is filling its coffers with payments from iraq. there are roughly $10 billion in iraqi payments for iranian electricity being held in escrow. and only very small portions of the money have been transferred to an account, and to which the united states has oversight. and iran can only access that account to purchase humanitarian goods like food or medicine. none of the funds, zero, nada of the funds are going to nefarious purposes. again, we are talking about soma difference. we don't care about humanitarian causes and humanitarian aid and things of that nature. i know my side of the aisle does. human life, innocent, human life is very important. and it's also how you show what our values are. this bill would risk our ability to have oversight and control of the $6 billion in iranian funds we are monitoring in
growth of a global terrorist movement that struck my home city and state of new york, orlando, and san bernardinoas well as paris and brussels and barcelona. and yes, i agree, we absolutely need to help iraq find alternative sources of energy besides iran. but it's simply not true that iran is filling its coffers with payments from iraq. there are roughly $10 billion in iraqi payments for iranian electricity being held in escrow. and only very small portions of the money have been transferred...
Apr 12, 2024
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and i fear we're about to suffer another attack like san bernardino, like pulse nightclub, or god forbid 9/11. and equally concerning, the fastest growing group entering through our southern border is now through china, our number one adversary, over 24,000 chinese nationals have been apprehended at the southern border just in the last year. of the 1.3 million illegal immigrants with deportation orders are over 100,000 of chinese nationals. the american people expect us to use every tool we legally can. every intelligence piece of equipment and every database we can to protect us against foreigners who would mean us harm. mr. speaker, we have these tools. we have reformed the abuses of these tools. and we have to allow our national security professionals to have the best information possible to keep americans safe. we can't wait until there's another attack and then throw up our hands in this body and say why didn't we stop it? i am astounded, frankly, that anyone, any republican would oppose this amendment after we have been here time and time again saying we have to protect our border,
and i fear we're about to suffer another attack like san bernardino, like pulse nightclub, or god forbid 9/11. and equally concerning, the fastest growing group entering through our southern border is now through china, our number one adversary, over 24,000 chinese nationals have been apprehended at the southern border just in the last year. of the 1.3 million illegal immigrants with deportation orders are over 100,000 of chinese nationals. the american people expect us to use every tool we...