as soon as you pass through claremont you arrive at san bernardino county. >> we have the american enterprise institute, somebody we know quite well in washington d.c.. this is what you write. this is what he writes. he writes conservative intellectuals in particular are in eclipse at the moment. the leading figures on the right tend to be the media celebrities of talk radio and cable tv and make up in decibels what they lack in rigor and depth. we have created bill buckley for glen beck, irvin crystal for and coulter. >> there's a lot of truth to that diagnosis. conservatism has always been an elite intellectual movement, and popular movement. it became popular beginning in the 1916s with the election of ronald reagan and the aftermath of that. bill buckley himself was famous for saying he would rather be gathered by the first two hundred thousand names in the boston telephone directories and the faculty of harvard university. that was not on his part and undiscriminating populism. in those circumstances in the 1950s and 60s and still true today there is more common sense and more good sense