what are weaknesses san fiers say and vulnerabilities. i don't say that to dismiss but to complicate. i pick them because they were different tin the extent to that day were a typical and it was embedded at the core of their identity. and as intellectuals with a coherent system of ideas. and then they just see a little bit and that complicated system. went those that needed to believe passionately tickets is the extent beyond what we experience and that was not very appealing to them to become good liberals. newt had contempt for that person for liberals. >>. >> to some extent it depends like the person and. lithos temperaments the best example of that is whitaker chambers where hair is greatest commitment is dead christianity. and have more space to be more human there of marxism. and that is so profound a does not seem any more. the last book is about how content he is and it's clear that isn't true. but to make it more interesting than of their right to a proposal that depends. thanks for coming now. i am happy to sign books. feel free