and i key part will be the financing and patrick along with the san francisco apartment association and dbi, are hosting this special workshop at fort mason on october 23rd. and so, if any of you have time, that is between 6:00 and 8:00. in the evening. and a number of financial institutions will be there to essentially advice building owners what options they might have in order to manage the retrofitting cost. and the only other thing that i guess that i will report on is the we did make a presentation last week, at the government audit and over site committee, this is the committee that looks at all of the grand jury reports and as you know, we turned ours into the presiding judge on time and i have not had any communications from the court, relative to that, but, the board committee did make some recommendations in his resolution, and essentially, following up, again, on our bpr program. and which i believe that you may remember from our own response, that the director is planning to reconvene, the steering committee, and to take a look and see where exactly we are in the inplimenta