san francisco to enter into a housing assistance payment contract with mercy housing of california for the housing project located at 607th street for a total not to exceed 23 project based vouchers and item nine e resolution approving and authorizing the chief executive officer of the housing authority of the city and county of san francisco to enter into amendment number one to contract 20 dash 0008 with mrs. jeanie o'connell or mdo for financial audit services to ratify exercising the option for year four for 2023 exercise the action for your five for 2024 and increase the contract amount for an additional $400,202 for years one and two from 2020 and 2021 year four 2023 year five 2024 for audit services with a cumulative not to exceed value of the contract for $938,382. >> what can i do for any of these items for further discussion just one quick question just to reconfirm that item c regarding d c construction for capital improvement of vacant units that was discussed in substance committee, correct? >> yes. great. thank you. if there's no additional commissioners comment on the consent agenda we can open for public comment that we can close off a comment and ask for a motion for approval