we're going to bring up from chinese progressive association of san francisco joyce lam, and we're going to bring up one of our residents, miss janice smith. >> i'm the district 10 youth commissioner. there's another youth commissioner here, too. where'd crystal go? when crystal comes up, she's a youth commissioner. any way, i'm here to take a pledge, but before i do -- >> speak louder. >> i want to mention a piece that i feel like hasn't been mentioned. using social media as a tool to do harm is still hurtful. that's not acceptable, either. we need to make sure that when we come together as a community, we do it, like, wholeheartedly, and we do it across all things that we can connect with. that includes school, social media, and anywhere you encounter people. including the park, i heard mentioned. so let's not hurt other young people outside that day just because they happened to be in the neighborhood when something bad happened. with that, i pledge to support cross cultural education wherever i can, and i'm definitely going to push on the elected officials out here to make sure that