. >> resolution approving an updated emergency declaration of the san francisco public utilitieses commission to repair the southeast treatment plant final effluent force main for a total estimated cost not to exceed $6.250 million. >> and i think we have michael tran here. >> that's correct. good morning, supervisors. members of the budgets and finance committee, clerk of the board. i'm a project manager with the san francisco public utilities commission. specifically for the southeast outfall crossing emergency bypass. i'm here today to present this project as related to the initial emergency declaration presented here january 2019. i'd like to direct your attention to the powerpoint presentation. as a broad overview, this is a picture of the booster pump station that will be geting into more detail. i'd first like the start off with a little bit of background for the project site and a project location. the booster pump station is located at 3rd and arthur, approximately 3 1/2 miles south of oracle park, 1 1/2 miles south of the new chase stadium located in at 3rd and arthur in district 10