in response to the "san francisco quanis," article, the student went on to describe the activities that would be in the physical education class. the students and of spoken tonight have made a number of comments about only having to do activities i am capable of doing, not being the person i would be without jrotc. how do you know? how do you know you are not the person you would have been? again, we are talking flawed logic. the difference between graduating and flunking out, that speaks to motivation. its students are motivated to get an education, they will, so i think they need to get the education that the state of california set down for them. thank you. >> good evening. i am a physical educator with the san francisco unified school district. i am here because i and many of my colleagues are greatly concerned about giving pe credit for jrotc. it does not fulfill the state requirement. unfortunately, the contract set forth with independent study. most schools is not being followed. these students are not hitting all of the content standards that they are supposed to, and they shoul