i'm a member of san francisco transit riders union and also a small business person who happens to be at polk and market. and prior to that i was at mason and market. so, i've had a long time on market street as both a pedestrian and mostly pedestrian and a transit user. and i wanted to point out, i depth hear this when i was listening to comments from my work ~ didn't that the buses go 5 to 6 miles an hour on this corridor. that is even fuller than our average and we are the slowest transit system in the united states of america, if not the world. so, i think we do really do need to think about the transit and how we can make these trips go a little bit faster in an easy, easy way to do that is to continue what's been a successful pilot is to make more cars off of market and those cars have not caused congestion in places where those cars have actually, to some extent, as jane jacobs talked about in her last book, disappeared, which is very interesting. i also want to point out we call holiday plaza the pit when i was there when i worked at mason and market. it was the pit, it was a