at the san francisco war memorial greenroom. we will be there with 20 other agencies to ensure there is good information on the procurements happening in the region. thank you. >> chair peskin: any questions for our executive director or public comment on the item? public comment is closed. mr. clerk please read consent agenda. >> clerk: five to seven were approved and are for final approval. they are routine. staff is not planning to present. it will present if desired. if any member objects they may be removed and presented separately. >> chair peskin: any public comment? seeing none it is closed. a roll call please on the consent agenda. >> could we get pay motion? >> motion by commissioner fewer, and commissioner yee. (roll call). >> clerk: we have final approval. >> chair peskin: next item please. >> clerk: authorize executive director to execute agreements and documents required for utilities and right-of-way property acquisition for yerba buena island south gate road realignment improvements project including offers to pu