. >> i'm fortunate enough to be at san frisco middle school for the last 10 years. project-based learning is at the heart of best of education. this middle school redesign will allow us to pursue that and to engage. it will allow us to work more closely with our colleagues that are working on studies as well as working with our colleagues in e.l. departments and special ed department. i will give you a quick anecdote. this past winter, students in my class, which is the english class, read novels and then did studies on genocide. , light topic. the kids chose genocide that matched their own ethnic background or or interests. they then researched books and very little teaching from me were going on. they were driven. one student read five books because nobody taught her about being vietnamese and what it meant. they turned the study into research which was all project-based learning into documentary films. which would blow you away. they are amazing. they learned in very brief period of time how to edit the film and edit sound and they wrote scripts. they did everyth