that is from the san jaoquin river. i'd like to have my comments spoken while i try to portray this image right here. this is going to be hard. this doesn't go to my time. long story short, i'm going to pull this up. as a visual story telling educator for eight years i've been doing organizing around protecting the watershed that you folks will have decisions to make today. i represented the san jaoquin river at the u.n. climate negotiations in germany, ma rocco and during the paris agreement and i implore you, to first of all acknowledge the excess ability of these meetings. as a person of color, someone who grew up in one of the poorest cities and one of the most illiterate cities in the country, it's really, really important that these, the intellectual conversations that are happening include people that are directly effected by this process. myself being one of those people. i also would like to bring up some thoughts that, you folks, as the commission, and being contextualized in the state of california, have a re