there was a job fair june 30th, in san lleandro and we engaged 30 candidates and offered career advice on-the-job application process and basically promoting san francisco as the employer of choice. additional job fares, we also attended the san francisco mayor committee for employment of persons with disabilities on march 18th. and we engaged with about 28 different candidates at our table again offering career advice and encouraging individuals to apply and also offering advice on the process. thank you. >> i was going to to ask you, mr. wong, do you know how many people have applied through rule 115 since june of last year? >> i don't have that figure yet, but i can look into it. >> i know in the draft borrow -- brochures for as well as community and city government. do you know how many community based organizations are on that list? >> i would have to look at that. i don't have that offhand. >> thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. >> now, carla johnson who has been the driving task force for the mayor's office on disabilities. >> thank you, chair mar and supervisor ch