Jul 15, 2012
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. >> el pasado sÁbado en un local comercial en la ciudad es san luis arizona al inspecciÓn aro un vehÍculovino oÍ antes que el cartel lo pudiera utilizar. >> contaba con sistema de ventilaciÓn y paredes de madera, diciembre que se tardaron un aÑo de construir. >> la frontera de arizona es el Área de responsabilidad del cartel de silanoa y tenemos idea que es del chapo guzmÁn y su organizaciÓn, hasta el momento se han arrestado a 3 personas ligado a esto y no se descarta que hayan mÁs tÚneles como este. >> dicen que hay mÁs de 89 tÚneles en la frontera, desde san luis univisiÓn. >> el gobierno jerry bronw firÓo una ley que le permitirÍa a los que manejan enviar mensaje y hablar a los que manejan, a partir del primero de enero del 2013 si es que ocupan manos libres. >> legiÓns de bomberos continÚan o combatiendo con las llamas, ya a consumido mÁs de 1500 acres. >> el calentamiento global fue vinculado al riesgo de fenÓmenos extremos y antonio valverde nos cuenta sobre esto. >> (habla en inglÉs) >> el res plannplandor causado a tormenta solar se encuentra de camino ala tierra. >> podria afect
. >> el pasado sÁbado en un local comercial en la ciudad es san luis arizona al inspecciÓn aro un vehÍculovino oÍ antes que el cartel lo pudiera utilizar. >> contaba con sistema de ventilaciÓn y paredes de madera, diciembre que se tardaron un aÑo de construir. >> la frontera de arizona es el Área de responsabilidad del cartel de silanoa y tenemos idea que es del chapo guzmÁn y su organizaciÓn, hasta el momento se han arrestado a 3 personas ligado a esto y no se...
Jul 28, 2012
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. >>> el presidente de san luis, borja dijo que no serÁn mas gladiadores sino los reales.o arrojÓ objetos, introdujo pancartas y bombas de humo. este fin de semana tendremos banquete por univisiÓn, el sÁbado podran ver amÉrica jaguares, san luis- cruz azul. el domingo serÁ pumas- querÉtaro por univisiÓn. el argentino mascherano llegÓ a un acuerdo con el barcelona. el club espaÑol asegurÓ que tenÍa intenciÓn de ampliar su compromiso con el jugador argentino. y cerramos con la asociaciÓn inglesa de fÚtbol, dijo que terry abusÓ de un oponente con indicaciones racistas en octubre pasado. >>> esta noche mÁs en "contacto deportivo." y recuerden que para mÁs informaciÓn en univision deportes. com. seguimos con mÁs de "primer impacto." ♪ >>> y la cantante carmen jara probarÁ suerte en ¿quiÉn tiene la razÓn? por telefutura. veamos un adelanto. >>> no le tengas miedo al chile... >>> no que no tronabas pistolita? >>> casos mÁs atrevidos, y divertidos. ♪ ♪ ¿quiÉn tiene la razÓn? ♪ busquemos la soluciÓn ♪ abre tu corazÓn ♪ >>> me encanta y aquÍ estÁ carmen jara lista. ¿cÓmo se da esta
. >>> el presidente de san luis, borja dijo que no serÁn mas gladiadores sino los reales.o arrojÓ objetos, introdujo pancartas y bombas de humo. este fin de semana tendremos banquete por univisiÓn, el sÁbado podran ver amÉrica jaguares, san luis- cruz azul. el domingo serÁ pumas- querÉtaro por univisiÓn. el argentino mascherano llegÓ a un acuerdo con el barcelona. el club espaÑol asegurÓ que tenÍa intenciÓn de ampliar su compromiso con el jugador argentino. y cerramos con...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >> después el empate de campos, al medio tiempo el 2do y silva da la victoria al san luis . >> 14étaro descuenta con landin . >> león a los 58 el ave , blanco gol de dorados . >> después mena pone el 2 a 0 , brito desconto . >> rodríguez puede estar fuera hasta septiembre . >> el californiano chávez cerrara la vacante . >> ramirez canjeado por los marilns, pasa a las fila de los dodgers de los Ángeles . >> 8mn . >> estados unidos gano a francia . >> para más información univisióndeportes.com . >> para muchos el alcalde de nueva york desata polémica, hará encuesta para saber los consumos de alcohol . >> que viene después? . >> el alcohol puede ser el siguiente objetivo del alcalde de nueva york que quiere mejorar la salud . >> no el alcohol es difícil pero la comida tiene sentido . >> el no puede prohibir . >> preparan encuesta con preguntas para conocer los patrones de abuso . >> la ciudad hace cuestionarios de salud pero por las iniciativas que ha hecho , hacer más control no sorprende a nadie . >> el tempa de la libertad es polémico para nosotros como compañía somos responsables
. >> después el empate de campos, al medio tiempo el 2do y silva da la victoria al san luis . >> 14étaro descuenta con landin . >> león a los 58 el ave , blanco gol de dorados . >> después mena pone el 2 a 0 , brito desconto . >> rodríguez puede estar fuera hasta septiembre . >> el californiano chávez cerrara la vacante . >> ramirez canjeado por los marilns, pasa a las fila de los dodgers de los Ángeles . >> 8mn . >> estados unidos...
Jul 27, 2012
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hay 30 estados afectados a causa de la sequía, los estados más afectados son coahuila, zacatecas y san luisrlo de 165, 170 kilos, entonces hay pérdida también. >>> según los pronósticos, aun quedan seis meses más de sequía. >>>e n méxico, la comisión nacional de derechos humanos dice que alrededor del 70% de los ataques contra periodistas en ese país quedan en la impunidad, el informe revela que alrededor de 82 periodistas han sido atacados, además de 22 ataques contra oficinas de medios y prensa, además en 1 de cada 10 casos el caso termina en sentencia. >>> raúl castro dice que si estados unidos quiere hablar con cuba de igual a igual , la mesa está servida, pero un portavoz dijo que para que eso ocurra, la habana tiene que excarcelar a los presos políticos >>> monto de nuestra última pausa, y al regresar sepa quiénes son los atletas mejor pagados en londres. >>> antes sus comentarios de facebook y twitter ♪. ♪. >>> bueno, hace algunos años los atletas que iban a los juegos olímpicos la tradición eran que fueran amaterus, pero la cosa ha cambiado y hoy en día el ideal olímpico tiene millo
hay 30 estados afectados a causa de la sequía, los estados más afectados son coahuila, zacatecas y san luisrlo de 165, 170 kilos, entonces hay pérdida también. >>> según los pronósticos, aun quedan seis meses más de sequía. >>>e n méxico, la comisión nacional de derechos humanos dice que alrededor del 70% de los ataques contra periodistas en ese país quedan en la impunidad, el informe revela que alrededor de 82 periodistas han sido atacados, además de 22 ataques...
Jul 22, 2012
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gallos blancos de querétaro, cruz azul y monarcas empataron sin goles juega en este momento américa y san luisor cinco >>dodgers en la gran manzana, gran tarde para el gigante, terminaban con victoria ocho carreras por cinco. >> es todo, le deseo una feliz tarde. >> rescate impresionante vio un chofer en china, salió despedido de su caseta y estaba a punto de caer al vacio luego de tres horas de intentar rescatarlo, logran salvarlo ahí l
gallos blancos de querétaro, cruz azul y monarcas empataron sin goles juega en este momento américa y san luisor cinco >>dodgers en la gran manzana, gran tarde para el gigante, terminaban con victoria ocho carreras por cinco. >> es todo, le deseo una feliz tarde. >> rescate impresionante vio un chofer en china, salió despedido de su caseta y estaba a punto de caer al vacio luego de tres horas de intentar rescatarlo, logran salvarlo ahí l
Jul 8, 2012
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eléctrica >>preocupados trabajadores van puer a puerta vericando la seguridad de lesidentes otroaso en san luise víctima de l calor. rsonas mayores y niños son los más vulnerables, se recomienda beber líquido en abundaia y permanecer en la sombra el calor puede provocar agotamiento. hoy es el d donde se superó los cien grados, alerta n 22 estados, filelfiawashington , baltimore >>en washington se ha advertido una advertencia por la cálidad lugares donde no se ha so en reestablecido electricidad, tras tormenta que la semana pasada dejaron cientos de hogar sin energí sin embargo seesperan tormentas por un frente que llegará de canadá >>hace muchos años que no se sentía un calor hou >desde 1936 >>del intenso calr pasamos a torrenciales lluvias, colorado, wyomi colorado spring, alertas de inundación hasta la mañan del domingo y tormentas eléctricas mineapolis tormentas eléctricas imáges que vemosertenencen a los numerosos ray caídos alí >>el clima también causa estragos en otr lugares del mundo 100 cadaveres son recuperados en m negro en rusia ,miles lo han perdi todo,numerosas autopista bajo el aa
eléctrica >>preocupados trabajadores van puer a puerta vericando la seguridad de lesidentes otroaso en san luise víctima de l calor. rsonas mayores y niños son los más vulnerables, se recomienda beber líquido en abundaia y permanecer en la sombra el calor puede provocar agotamiento. hoy es el d donde se superó los cien grados, alerta n 22 estados, filelfiawashington , baltimore >>en washington se ha advertido una advertencia por la cálidad lugares donde no se ha so en...
Jul 8, 2012
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y otro caso fue en san luis donde un niÑo de 8 aÑos habrÍa muerto.los mÁs vulnerables, serecomienda beber lÍquidos. >>> se recomienda beberstas bebidas que son dedorpes. >>> el verano estÁ que arde, y la combinaÓn de altas temperaturas y humedad puede causar proemas. y si de romper el rÉcord se trata hoy es el dÍa,ay alerta de calor en 22 estados de la costa este de estados unidos, incluyendo philadelphia, washington. y el calor se hace mÁs inteo en varios estados donde todavÍa no se restableciÓ la electricidad. >>> las temperatura se mantendrÁn altas, aune disminuirÁ progresivamente. y se espera un frente frÍo, y como ves, fÉlix, todavÍa queda tomar mucha precauciÓn. >>> muchas gracias. y para conocer mÁs estamos con stefani. >>> buenas noches. y el calor excesivo es la causa nÚmero 1 de muerte en estados unidosrelacionado con el tiempo. y tambiÉnobra mÁs vidas que inundaciones, relÁmpagos y tornados, en 1980 mÁs de 1250 personas murieron por calor. 700 muertes.biÉn le atribuyeron resomienda tener precauciÓn para evitar la extenuaciÓn, y manteniende
y otro caso fue en san luis donde un niÑo de 8 aÑos habrÍa muerto.los mÁs vulnerables, serecomienda beber lÍquidos. >>> se recomienda beberstas bebidas que son dedorpes. >>> el verano estÁ que arde, y la combinaÓn de altas temperaturas y humedad puede causar proemas. y si de romper el rÉcord se trata hoy es el dÍa,ay alerta de calor en 22 estados de la costa este de estados unidos, incluyendo philadelphia, washington. y el calor se hace mÁs inteo en varios estados...
Jul 21, 2012
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. >> bienvenido a cruz azul y monarca, monterrey al américa, santo con san luis, atlas con pumas, domingo a los phoenix . >> y anoto los gigante ganaron séptima 2 . >> okland, atleticos recibieron a los yankees, más duro el bate para angesl, atleticos terminaban con la victoria. >> soy willyam bonilla. >> gracias . >> al fin llegó el fin de semana . >> guillermo quiroz con el reporte del tiempo . >> que tal amigos, muy buenas noches. es noche de viernes, pan los que están festajando, esta excelentes condicones, asi calorcito para nosotros, en especial san josé . >> la capa marina va para partes altas. >> vamos a ver las temperaturas . >> 54°, oklan 55, napas 50,noches más frescas, el calor se siente más intenso en el interior, modesto con 60, así que favio se fue por completo, recuerde que llegaron 3 tormenta tropical, en julio situación extraña para san francisco 63, en los valles, temperaturas de hasta 100°, tenga buen fin de semana , pasela bien, nos vemos el próximo lunes . >> (♪ ♪) . >> (♪ ♪) . >> los casos de tosferina van en aumento en estados unidos, alcanzaron los índices más alt
. >> bienvenido a cruz azul y monarca, monterrey al américa, santo con san luis, atlas con pumas, domingo a los phoenix . >> y anoto los gigante ganaron séptima 2 . >> okland, atleticos recibieron a los yankees, más duro el bate para angesl, atleticos terminaban con la victoria. >> soy willyam bonilla. >> gracias . >> al fin llegó el fin de semana . >> guillermo quiroz con el reporte del tiempo . >> que tal amigos, muy buenas noches. es noche...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jul 15, 2012
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that are currently being sued by the save the plastic bag coalition is santa cruz, san francisco, san luis obispo, and san diego county. i've been pisa the only active cases i know of at the moment. frankly, i think some cities have settled, because they do not have the resources to litigate. we are somewhat more confident in our design of the legislation. we think we will be successful. commissioner ortiz: i want to thank you for your outreach, but i went on your website, and they were all tuesday morning, so if you can change that. a lot of
that are currently being sued by the save the plastic bag coalition is santa cruz, san francisco, san luis obispo, and san diego county. i've been pisa the only active cases i know of at the moment. frankly, i think some cities have settled, because they do not have the resources to litigate. we are somewhat more confident in our design of the legislation. we think we will be successful. commissioner ortiz: i want to thank you for your outreach, but i went on your website, and they were all...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jul 11, 2012
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that are currently being sued by the save the plastic bag coalition is santa cruz, san francisco, san luis obispo, and san diego county. i've been pisa the only active cases i know of at the moment. frankly, i think some cities have settled, because they do not have the resources to litigate. we are somewhat more confident in our design of the legislation. we think we will be successful. commissioner ortiz: i want to thank you for your outreach, but i went on your website, and they were all tuesday morning, so if you can change that. a lot of the ones that i deal with, evening is the best, so if you could change that which your outreach, that would really help out, but the rest is fine. these are tuesday mornings. make it a thursday evening or a wednesday evening. that would really, really help out. >> we have heard that. i think it is great to acknowledge that. commissioner ortiz: thank you. president adams: public comment. do we have any public comment on item 7? seeing none, public comment is closed. any other commissioner comments? great. thank you, and thank you for your outreach. >>
that are currently being sued by the save the plastic bag coalition is santa cruz, san francisco, san luis obispo, and san diego county. i've been pisa the only active cases i know of at the moment. frankly, i think some cities have settled, because they do not have the resources to litigate. we are somewhat more confident in our design of the legislation. we think we will be successful. commissioner ortiz: i want to thank you for your outreach, but i went on your website, and they were all...
Jul 17, 2012
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. >>> flames have prompted evacuation orders for about 50 homes in san luis obispo county. the fire spread out to 640 acres now. they say it's 30% contained with full containment expected storm morning. no word on how the fire started. >>> a teenage the girl and a man in his early 20s are dead after a mass shooting at a toronto barbecue. police say hundreds of young people were at the barbecue when the fire broke out. it 19 other people were wounded. some were trampled in the commotion. pun person has been -- one person has been arrested. >>> in turkey, no one was hurt after a big fire at a 42-foot building in istanbul. the building is made up of apartments and offices. hun yesterday were quickly evacuated -- hundreds were evacuated yesterday. >>> a public hearing will be held to discuss a management plan at ocean beach. excess sand at the northern end is about 14 feet deep. the meet something at 6:00 p.m. at the you a united culture center -- at the united cultural center. >>> outside our doors, we're cool, cloudy, damp. the marine layer about 4,000 feet deep. that's deep.
. >>> flames have prompted evacuation orders for about 50 homes in san luis obispo county. the fire spread out to 640 acres now. they say it's 30% contained with full containment expected storm morning. no word on how the fire started. >>> a teenage the girl and a man in his early 20s are dead after a mass shooting at a toronto barbecue. police say hundreds of young people were at the barbecue when the fire broke out. it 19 other people were wounded. some were trampled in the...
Jul 25, 2012
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y en kansas city hacia memphis, con el Índice de calor se sienten en san luis como si estuvieran loss temperaturas agradables y el termÓmetro marcn 61. esto es todo de mi acto (parte.@ >>> y estÁ con nosotrosunivisio. >>> y los yankees y sus marlins. aquÍ les tengo las noticias. >>> les tengo malas noticias para la fanaticada de los yankees, un pelotazo dejounivn@o los yallos recibiÓ a corre caminos, y aquÍ a los 49 minutos. y golazo, y aquÍ roberto con el segundo. y querÉtaro descontÓ por conducto de luis. y aquÍ apareciÓ cuauhtÉmoc blancoer impacto (m-f)univisionp y (m-f)univision@@primer impaÁ paraision@@primer impacto (m-f)p yer imp siganm- por univisiÓn d mÁs de la (m-f) copaunivision@@s n@@primer impacto (m-f)univisio) m mpactor loser impacto (m-f)univ de los dogers de los Ángeles.un >>> y en el fÚtbol olÍmpico, estados unidos venciÓ a francia. brasil 5 contra camerÚn. recuerde que para mÁs univisiÓn deportes. com. >>> gracias, mpacto (m-f)univis bloomberg sigue desatando polÉmica, ahora quiere hacer una encuesta para conocer los detalles de consumo de alcohol. >>> las bebidas
y en kansas city hacia memphis, con el Índice de calor se sienten en san luis como si estuvieran loss temperaturas agradables y el termÓmetro marcn 61. esto es todo de mi acto (parte.@ >>> y estÁ con nosotrosunivisio. >>> y los yankees y sus marlins. aquÍ les tengo las noticias. >>> les tengo malas noticias para la fanaticada de los yankees, un pelotazo dejounivn@o los yallos recibiÓ a corre caminos, y aquÍ a los 49 minutos. y golazo, y aquÍ roberto con el...
Jul 19, 2012
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it started monday, forcing the evacuation of about 50 homes in a rural area near san luis obispo. the fire was started by someone clearing weeds with a lawn mower. no buildings burned. one firefight suffered minor injuries. >>> temperatures were slightly warmer out there this afternoon. our inland valleys were back in the upper 70s and low 80s in places like fairfield. 81 in napa, 60s along the coastline, and 70s in the south bay. it's going to get warmer in the next few days. tomorrow, we'll start the day with foggy conditions, it will be warmer away from the coastline into the 80s in many places. friday, less fog, and continued warming. same thing saturday with very little fog expected. outside, we've been getting clipped with some high cloud coverage along san jose and also through the livermore valley. this is monsoonal moisture. it happens typically this time of year around the four corners region, but it's moving through california right now. this should pass through as we head into tomorrow afternoon. fog will look like this for the morning, fog through the south of the gol
it started monday, forcing the evacuation of about 50 homes in a rural area near san luis obispo. the fire was started by someone clearing weeds with a lawn mower. no buildings burned. one firefight suffered minor injuries. >>> temperatures were slightly warmer out there this afternoon. our inland valleys were back in the upper 70s and low 80s in places like fairfield. 81 in napa, 60s along the coastline, and 70s in the south bay. it's going to get warmer in the next few days....
Jul 12, 2012
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. >> segÚn el consulado de honduras en san luis potosÍ a mÁs tardar la prÓxima semana serÁn enviadosuna de las llamadas marchas blancas que exige que se respete la decisiÓn de asamblea... la crisis comenzÓ cuando tres diputados nombraron una corte paralela por estar en desacuerdo con las decisiones que tomaban magistrados del tribunal supremo. >> con esto vamos a una pausa pero en instantes el polÉmico alguacil joe arpaio podrÍa estar en la mira de un posible atentado. >> la muralla de seguridad se alista para proteger londres >> la muralla de seguridad se alista para proteger londres durante los juegos olÍ [ locutor] el nuevo degree con la tecnología motionsense, es el único antiperspirante que responde directamente al movimiento. ♪ entre más te mueves, más trabaja. ♪ degree, no te abandona. seguimos en arizona donde audio redes informaron haber descubierto que tres reos hispanos de cÁrceles de maxima seguridad tenÍan planes de asesinar a un compaÑero de prisiÓn y al condado de maricopa joe arpaio, pertenecen a la mafia mexicana y que el tercero es miembro de una pandilla, uno de lo
. >> segÚn el consulado de honduras en san luis potosÍ a mÁs tardar la prÓxima semana serÁn enviadosuna de las llamadas marchas blancas que exige que se respete la decisiÓn de asamblea... la crisis comenzÓ cuando tres diputados nombraron una corte paralela por estar en desacuerdo con las decisiones que tomaban magistrados del tribunal supremo. >> con esto vamos a una pausa pero en instantes el polÉmico alguacil joe arpaio podrÍa estar en la mira de un posible atentado....
Jul 19, 2012
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area but we haven't put this in the forecast because it looks like it's going to move up through san luis obispo and fresno. we'll be in the clear by 300 to 400 miles for most cases here tonight. otherwise the big talk today is all of that sunshine out here and also temperatures warming up. we have 72 right now in san jose, 77 livermore, 76 in concord and also 73 in napa. about 15 degrees warmer than earlier this week. let's get you that live hd sky camera network and it is crystal clear. two days ago it was fogged in. you couldn't even see a couple hundred feet in front of you. right now we have blue skies all the way back into the north bay and the golden gate bridge. let's get you those weather headlines. we can't rule out patchy fog for the morning hours but all in all throughout thursday it's with this warming trend. temperatures in the 80s and eventually we'll get some sizzle coming back with the potential of some 90s. we've had this huge trough of low pressure sitting across the northwest that's kept the marine layer and the cooler air. we'll kick that off to the east and here come
area but we haven't put this in the forecast because it looks like it's going to move up through san luis obispo and fresno. we'll be in the clear by 300 to 400 miles for most cases here tonight. otherwise the big talk today is all of that sunshine out here and also temperatures warming up. we have 72 right now in san jose, 77 livermore, 76 in concord and also 73 in napa. about 15 degrees warmer than earlier this week. let's get you that live hd sky camera network and it is crystal clear. two...
Jul 10, 2012
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it's 700 feet long and runs into a shop in san luis, arizona, which hasn't even opened yet. in the past three years, 22 similar drug tunnels have been discovered. >>> "cbs money watch" time. the euro summit has a plan for the banks. and a storm. ashley morrison is here in new york. good morning to you. >> you were right there with me. good morning to you, too, terrell. eurozone leaders came to an terms on a bailout of the troubled banks. the finance ministers says the rescue package, which is worth nearly $37 billion, will be ready by the end of the month. the banking crisis set off fears that spain's government could default on its loans. >>> weaker than expected growth for china's imports sent markets lower this morning. tokyo's nikkei fell 0.5%, while the hang seng lost a fraction. >>> on wall street, investors were jittery. they expect second-quarter earnings of s&p companies to decline from last year. the dow was down 36 points while the nasdaq lost 5. >>> a new report shows some homeowners are losing their homes because they owe as little as a few hundred dollars in ba
it's 700 feet long and runs into a shop in san luis, arizona, which hasn't even opened yet. in the past three years, 22 similar drug tunnels have been discovered. >>> "cbs money watch" time. the euro summit has a plan for the banks. and a storm. ashley morrison is here in new york. good morning to you. >> you were right there with me. good morning to you, too, terrell. eurozone leaders came to an terms on a bailout of the troubled banks. the finance ministers says the...
Jul 12, 2012
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two football fields from an ice plant in sonara, mexico to a non-descript commercial building in san luis, arizona, near yuma. seems like there are wooden beams. very well con trukted. >> reporter: the tunnel took an estimated year to build and cost more than a million dollars. >> it's incredibly advanced. i haven't seen one this sophisticated. >> reporter: the tunnel allowed a mexican cartel to smuggle drugs by the ton into the u.s. every day -- and bring back loads of cash and guns. it also just happened to be only a block away from a checkpoint at a border crossing. >> tons of drugs seized only a fracture of what the cartels are getting through by any means necessary. including the tunnels the government hasn't found. abc news, washington. >> we have big news tonight about the customers of a big american bank t number one home lender in the country, wells fargo. it has agreed to pay out $175 million, most of it to 34,000 people. the bank is settling a charge that they discriminated against minorities seeking loans. specifically, that qualified african-american and hispanic borrowers we
two football fields from an ice plant in sonara, mexico to a non-descript commercial building in san luis, arizona, near yuma. seems like there are wooden beams. very well con trukted. >> reporter: the tunnel took an estimated year to build and cost more than a million dollars. >> it's incredibly advanced. i haven't seen one this sophisticated. >> reporter: the tunnel allowed a mexican cartel to smuggle drugs by the ton into the u.s. every day -- and bring back loads of cash...
Jul 24, 2012
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de su quinteto de consecutiva ante ellos estuvieron los campeones del béisbol, los cardenales de san luisuiroz con el pronóstico del tiempo. >> gracias que algunas veces el mismo mes, emocionados de servicio de semana las temperaturas mantienen frescas en la línea costera, hacia el interior especialmente cercanos al valle, con esas entes ese conocido, el panorama es estable salvo en monzón. Ésas lluvias que se presentan por la tarde por la noche haya las zonas altas son las de montaña, debido esa humedad y altas temperaturas así que panorama para nosotros es más tranquilo, agradable por lo menos en este perfil, el de zedillo de semana como son las de otros momentos y de cinco san francisco, oakland también se mantiene con las minas ni se les vemos como todavía está tan modesto de seguir hacia el interior todavía no se siente arriba de los 60 abusos de algunos ángeles en los próximos días a los nuevos matutinos que estarán reservándose rápidamente me di de que esto disipa ya sacaba marinas y que temperaturas cercanas a las ventas, esto para lo que es la bahía, ya lo tenemos ningún ciclón q
de su quinteto de consecutiva ante ellos estuvieron los campeones del béisbol, los cardenales de san luisuiroz con el pronóstico del tiempo. >> gracias que algunas veces el mismo mes, emocionados de servicio de semana las temperaturas mantienen frescas en la línea costera, hacia el interior especialmente cercanos al valle, con esas entes ese conocido, el panorama es estable salvo en monzón. Ésas lluvias que se presentan por la tarde por la noche haya las zonas altas son las de...
Jul 17, 2012
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the so-called cat fire has burned more than 750 acres in san luis obispo county, started yesterday afternoon. pushed by strong winds, it quickly spread to the dry brush and woodlands. the fire is about 20% contained. >>> to politics now and a report on the impact of black voters on the presidential race. the report released today by the national urban league says if black voter turnout drops by as little as 5%, president obama could lose three critical states he won in 2008. black voters turned out in record levels in 2008. 64.7%, and played a significant role in mr. obama's victory. the urban league says a turnout of 60% could cost the president three states he won last time, ohio, virginia and north carolina. the urban league says high unemployment among african-americans and new state voting laws could discourage voter turnout. >>> the president campaigns in texas today, mitt romney in pennsylvania. they've been exchanging sharp criticism over jobs. tara mergener is in washington with more this morning. tara, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, terrell. that's right, no question,
the so-called cat fire has burned more than 750 acres in san luis obispo county, started yesterday afternoon. pushed by strong winds, it quickly spread to the dry brush and woodlands. the fire is about 20% contained. >>> to politics now and a report on the impact of black voters on the presidential race. the report released today by the national urban league says if black voter turnout drops by as little as 5%, president obama could lose three critical states he won in 2008. black...
Jul 10, 2012
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it's 700 feet long and runs into a shop in san luis, arizona, which hasn't even opened yet. 23 similar tunnels have been discovered in recent years. >>> "cbs money watch" time. the euro has a plan for the banks. ashley morrison is here in new york. good morning to you. >> you were right there with me. good morning to you, too, terrell. eurozone leaders came to an agreement to rescue the banks. they say the rescue package will be ready by the end of the month. the banking crisis set off fears that spain's government could default on its loans. >>> tokyo's nikkei fell 0.5% while the hang seng lost a fraction. >>> investors were jittering as earnings opened yesterday. analysts expect second-quarter earnings of s&p companies to decline 1% from last year. the dow was down 36 points while the nasdaq lost 5. >>> a new report shows some homeowners are losing their homes because they owe as little as a few hundred dollars in back taxes. the national consumer law center says some state laws allow local governments to seize and sell a home if the owner falls behind on taxes and fees. often, banks
it's 700 feet long and runs into a shop in san luis, arizona, which hasn't even opened yet. 23 similar tunnels have been discovered in recent years. >>> "cbs money watch" time. the euro has a plan for the banks. ashley morrison is here in new york. good morning to you. >> you were right there with me. good morning to you, too, terrell. eurozone leaders came to an agreement to rescue the banks. they say the rescue package will be ready by the end of the month. the...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >>> saben cÓmo quedaron >>> sÍ san luis po h so ti estaba lleno de lluvia.arlos silva le dio la victoria al san luis por 10 a 1. estaba viva a las tÍas, y tambiÉn las trefestrellas se el freno ta enfrentaron al shchelsea. >>> sÍ un golazo de chis seÑoras y seÑores >>> salud compadre >>> salud, john te rÍo rry le h tremendo empate >>> al 57 chelsea >>> estamos todos en la misma, frank lampard empujÓ de primera y despuÉs hubo un base profundo de kooendz favor, >>> es eldespie, >>> es el vgol de la mls, quien triunfÓ por 3 fwolgoles a 2. >>> oye pero.... >>> me tienen que dar en la cara >>> ya va, ya, va compadre quÉdese tranquilo >>> paren ya que es en serio compadre >>> agresivos que son, mira, mira compadre. tranquilo. >>> wanaguantame que lo voy a mr >>> ellos le van a chelsea, pero es asÍ. >>> pero esto pasa asÍ >>> usteds son sir pena pren so >>> vamos a una pausa en seguida regresamos con mÁs de "despierta amÉrica" esto promete >>> a ayÚdame, ti real con la silla, dale, dale, dale ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ ) >>> queremos que seas parte de nuestro programa.despieameri
. >>> saben cÓmo quedaron >>> sÍ san luis po h so ti estaba lleno de lluvia.arlos silva le dio la victoria al san luis por 10 a 1. estaba viva a las tÍas, y tambiÉn las trefestrellas se el freno ta enfrentaron al shchelsea. >>> sÍ un golazo de chis seÑoras y seÑores >>> salud compadre >>> salud, john te rÍo rry le h tremendo empate >>> al 57 chelsea >>> estamos todos en la misma, frank lampard empujÓ de primera y despuÉs...
Jul 19, 2012
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a mental health therapist from san luis obispo, california...nd our returning champion-- a high school theology teacher from chicago, illinois... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. welcome, ladies and gentlemen. dan, at the end of yesterday's program, admitted that he'd have had trouble going back to school if he had missed our final yesterday. had to do with abigail from the bible. so, uh... luck was, uh, on your side yesterday. will it be there again today as you face elisa and julie? let's start finding out, shall we? here we go-- jeopardy! round. and here come the categories. starting off with... each correct response will begin and end with the letter "k"...
a mental health therapist from san luis obispo, california...nd our returning champion-- a high school theology teacher from chicago, illinois... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. welcome, ladies and gentlemen. dan, at the end of yesterday's program, admitted that he'd have had trouble going back to school if he had missed our final yesterday. had to do with abigail from the bible. so, uh... luck was, uh, on...
Jul 12, 2012
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this stretches more than two football fields long from to a commercial building in san luis, arizona.t allowed a mexican cartel to smuggle drugs by the ton into the u.s. every day ask drive to destination as cross the country. cash, firearms back to mexico. and this cartel circumvented economic points. one is just a block away. >> we're talking about drugs worth billions of dollars. u.s. authorities manning to announce arrests in this case later today. >> there is some breaking news now. a serious flooding in harris county near houston, in texas this, is a hey rainfall produced this and they're working on saving the horse autos this has been a problem. there is a flash flood watch and they're trying to get the people and animals to higher ground. >> stay with us. >> and still ahead at 4:00 did the u.s. drug prisoners to question them? there is a study this afternoon. >> what abc's katie touric is saying about this bizarre bill board in iraq. >> taking a look at mount tam we can see evidence of nature's cooling on the way. i'm spencer christian and i'll have the accu-weather forecast c
this stretches more than two football fields long from to a commercial building in san luis, arizona.t allowed a mexican cartel to smuggle drugs by the ton into the u.s. every day ask drive to destination as cross the country. cash, firearms back to mexico. and this cartel circumvented economic points. one is just a block away. >> we're talking about drugs worth billions of dollars. u.s. authorities manning to announce arrests in this case later today. >> there is some breaking news...
Jul 3, 2012
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estado de la economÍa, que no estÁn tan preocupados como antes, siguen siendo cautelosos, en san francisco, luis
estado de la economÍa, que no estÁn tan preocupados como antes, siguen siendo cautelosos, en san francisco, luis
Jul 19, 2012
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a southern monterey approaching san luis obispo county.lines, partly cloudy skies with high clouds continuing to be on the increase. fog will develop. tomorrow, morning cloud cover clearing back to near the coast, and the weekend does feature a warming trend in the forecast. as far as temperatures from today, we warmed up a lit bit from yesterday's high. temperatures ranging from the low 60s in pacifica. san francisco topped out 65. warmest locations inland around 80 degrees. there's a lot happening in the pacific. this is responsible for the cool down over the past few days. here's that moisture source with the showers and the thunderstorms. at least a chance, only a chance to the south and to the east of the bay area. we could have a few thunderstorms pop up across the sierra. as a result, fire danger will be a concern. as we do head into thursday and thursday night. we'll be watching that for tomorrow. high pressure gradually rebuilds. this will be a source of a warming trend, we'll continue to warm things up just a little bit for your
a southern monterey approaching san luis obispo county.lines, partly cloudy skies with high clouds continuing to be on the increase. fog will develop. tomorrow, morning cloud cover clearing back to near the coast, and the weekend does feature a warming trend in the forecast. as far as temperatures from today, we warmed up a lit bit from yesterday's high. temperatures ranging from the low 60s in pacifica. san francisco topped out 65. warmest locations inland around 80 degrees. there's a lot...
Jul 19, 2012
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a southern monterey approaching san luis obispo county. far as forecast headlines, partly cloudy skies with high clouds continuing to be on the increase. fog will develop. tomorrow, morning cloud cover clearing back to near the coast, and the weekend does feature a warming trend in the forecast. as far as temperatures from today, we warmed up a lit bit from yesterday's high. temperatures ranging from the low 60s in pacifica. san francisco topped out 65. warmest locations inland around 80 degrees. there's a lot happening in the pacific. this is responsible for the cool down over the past few days. here's that moisture source with the showers and the thunderstorms. at least a chance, only a chance to the south and to the east of the bay area. we could have a few thunderstorms pop up across the sierra. as a result, fire danger will be a concern. as we do head into thursday and thursday night. we'll be watching that for tomorrow. high pressure gradually rebuilds. this will be a source of a warming trend, we'll continue to warm things up just a
a southern monterey approaching san luis obispo county. far as forecast headlines, partly cloudy skies with high clouds continuing to be on the increase. fog will develop. tomorrow, morning cloud cover clearing back to near the coast, and the weekend does feature a warming trend in the forecast. as far as temperatures from today, we warmed up a lit bit from yesterday's high. temperatures ranging from the low 60s in pacifica. san francisco topped out 65. warmest locations inland around 80...
Jul 2, 2012
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. ♪ >>> san luis california april 21st, 1999. >> i've never disagreed with you guy investigating me.terviews rex krebs, a sex offender serving time on a po role violation. krebs says he knows nothing about the whereabouts of missing college coeds rachel newhouse and andrea crawford. but the investigator will reveal evidence he thinks ties krebs to the disappearances. >> after a two, two and a half hour interview, i confronted him for the very first time. and then it became an interrogation. >> do you want me to touch that and put my fingerprints on it? >> my fingerprints are all over it. >> krebs has kept the trinket in a wooden box in his house. task force members watching from an adjoining room have been told andrea crawford always carried the same key chain. >> rapists will sometimes take items from the victims. it keeps the memory of the rape and the domination and everything that goes with a rape fresh in their mind so they can relive it. >> he handed it back to me and acted like he didn't know who it belonged to. he was still pretty loose and open. >> one other thing. that real
. ♪ >>> san luis california april 21st, 1999. >> i've never disagreed with you guy investigating me.terviews rex krebs, a sex offender serving time on a po role violation. krebs says he knows nothing about the whereabouts of missing college coeds rachel newhouse and andrea crawford. but the investigator will reveal evidence he thinks ties krebs to the disappearances. >> after a two, two and a half hour interview, i confronted him for the very first time. and then it...
Jul 20, 2012
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de 220 millas por hora, son populares en europa y asia, california ya dio el primer paso, en san francisco, luis
de 220 millas por hora, son populares en europa y asia, california ya dio el primer paso, en san francisco, luis
Jul 17, 2012
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. >>> en estados unidos puede costar de 5 mil a 14 mil dÓlares al aÑo, en san francisco luis, univisiÓnotando gran parte de estados unidos, y junto a la elevadas temperaturas se presentaron tormentas que dejaroeo por lo menos dos muertos en texas, y carreteras intransitables, en arizona, blanca dice cÓmo millones luchan contra inclemencias del tiempo. >>> por cuarta vez desde que se iniciÓ el verano, el clima hace noticia en gran parte del paÍs, afectando de manera contradictoria a 13 estados de la naciÓn, en washington tormentas repentinas del fin de semana ocasionaron contratiempos para choferes, lo mismo en arizona. en sacramento incendios forestales necesitaron a 2 mil bomberos para intentar sofocarlos en la costa este, en connecticut, se recibiÓ 4 pulgadas de lluvia que llevÓ al chofer a abandonar el carro. >>> el aumento de la temperatura provoca una evaporaciÓn mayor e implica mayor sequÍa, y el aumento provoca tormentas severas al venir un frente, un ingrediente que puede formar tormentas severas, tornados daÑos de viento, y caÍda de granizo. >>> en chicago y nueva york, edifici
. >>> en estados unidos puede costar de 5 mil a 14 mil dÓlares al aÑo, en san francisco luis, univisiÓnotando gran parte de estados unidos, y junto a la elevadas temperaturas se presentaron tormentas que dejaroeo por lo menos dos muertos en texas, y carreteras intransitables, en arizona, blanca dice cÓmo millones luchan contra inclemencias del tiempo. >>> por cuarta vez desde que se iniciÓ el verano, el clima hace noticia en gran parte del paÍs, afectando de manera...
Jul 19, 2012
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san luis obispo.ds and almost each day we're following up to the temperatures. 72 yesterday. 85 fraud. you can see in the valley -- 85 today. you can see in the valley. some of these clouds are producing very mild conditions. these are pushing off to the east. i mean, it's very as yes. east bay, south bay. look at the fog. it just keeps on march aig lightning. it's not going anywhere -- marching along. it's not going anywhere. if anything, it will get sharbed a little bit. 77, san jose. milpitas, 84 gilroy. a lot of cloud cover. 60s on the coast. upper 60s, peninsula and low to mid-60s. >>> mexico's police were in oakland. they are hoping to learn how oakland deems with gangs and how they deal with drug cardles south of the border. they also hope these right alongs will show police that they can be perspective rut having a lot of resources. snee it is 8:39. another delay in the opening of the new casino matrix in san jose. a permit hearing scheduled for today has been pushed back until monday. the car
san luis obispo.ds and almost each day we're following up to the temperatures. 72 yesterday. 85 fraud. you can see in the valley -- 85 today. you can see in the valley. some of these clouds are producing very mild conditions. these are pushing off to the east. i mean, it's very as yes. east bay, south bay. look at the fog. it just keeps on march aig lightning. it's not going anywhere -- marching along. it's not going anywhere. if anything, it will get sharbed a little bit. 77, san jose....
Jul 14, 2012
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casey wian, cnn, san luis, arizona. >> that's fascinating. a fan in that tunnel.ticated it's all gotten. >>> coming up next, why a beauty pageant contestant is making headlines because of her eyes, and not just her beauty. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...but you still have to go to the gym. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at thenewny.com. >>> well, when you hear the word "pageant," you probably think beautiful women, perfect from head to toe, but there is one contestant in the miss florida usa pageant who is really breaking ground. she is beautiful and all that, but she's imperfect in one way -- her vision. john zarrella introduces us to miss florida usa's
casey wian, cnn, san luis, arizona. >> that's fascinating. a fan in that tunnel.ticated it's all gotten. >>> coming up next, why a beauty pageant contestant is making headlines because of her eyes, and not just her beauty. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...but you still have to go to the gym. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our...
Jul 12, 2012
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the finding was made in the small community of san luis in arizona, only a few days ago.ormation only this afternoon, barrack. >> and there was another tunnel found just last night, right? >> that's right. that happened in tijuana, across the border, on the mexican side. this was already 200 meters, about 200 yards long. and authorities say it was only a matter of time before they were able, the criminals, to go across the border, perhaps in the san ysidro, san diego area, to also use the tunnel for illegal purposes, brooke. >> raphaefael romo, thank you. >>> a rapper brags about his prized fighters, grand champion dogs and roosters. and it's on video. you're going to see it, next. supports tax breaks overseas. insourcing. industry and favors bring jobs home. it matters. this message. [ male announcer ] if you have to take care of legal matters. legalzoom has an easy and affordable option. you get quality services on your terms, with total customer support, backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. so go to legalzoom.com today and see for yourself. mine was earned off viet
the finding was made in the small community of san luis in arizona, only a few days ago.ormation only this afternoon, barrack. >> and there was another tunnel found just last night, right? >> that's right. that happened in tijuana, across the border, on the mexican side. this was already 200 meters, about 200 yards long. and authorities say it was only a matter of time before they were able, the criminals, to go across the border, perhaps in the san ysidro, san diego area, to also...
Jul 18, 2012
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. >>> residents were allowed back home to san luis obispo. 65% contained. >>> today, governor plan will hold two ceremonies. now, the new law gives the project $8 billion. that will be enough to break ground on a rail section in the central valley. the project will cost around $69 billion. >>> bay bridge -- bay bridge is beginning to improve. you can see this picture here. it looks pretty good. it looks like we could have a little bit of clearing by the time we reached 9:00. northbound 101, san francisco, moderately heavy traffic coming up to the downtown area. 280 extension. remember the giants are out of town today. >>> some sun out there. maximum temperatures yesterday. sacramento, only 74. redding 76. their normal high is 99. only 70. -- i mean, that's way below average. red bluff in there. i'm sure a record lomax. in lake county, stock ton highed -- tied a 77. definitely a little bit of -- stockton, high tied at 77. definitely a little bit of an increase. sunshine foresome. low 50s -- sunshine for some. low 60s. san jose still cloudy. 61
. >>> residents were allowed back home to san luis obispo. 65% contained. >>> today, governor plan will hold two ceremonies. now, the new law gives the project $8 billion. that will be enough to break ground on a rail section in the central valley. the project will cost around $69 billion. >>> bay bridge -- bay bridge is beginning to improve. you can see this picture here. it looks pretty good. it looks like we could have a little bit of clearing by the time we...
Jul 14, 2012
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casey wian, cnn, san luis,, arizona. >>> getting a handle on the crime wave in new york. a plan of attack could involve more police. it's part of our focus this morning on violent crime in your neigorhoods. n with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. [ male announcer ] if you think even the best bed can only lie there... ask me what it's like when my tempur-pedic moves. [ male announcer ] ...talk to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america. ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. ask me about having all the right moves. [ male announcer ] these are real tempur advanced ergo owners. find one for yourself. check out twitter. try your friends on facebook. see what they have to say unedited. goes up. goes up. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. goes down. goes down. ergonomics. ergonomics. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic brand owners are more sa
casey wian, cnn, san luis,, arizona. >>> getting a handle on the crime wave in new york. a plan of attack could involve more police. it's part of our focus this morning on violent crime in your neigorhoods. n with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. [ male announcer ] if you think even the best bed can only lie...
Jul 5, 2012
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virginia, y temperaturas no dan tregua el medio oeste y centro de la naciÓn con temperaturas elevada, san luisa el hogar hay que escuchar buenos consejos.univisiondespien e . e n c vamos y venimos. amigos de despierta amÉrica, 15 aniversarios muchas felicidades de su amigo miguel pizarro. cÓmo voy a extraÑar a johnny. >>> quÉ les digo, seguro como en casa no tienes con quien abusar, lo haces conmigo. >>> ponle mi ropa lee shopper fume y todo, aquÍ la culpa la tiene el director. >>> ademÁs, que es su tocallo y si les cuento l hizo, no, no, otra historia, a ver que teiertt tiene 12 aÑos construyÉndolo y serÁ@@univisiondespierta america van a edesptrar apartamento, dea oficinaes, tiene doos, restau n restaurante una galerÍa de donde se puede ver la ciudad en 360°, en fin esto les ha costado a los ingleses 2, 3 billones de dÓlares, dicen que pronto se convertirÁ en i nok de ha ciudad. serÁ otro sÍmbolo que va a distinguir londres. >>> esta gente que hace estos trabajos en altura merece mucho mÉrito de sho verision@@despiere kc hablamos de las mujer que estÁn ahÍ en traje de baÑo. no puede dwe baja
virginia, y temperaturas no dan tregua el medio oeste y centro de la naciÓn con temperaturas elevada, san luisa el hogar hay que escuchar buenos consejos.univisiondespien e . e n c vamos y venimos. amigos de despierta amÉrica, 15 aniversarios muchas felicidades de su amigo miguel pizarro. cÓmo voy a extraÑar a johnny. >>> quÉ les digo, seguro como en casa no tienes con quien abusar, lo haces conmigo. >>> ponle mi ropa lee shopper fume y todo, aquÍ la culpa la tiene el...
Jul 2, 2012
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calor excesivo para para el sureste dm aaciÓn y aquÍ cerca de los aunivision@@despierta americaun san luiss mÁs de 100°, un beso para ustedes, quÉ calor. >>> como lo hacen?. >>> vamos a seguir con mÁs y le tenemos la entrevista exclusiva y mÁs atrevida al nuevo presidente de mÉxico con las pregunta que su nadie le harÁ r.>>> y tambiÉn vea que alimentos le ayuda a quitar muchos dolores que rta amhabitue le@@ molestan y@@ counivisde li problemas con los hijos adolescentes cuando quieren hacerse ununivisiondespierta ama e @ v n a este tema nos interesa a todos los padres y madres quÉ harÍa usted si su hijo le dice bha ma quiero ponerme aretes, en el ombligo, lengua, nariz para desh tiro este tema y no salir corriendo mire quienes nos acompaÑan juliÁn hernandez y su mamÁ andrea@@ y tambiÉn franz rm niay en el otro lado mÁs amigos que le voy a presentar mÁs adelantespierta americaunim salimos corrieunivy a otnles parece normal. hoy le cuento que vamosivisio v algo increÍble, se va a colocar su tercer piercing en cÁmara, en vivo y directo, a mi esto me date error, te confieson@@despim con laeric
calor excesivo para para el sureste dm aaciÓn y aquÍ cerca de los aunivision@@despierta americaun san luiss mÁs de 100°, un beso para ustedes, quÉ calor. >>> como lo hacen?. >>> vamos a seguir con mÁs y le tenemos la entrevista exclusiva y mÁs atrevida al nuevo presidente de mÉxico con las pregunta que su nadie le harÁ r.>>> y tambiÉn vea que alimentos le ayuda a quitar muchos dolores que rta amhabitue le@@ molestan y@@ counivisde li problemas con los hijos...
Jul 13, 2012
eye 244
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casey wian, cnn, san luis, arizona. >> no drugs were found in the ice plant on the u.s.ide, just bags and barrels of dirt. for more, go to fbi.gov. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. >>> well, if you take a look at your thinning hair, thinking about popping a pill, you're going to want to hear this next story. it is a popular drug that's taken by millions of men to fight baldness. it could be causing now some major sexual side effects, even after you stop taking the pill. we have more details on propecia. what exactly, how did this come about, and what exactly is the research telling us now? >> this is a doctor at george washington that wonders could this be causing side effects because there's talk about it. >> there's warnings when you take this, it could cause sexual side effects. >> there's warnings some men experienced certain sexual
casey wian, cnn, san luis, arizona. >> no drugs were found in the ice plant on the u.s.ide, just bags and barrels of dirt. for more, go to fbi.gov. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. >>> well, if you take a look at your thinning hair, thinking...
Jul 23, 2012
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amelia y luis, hasta california, estÁn listos para quemar 1500 calorÍas. >>> el aztec fitnes, venga, venga. dale chiqui. >>> miren nomÁs, quÉ maÑana tan movida en el parque rubio ortega en san se va subiendo. se va subiendo. >>> te queda como minifalda. una minibfalda, spa saron 50 aÑs del nacimiento de la minifalda. revolucionÓ la moda para siempre. los hombres la la aman. >>> nunca pasaron de moda, y le gustarÍa sentir mÁs placer a la hora del cuchicuchi, no se pierda la receta de un nutricionista que viene a subir la pasiÓn en la alcoba. >>> y darihanna y edson del escuadrÓn gigantes en accion de pequeÑos gigantes, nos visitan en minutos. >>> asÍ es. >>> quÉ pasa del otro lado del estudio. >>> abuelo, abuelo. >>> vengan, ahÍ estÁn. > >>>♪. ♪. ♪. >>> anita no pare de reÍrme con la obra de raÚl gonzÁlez, quÉ hiciste. >>> disfrutÉ con mi sobrina, viendo programas de naturaleza, por dish latino. > todo en espaÑol. >>> sÍ. >>> me parece admirable lo que hace tu hermana, con sus hijos. >>> comienzan de 22,99 al mes. >>> dish latino me conviene. >>> a ti tambiÉn, llama ya. >>> eso, mueva la faldita. >>> eso, me gusta. >>> cuÁl prenda le gusta mas a los hombres? >>> la minifalda
amelia y luis, hasta california, estÁn listos para quemar 1500 calorÍas. >>> el aztec fitnes, venga, venga. dale chiqui. >>> miren nomÁs, quÉ maÑana tan movida en el parque rubio ortega en san se va subiendo. se va subiendo. >>> te queda como minifalda. una minibfalda, spa saron 50 aÑs del nacimiento de la minifalda. revolucionÓ la moda para siempre. los hombres la la aman. >>> nunca pasaron de moda, y le gustarÍa sentir mÁs placer a la hora del...