Oct 18, 2014
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and so that became san miguel chapel. at the time it was san miguel mission. it's been noted as several different things, san miguel chapel or san miguel mission, but that's probably why they came here. they needed some place to worship. this church actually has been built and rebuilt several different times due to different types of destruction. but originally, they came here and built a small chapel. and it's probably because they were just devout catholics and they needed some place to worship. the building is basically made of adobe by which is mud. in this day, they used mud, clay and straw. back in the 1600s, they used mud, manure, and straw. and that's how they built it. adobe is made and sun baked for several, several days before it is able to be stacked to form a wall. and depending on how they stack the adobe, determines the depth of the wall. san miguel statue is at the center bottom of the altar and san miguel is the patron of the mission church. it dates from the 1600s. it was carved in old mexico by missionaries and then brought to santa fe. abov
and so that became san miguel chapel. at the time it was san miguel mission. it's been noted as several different things, san miguel chapel or san miguel mission, but that's probably why they came here. they needed some place to worship. this church actually has been built and rebuilt several different times due to different types of destruction. but originally, they came here and built a small chapel. and it's probably because they were just devout catholics and they needed some place to...
Oct 18, 2014
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and so that became san miguel chapel. at the time it was san miguel mission. it's been noted as several different things, san miguel chapel or san miguel mission, but that's probably why they came here. they needed some place to worship. this church actually has been built and rebuilt several different times due to different types of destruction. but originally, they came here and built a small chapel. and it's probably because they were just devout catholics and they needed some place to worship. the building is basically made of adobe by which is mud. in this day, they used mud, clay and straw. back in the 1600s, they used
and so that became san miguel chapel. at the time it was san miguel mission. it's been noted as several different things, san miguel chapel or san miguel mission, but that's probably why they came here. they needed some place to worship. this church actually has been built and rebuilt several different times due to different types of destruction. but originally, they came here and built a small chapel. and it's probably because they were just devout catholics and they needed some place to...
Oct 21, 2014
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las precipitaciones hicieron colapsar de los drenajes en san miguel a 125 kilÓmetros de la capital ques. las Últimas vÍctimas se reportaron ayer cuando una familia de escasos recursos muriÓ sepultada por una luz en la aldea el tablÓn del departamento de sololÁ 175 km de la capital de guatemala. 590 mil personas en todo el paÍs han resultado afectadas directa e o indirectamente por las lluvias. el chile el proyecto que pone fin al lucro en las elecciones y el copago se debate en la cÁmara. un proceso que estuvo marcado por las distantes posturas entre el oficialismo y oposiciÓn, el proyecto de ley establece que el ministerio de educaciÓn no permitirÁ abrir nuevos colegios subvencionados en comunas donde hay otros colegios con vacantes independiente de la calidad, algo que ha generado descontento en algunos padres de flia. que aseguran eso limite las alternativas de de educaciÓn de sus hijos. ♪ ♪ >> cada aÑo en los estados unidos 13.000 niÑos diagnosticados con diabetes tipo 1, mÁs de 1 millÓn de adultos y niÑos luchan contra la enfermedad. a continuaciÓn maritza fuentes ofrece unos cons
las precipitaciones hicieron colapsar de los drenajes en san miguel a 125 kilÓmetros de la capital ques. las Últimas vÍctimas se reportaron ayer cuando una familia de escasos recursos muriÓ sepultada por una luz en la aldea el tablÓn del departamento de sololÁ 175 km de la capital de guatemala. 590 mil personas en todo el paÍs han resultado afectadas directa e o indirectamente por las lluvias. el chile el proyecto que pone fin al lucro en las elecciones y el copago se debate en la...
Oct 2, 2014
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fue detenido sin que se realizarÁ un solo dispare en un restaurante de marisco en san miguel de allende el salvador, la colonia minerva ubicada en el parque zoolÓgico de san salvador fue punto de reuniÓn para representante de la alcaldÍa y de quienes conforman protecciÓn civil incluyendo ministerio salud y elementos de socorro. todos coordinaron esfuerzos por llevar a cabo acciones de limpieza y instrucciÓn de criaderos de zancudos en quebradas de la zona. >> a continuaciÓn, la doctora maritza fuentes aclarar unos mitos sobre la masturbaciÓn en el hombre. >> gracias por acompaÑarnos en el segmento de hoy le respondemos a un seÑor que no estÁ claro de un concepto que tiene que ver con el sexo y la salud. su pregunta dice asÍ: doctora, he escuchado algunos mitos sobre la masturbaciÓn en los hombres. mi nombre es rubÉn morales. >> la masturbaciÓn tambiÉn forma parte de una persona que no necesariamente tiene que estar en pareja para experimentar placer sexual. la estimulaciÓn de los órganos sexuales por lo general puedes encadenar el orgasmo. esta prÁctica de placer puede tener beneficios
fue detenido sin que se realizarÁ un solo dispare en un restaurante de marisco en san miguel de allende el salvador, la colonia minerva ubicada en el parque zoolÓgico de san salvador fue punto de reuniÓn para representante de la alcaldÍa y de quienes conforman protecciÓn civil incluyendo ministerio salud y elementos de socorro. todos coordinaron esfuerzos por llevar a cabo acciones de limpieza y instrucciÓn de criaderos de zancudos en quebradas de la zona. >> a continuaciÓn, la...
Oct 31, 2014
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. >> los mexicanos imponen un rÉco >> cien mujeres desnudas posaron en san miguel de allende, guanajuatoa noche de brujas el terror se pone de moda en las calles en el sin Él la televisiÓn en gÉneros uno de los mÁs populares sobresale perÚ por ser el paÍs retro americano donde las pelÍculas de terror han despertado mÁs interÉs en el Último aÑo. marÍa luisa martÍnez nos cuenta por quÉ a veces el miedo produce placer. >> lo que sus ojos estÁn por ver, es un mundo fascinante. >> un grito, un sonido, una imagen sangrienta acelera nuestro ritmo cardÍaco y aceleran la sensaciÓn de miedo en nuestro cerebro que empieza a producir neuro transmisores de alivio y placer mientras el otro sufre nosotros estamos a salvo. casi cada semana se estrenÓ la pelÍcula de terror en el mundo. >> tienes miedo? >> para nada. >> perÚ no estÁ ajeno a esa tendencia el Último aÑo y medio se estrenaron 5. cementerio general fue de las mÁs taquilleras su director explica su que el dÍa de por quÉ nos gusta tanto sufrir en las butacas. >> una cultura que tiene muy cerca este tema, creo que tenemos algo de masoquistas nos
. >> los mexicanos imponen un rÉco >> cien mujeres desnudas posaron en san miguel de allende, guanajuatoa noche de brujas el terror se pone de moda en las calles en el sin Él la televisiÓn en gÉneros uno de los mÁs populares sobresale perÚ por ser el paÍs retro americano donde las pelÍculas de terror han despertado mÁs interÉs en el Último aÑo. marÍa luisa martÍnez nos cuenta por quÉ a veces el miedo produce placer. >> lo que sus ojos estÁn por ver, es un mundo...
Oct 2, 2014
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de determinar de sus actividades de su cÍrculo mÁs cercano se logrÓ ubicar en un restaurante de san miguela persona llamado germÁn ortega. >> el lÍder del cÁrtel de los beltrÁn leiva conocido como el ingeniero, la muerte o el general tomÓ el control despuÉs de la muerte de su mono arturo y la detenciÓn de su hermano carlos, ambos hechos ocurridos en diciembre de 2009. el hache vivÍa en el estado de querÉtaro. >> donde mantenÍan un perfil discreto para evitar llamar la atenciÓn de vecinos y amistades o de las autoridades. >> es acusado de distribuir rutas en el centro y sur de mÉxico, paÍs donde se ofrecía por Él una recompensa de 2.200.000 millones de dÓlares en ee.uu. la recompensa por la captura de leiva era de 5 millones de dÓlares en esta naciones del capotillo procesamientos por trasiego de drogas y delincuencia organizada. >> los elementos de la secretarÍa de la defensa nacional lograron su detenciÓn de manera rÁpida y eficaz. sin realizar un solo disparo. >> en prÓximas horas darÁn a conocer los exÁmenes de la investigaciÓn pericial que se le realizan a leiva despuÉs de este proceso
de determinar de sus actividades de su cÍrculo mÁs cercano se logrÓ ubicar en un restaurante de san miguela persona llamado germÁn ortega. >> el lÍder del cÁrtel de los beltrÁn leiva conocido como el ingeniero, la muerte o el general tomÓ el control despuÉs de la muerte de su mono arturo y la detenciÓn de su hermano carlos, ambos hechos ocurridos en diciembre de 2009. el hache vivÍa en el estado de querÉtaro. >> donde mantenÍan un perfil discreto para evitar llamar la...
Oct 3, 2014
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para capturarlo junto a compaÑero, precisa de manera casual, un estilo informal que se ajusta a san miguelio, junto al abogado de 27 aÑos especializado criminalista, tambiÉn fue asesinada su compaÑera, de inmediato se realizÓ un despliegue de seguridad para recabar pruebas, con la promesa de pronto darÁn con los responsables, se pronunciÓ el ministro de justicia y paz que dijo que no se trata de un hecho al azar, podrÍa ser un homicidio intencional, planificado y ejecutado con gran precisiÓn, honduras, salvador y guatemala conforman el triÁngulo de la muerte para los homosexuales, lo advierte el centro diferente de centro amÉrica. >> reclaman sus derechos, lesbianas, transexuales, gays, dicen que son atacados por su preferencia sexual, para hacer frente a esas crÍticas, las autoridades cuentan con un manual que permitirÁ un correcto abordaje a vÍctimas de discriminaciÓn sexual. >> para que atiendan y registros de forma efectiva, responsable y respetuosa toda forma de denuncia. >> atenciÓn. >> el manual que ha sido celebrado por algunas asociaciones, tambiÉn serÁ incluido en la formaciÓn de
para capturarlo junto a compaÑero, precisa de manera casual, un estilo informal que se ajusta a san miguelio, junto al abogado de 27 aÑos especializado criminalista, tambiÉn fue asesinada su compaÑera, de inmediato se realizÓ un despliegue de seguridad para recabar pruebas, con la promesa de pronto darÁn con los responsables, se pronunciÓ el ministro de justicia y paz que dijo que no se trata de un hecho al azar, podrÍa ser un homicidio intencional, planificado y ejecutado con gran...
Oct 3, 2014
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. >> se logro ubicar en un restaurante de san miguel de allende, en guanajuato a hÉctor beltrÁn leivamÍan en esta mesa. su dueÑo relatÓ lo sucedido. >> en cuanto pidieron la cuenta llegÓ el operativo. nos dijeron que nos hiciÉramos hacia atrÁs. >> asegura tambiÉn que ambos hombres llegaron a bordo de esta camioneta y que al momento de la detenciÓn no opusieron resistencia. >> la seÑora josefina, madre de mario tambiÉn fue testigo de los hechos. >> cuando vi que cambiaron las pistolas, me dio mucho miedo. me puse a llorar. >> a raÍz de la detenciÓn, se dio a conocer que germÁn goyeneche era militante del partido verde de mÉxico. se define como ecologista, empresario y presidente de un consejo ciudadano. >> hay que esperar a ver quÉ determine la comisiÓn nacional de justicia del partido. se le podrÁn suspender sus derechos. >> a travÉs de la procuradurÍa general de la repÚblica, se dio a conocer el resultado de una comparaciÓn entre una fotografÍa de archivo y otra del dÍa que fue detenido para cotejar sus rasgos fÍsicos. >> a hÉctor beltrÁn leiva se le practicaron pruebas genÉticas que
. >> se logro ubicar en un restaurante de san miguel de allende, en guanajuato a hÉctor beltrÁn leivamÍan en esta mesa. su dueÑo relatÓ lo sucedido. >> en cuanto pidieron la cuenta llegÓ el operativo. nos dijeron que nos hiciÉramos hacia atrÁs. >> asegura tambiÉn que ambos hombres llegaron a bordo de esta camioneta y que al momento de la detenciÓn no opusieron resistencia. >> la seÑora josefina, madre de mario tambiÉn fue testigo de los hechos. >>...
Oct 14, 2014
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in the city of san miguel in the eastern part of el salvador, tremors could be felt along the coast. and from guantanamo to costa rica. >>> new images of a young texas nurse infected with ebola. nina pham is in good spirits. but it's a mystery how she got the disease after caring for thomas eric duncan who died. and we have tahman bradley. >> reporter: she is isolated in stable condition after receiving a blood transfusion from ebola survivor dr. kent brantley. >> she's doing well and feeling well. >> reporter: the 26-year-old nurse, the first person in the u.s. to contract ebola was among 80 health care workers who treated thomas eric duncan who died last week. they don't know how she became infected and worry about more cases. >> if this one individual was infected and we don't know now, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well. >> reporter: as a precaution, one of her close friends and her bog having placed in quarantine. and on the job, she wore protective gear, a gown, a face mask and shield, two layers of glove. but this is less than doctors i
in the city of san miguel in the eastern part of el salvador, tremors could be felt along the coast. and from guantanamo to costa rica. >>> new images of a young texas nurse infected with ebola. nina pham is in good spirits. but it's a mystery how she got the disease after caring for thomas eric duncan who died. and we have tahman bradley. >> reporter: she is isolated in stable condition after receiving a blood transfusion from ebola survivor dr. kent brantley. >> she's...
Oct 14, 2014
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in the city of san miguel in the eastern part of el salvador, there was more damage. tremors could be felt along the coast. and from guantanamo to costa rica. >>> new images of a young texas nurse infected with ebola. nina pham is in good spirits. that's according to her family priest. she's even talking with her mother via skype. but it's a mystery how she got the disease after caring for thomas eric duncan who died. with the latest developments, abc's tahman bradley. >> reporter: this morning nina pham is in isolation and in stable condition at a dallas hospital after receiving a blood transfusion from ebola survivor dr. kent brantley. >> she's doing well and feeling well. >> reporter: the 26-year-old nurse, the first person in the u.s. to contract ebola was among 70 health care workers who treated thomas eric duncan who died last week. they don't know how she became infected and worry about more cases. >> if this one individual was infected and we don't know now, within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well.
in the city of san miguel in the eastern part of el salvador, there was more damage. tremors could be felt along the coast. and from guantanamo to costa rica. >>> new images of a young texas nurse infected with ebola. nina pham is in good spirits. that's according to her family priest. she's even talking with her mother via skype. but it's a mystery how she got the disease after caring for thomas eric duncan who died. with the latest developments, abc's tahman bradley. >>...
Oct 3, 2014
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las drogas son una realidad en este mundo y es raro que en un lugar no haya lo mismo ocurrio en san miguelurante donde lo capturaron. los testigos dicen que en nada se parece este hombre con el de la fotografia donde ofrecen por el una cuantiosa recompensa y ademas, que el operativo fue tan silencioso y discreto que muchos nisiquiera se dieron cuenta super= mario/ dueno del restaurante donde lo capturaron inq=..nada más llegaron, pidieron comieron, entró un operativo y se los llevó..." stand= jazive perez/ ciudad de mexico inq= con la captura de hector beltrán los expertos preveén que habrá una nueva disputa cargada de violencia, pero no solo al interior del cartel sino también , con sus enemigos que trataran de aprovechar el momento para ganar sus posiciones. al frente de l cartel que fue de los beltran leyva llegara alguien que ya no llevara su apellido por que de los cuatro hermanos que se conocian uno esta muerto y los otros tres tras las rejas en mexico, jazive perez, telemundo. cesar --la casa de un periodista fue baleada en zacatecas, mexico, la madrugada del martes. vo --margarito
las drogas son una realidad en este mundo y es raro que en un lugar no haya lo mismo ocurrio en san miguelurante donde lo capturaron. los testigos dicen que en nada se parece este hombre con el de la fotografia donde ofrecen por el una cuantiosa recompensa y ademas, que el operativo fue tan silencioso y discreto que muchos nisiquiera se dieron cuenta super= mario/ dueno del restaurante donde lo capturaron inq=..nada más llegaron, pidieron comieron, entró un operativo y se los llevó..."...
Oct 15, 2014
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--se reportaron daÑos menores a estructuras en la ciudad de san miguel.internacional de accin y la agencia federal para el manejo de emergencias quiere recalcar la importancia de tener un plan de escape en su casa, lugar de trabajo y escuela. --funcionarios de "fema" dijeron que aunque los simulacros de seguridad no impiden la cada de techos en una situacin de emergencia... s salvan vidas. blanca --si 130 dolares le suenan bien... aqui una opcin para ganarselos. take vo --la oficina de registro de votantes del condado de santa clara, est en busca de 600 voluntarios bilingues para las prximas elecciones este 4 de noviembre. -- para calificar debe hablar espaÑol, ser ciudadano estadounidense o residente legal, y estar libre para trabajar de 6 de la maÑana a 9 de la noche con descansos. take sot :17 "necesitamos que la gente participe, que nos venga a ayudar, y que trabaje como trabajadores electorales asistiendo a su propia gente que muchos de ellos es la primera vez que van a votar en noviembre, y van a llegar al lugar de votaciones y necesitamos gente que
--se reportaron daÑos menores a estructuras en la ciudad de san miguel.internacional de accin y la agencia federal para el manejo de emergencias quiere recalcar la importancia de tener un plan de escape en su casa, lugar de trabajo y escuela. --funcionarios de "fema" dijeron que aunque los simulacros de seguridad no impiden la cada de techos en una situacin de emergencia... s salvan vidas. blanca --si 130 dolares le suenan bien... aqui una opcin para ganarselos. take vo --la oficina...
Oct 14, 2014
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one person was killed in san miguel by a power pole that fell. >>> parts of the south are cleaning upfrom deadly weather that hit yesterday. a storm spawned tornadoes in several states. they are blamed for one death each in arkansas and alabama. in louisiana, the governor declared a state of emergency. some schools in the south are closed today because of the weather. >>> 4:46. roberta has a little giants orange on and they have a big ballgame and hopefully will dodge the rain. >> you know how long i have had this? since the [ indiscernible ] [overlapping speakers >> you were about what 20 and helped bead this for me at the time? [ laughter ] >> i want to thank maureen crow in our eng and director mike bruce. they provided this for all of us. check this out. it's a look at coit tower. yay! >> awww. >> awash in orange this morning. we have that game time forecast coming up but right now it's mild out the door. 50s and 60s and basically what you need to know is that we have a major pattern change in our forecast. this is our futurecast. you can play along at home. watch the clock tick o
one person was killed in san miguel by a power pole that fell. >>> parts of the south are cleaning upfrom deadly weather that hit yesterday. a storm spawned tornadoes in several states. they are blamed for one death each in arkansas and alabama. in louisiana, the governor declared a state of emergency. some schools in the south are closed today because of the weather. >>> 4:46. roberta has a little giants orange on and they have a big ballgame and hopefully will dodge the...
Oct 21, 2014
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today. 44 degrees to the layoff of the one in livermore 49 in sunnyvale 48 and have an back 52 of san miguelncisco to lead to they are warmly and lower '70s for the south bay. cupertino's 71 los gatos allow like now lamar is 72 is bird is 73 a perfected for san leandro. sunny conditions for you a high of 70. >> reporter: no major hot spots to report this morning. it is problem free and we are looking at no delays or backups there is a look at the golden gate we can see it in a couple of minutes some lines in the middle there but we are problem free in both directions. and is also a live look out of the richmond san rafael bridge >> reporter: arizona police have arrested a man in connection afire. the starter early monday morning the intensely set the fire this it was hearing voices after using math. . is not what i want for to its various to my kids is kind of overwhelming but will get through it. >> reporter: no was injured in the fire. his was also for the death of a half a dozen women they're calling him a serial killer. he was a registered sex offender but they did not know what he was a
today. 44 degrees to the layoff of the one in livermore 49 in sunnyvale 48 and have an back 52 of san miguelncisco to lead to they are warmly and lower '70s for the south bay. cupertino's 71 los gatos allow like now lamar is 72 is bird is 73 a perfected for san leandro. sunny conditions for you a high of 70. >> reporter: no major hot spots to report this morning. it is problem free and we are looking at no delays or backups there is a look at the golden gate we can see it in a couple of...
Oct 24, 2014
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. >> this is anthony from carol gar agains home of the famous bar san miguel.ciate the hard work you do for us. >> my staff is great. i want to shout out names about who's game like justin in camera work. justin, shout out. panera bread. i love the asian chicken salad side of bread. you'll get another shot to buy even lower before its dough rises once again. it is so good. >> this has been sitting around all day, right? >>> if the stock market is going to get hit, every time in the united states sidelined with ebola, the way the stock futures got pounded last night. then you should be prepared for a lot of dips because it's going to happen again and again. as long as we have no 21 day quarantine for health care workers coming back from the hardest hit areas in africa, we're going to get new cases of ebola. as long as there's no registry we'll have more fiascos, there's no way around it. to be sure, i'm not just talking about detaining a health care worker at the newark, new jersey airport as happened this afternoon. until we can be sure that person is not ill a
. >> this is anthony from carol gar agains home of the famous bar san miguel.ciate the hard work you do for us. >> my staff is great. i want to shout out names about who's game like justin in camera work. justin, shout out. panera bread. i love the asian chicken salad side of bread. you'll get another shot to buy even lower before its dough rises once again. it is so good. >> this has been sitting around all day, right? >>> if the stock market is going to get hit,...
Oct 23, 2014
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this is anthony from home of the famous bar san miguel, and what i want to know, mr. beat on the bottom, beat on the top, buy, sell or hold, where is this thing going? >> i was trying to get to people on jim cramer on twitter. is that my bad? absolutely. i've been inundated and doing a lot of other companies and the dow stocks and so many others. i've not had a chance and the quarter looked good and the people didn't tell me the guidance was a blowaway and i would love for the company to come on, too, but the stock is heightened. i want to go to celeste this connecticut. celeste! >> hi, jim. i'm a beauty and facebook is my beast and i want to hold and own and not take the profits like your alert said, can i do it? >> no, stephanie and i were going over that this morning and we did a video together and she's corporal fund manager of the charitable trust and we both feel its run up so much in advance that you have to take a little bit off the table and if we were not restricted because we mentioned it we would be selling this amount. facebook is very heightened and that
this is anthony from home of the famous bar san miguel, and what i want to know, mr. beat on the bottom, beat on the top, buy, sell or hold, where is this thing going? >> i was trying to get to people on jim cramer on twitter. is that my bad? absolutely. i've been inundated and doing a lot of other companies and the dow stocks and so many others. i've not had a chance and the quarter looked good and the people didn't tell me the guidance was a blowaway and i would love for the company to...
Oct 14, 2014
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one person was killed in eastern san miguel. there was some minor damage. the power was out in some areas. the earthquake felt in many countries in central america. >>> oscar pistorius's defense team is finishing in the sentencing phase of his murder trial. he was found guilty in the cu--e should receive community service, therapy, and supervision. the olympian fashions up to 15 years behind bars. >>> after 0 d40 days of not bei seen in public kim jong un resur f resurface. the u.s. has no way of verifying when the photographs were taken. the cane shows he's suffering from some kind of problem with his leg. >>> coming up more politics and promises. i'll be digging into my own archives to see how something the president told me about deportation squares or doesn't square with reality. but first, we're going to go live to kentucky to talk bluegrass show done. a debate a split decision? a lot of head scratching over one mitch mcconnell answer on health care. we'll break down the good, bad, and ugly in seconds. so guys -- it's just you and your honey. the setti
one person was killed in eastern san miguel. there was some minor damage. the power was out in some areas. the earthquake felt in many countries in central america. >>> oscar pistorius's defense team is finishing in the sentencing phase of his murder trial. he was found guilty in the cu--e should receive community service, therapy, and supervision. the olympian fashions up to 15 years behind bars. >>> after 0 d40 days of not bei seen in public kim jong un resur f resurface....
Oct 7, 2014
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also for the san miguel and richmond bridges all have of the traffic check. >> reporter: a californiawaking up to the nobel prize winner. the events at a high efficient ldc lightboat. but as it looks like when it is lit up but is blue. that ball could increase the quality of life for people around the world. >> reporter: we have a live look outside we come back we'll talk about the heyse's afternoon in the cool down that continues here to the midweek more on that to come. at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. you ow, youlay otball n wh i g shinglesit was somhing. painhat ingl causes.in. itas like beg bldsided byome nebacker. you ow, youlay otball n wh i g shinglesit was somhing. painyou n'seeom!oming.. washis inful rashof little. d, uy stuff. lo of 'em. ll tt shgles virusis alrea inse. memb chien pox. t a od deal.ifou've h c, ai't ettywhen it co
also for the san miguel and richmond bridges all have of the traffic check. >> reporter: a californiawaking up to the nobel prize winner. the events at a high efficient ldc lightboat. but as it looks like when it is lit up but is blue. that ball could increase the quality of life for people around the world. >> reporter: we have a live look outside we come back we'll talk about the heyse's afternoon in the cool down that continues here to the midweek more on that to come. at shell,...
Oct 20, 2014
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echeverrÍa le manda saludos a su mamÁ que lo ve vez de reynosa, tamaulipas, y un saludo a la familia san miguelmujeres amas de casa, madres, profesionales, poniendo en obra todo su talento. >> igual que como todas las que nos ven, trabajando, somos madres y esposas, y esperamos que nos apoye porque vamos estar no sÓlo en miami sino en varias ciudades de estados unidos. nosotras somos brujas, y tÚ? >> volvemos con ustedes, muchachos. >> quÉ guapas, y atletas a mÍ, besitos para roxana garcÍa que es triatleta como ustedes saben, vamos a estar pendientes de esta obra, y cuÉntenos en las redes sociales si son brujitas tambiÉn. y quiero contarles en las noticias, prÁcticamente fue la despedida de este club en texas, la estructura de la edificaciÓn de 18 pisos se vino abajo mediante una implosiÓn que apenas durÓ minutos, despuÉs de recoger los escombros comenzarÁ la construcciÓn del nuevo edificio de 35 plantas que se destinarÁ a oficinas. habrÍa matado a golpes a la hija de tres aÑos de su novia e intentado suicidarse pero terminÓ en manos de la policÍa, se habrÍa enojado porque la menor ensuciÓ su r
echeverrÍa le manda saludos a su mamÁ que lo ve vez de reynosa, tamaulipas, y un saludo a la familia san miguelmujeres amas de casa, madres, profesionales, poniendo en obra todo su talento. >> igual que como todas las que nos ven, trabajando, somos madres y esposas, y esperamos que nos apoye porque vamos estar no sÓlo en miami sino en varias ciudades de estados unidos. nosotras somos brujas, y tÚ? >> volvemos con ustedes, muchachos. >> quÉ guapas, y atletas a mÍ, besitos...
Oct 26, 2014
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. >> miguel, a soreno from san diego depends on heart.se he can't rely on much else. >> well, anybody could beat me up, you know. it has happened before. >> i got dropped one time. passed by nortenos. i said something. they flipped my chair over i fell over. yeah. >> nieves has served prior jail sentences for crimes, residential burglary, burglary of a vehicle and illegal possession of a firearm. now he has nine months for possession of ammunition by a felon. he lost the use of his legs eight years earlier engaged in gang activity on the street. >> i was banging on the street. i got hit with a car. i got dragged for a block and a half. >> did you see the car coming? >> no. no, i didn't. i was too busy fighting. >> nieves -- passed out and woke up in the hospital. >> i didn't feel nothing until i woke up with morphine. i was like whoa. that's when it hit me, that it happened. and everything in my throat. you know what i mean? >> he was there when he went to the hospital. and, you know what i mean. >> moscedo a sereno is nieves' cellmate. h
. >> miguel, a soreno from san diego depends on heart.se he can't rely on much else. >> well, anybody could beat me up, you know. it has happened before. >> i got dropped one time. passed by nortenos. i said something. they flipped my chair over i fell over. yeah. >> nieves has served prior jail sentences for crimes, residential burglary, burglary of a vehicle and illegal possession of a firearm. now he has nine months for possession of ammunition by a felon. he lost the...
Oct 15, 2014
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game four tomorrow at 4:07, miguel gonzalez on the mound as the birds look to avoid getting swept. >>> game three of the nlc sanco s blew a 4-0 lead but with -- san francisco threw a 4- 0 lead but with the game tied in the 10th giants come in to score. they win on a walkoff error to take a 2-1 series lead. >>> the washington capitals looking for their first win at home, but it wasn't supposed to be a high scoring affair. the san jose sharks have yet to give up a goal this season and only one nonshootout goal has been allowed between either team, but tonight fans got a bit of a treat. pick it up in the 3rd period, caps down 5-3. alex ovechkin closes the gap with his second goal of the evening. less than two minutes later troy brouwer gets in on the action, drives and scores the game tying goal. this went to a shootout and the goals dried up. the only one to score was sharks joe pavelski. caps battle tonight but lose 6- 5. >> we could very easel be 3-0 instead of 1--- easily be 3-0 instead of 1-0-2. at the same time still collecting points. if we get three points out of every game you end up with a lot of points
game four tomorrow at 4:07, miguel gonzalez on the mound as the birds look to avoid getting swept. >>> game three of the nlc sanco s blew a 4-0 lead but with -- san francisco threw a 4- 0 lead but with the game tied in the 10th giants come in to score. they win on a walkoff error to take a 2-1 series lead. >>> the washington capitals looking for their first win at home, but it wasn't supposed to be a high scoring affair. the san jose sharks have yet to give up a goal this...
Oct 18, 2014
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san peter de esa ciudad y nos tiene mas detalles. cuentanos katherine. pkg snipe no borrar sandra muchas gracias katherine top vo sandra --la avenida costera "miguel alemanico, fue bloqueada hoy por maestros del estado de guerrero... --lo hicieron para exigirle al gobierno que encuentre con vida a los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos en el municipio de iguala en septiembre... -- los muchachos se enfrentaron con la policia durante una manifestacion...des de entonces no se sabe de ellos.... --los docentes analizan la posibilidad de hacer un planton indefinido en ese sitio... sandra -- este caso de los estudiantes de iguala desaparecidos ha aumentado las criticas contra el presidente del pais azteca enrique peÑa nieto... vo --el mandatario admitio que su gabinete de seguridad tiene ordenes expresas de encontrar a los normalistas.... --a este hecho, se suma el escandalo de militares involucrados en el asesinato a sangre fria de por lo menos 8 presuntos delincuentes despues de un enfrentamiento en el municipio de "tlatlaya", en el estado de mexico.... top gfx vo sandra ---queremos conocer su punto de vista sobre este tema... en nuestra pregunta del dia... ---qu o
san peter de esa ciudad y nos tiene mas detalles. cuentanos katherine. pkg snipe no borrar sandra muchas gracias katherine top vo sandra --la avenida costera "miguel alemanico, fue bloqueada hoy por maestros del estado de guerrero... --lo hicieron para exigirle al gobierno que encuentre con vida a los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos en el municipio de iguala en septiembre... -- los muchachos se enfrentaron con la policia durante una manifestacion...des de entonces no se sabe de ellos.......
Oct 12, 2014
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miguel cabrera. >> joe: 0-1 in the air to center. back as romo does his job. we go to the ninth in game one. sancisco with two in the second, one in the third. and the pitching of that man, madison bumgarner, lead it 3-0. on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and this could be the ball game. field. he's going back. t-mobile's network has more data capacity per customer than verizon and at&t. it's a network that puts data where you need it most. a network designed data strong. [music]"aye" by: new world sound sweat... ♪ ...it says i was here. i worked here. it says i only have so much to give. before i have to take. what i lose... ...i wanna get back. ♪ sweat says, i earned this. gatorade. created to help replace what you sweat out. ♪twisting, turning furtherd from my home.♪ ♪and when its done believe tha
miguel cabrera. >> joe: 0-1 in the air to center. back as romo does his job. we go to the ninth in game one. sancisco with two in the second, one in the third. and the pitching of that man, madison bumgarner, lead it 3-0. on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico....
Oct 12, 2014
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miguel cabrera. >> joe: 0-1 in the air to center. back as romo does his job. we go to the ninth in game one. sancisco with two in the second, one in the third. and the pitching of that man, madison bumgarner, lead it 3-0. on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and this could be the ball game. field. he's going back. t-mobile's network has more data capacity per customer than verizon and at&t. it's a network that puts data where you need it most. a network designed data strong. [music]"aye" by: new world sound sweat... ♪ ...it says i was here. i worked here. it says i only have so much to give. before i have to take. what i lose... ...i wanna get back. ♪ sweat says, i earned this. gatorade. created to help replace what you sweat out. ♪twisting, turning furtherd from my home.♪ ♪and when its done believe tha
miguel cabrera. >> joe: 0-1 in the air to center. back as romo does his job. we go to the ninth in game one. sancisco with two in the second, one in the third. and the pitching of that man, madison bumgarner, lead it 3-0. on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico....
Oct 29, 2014
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univisiÓn san antonio dice que minutos antes de morir el ex pandillero pidiÓ perdón a las familias de las vÍctimas. >> tuve la oportunidad. otros colegas de ser testigo de la ejecuciÓn de miguels palabras en espaÑol diciendo te amo, padre. >> agradeciÓ el amor de sus seres queridos y pidiÓ que cuidarÁn de su madre y su hijo. >> tiene un hijo de 16 aÑos que ahora sufre bastante por lo que le van a hacer a su papÁ. >> la ejecuciÓn no acudió ningÚn familiar de las tres vÍctimas de paredes, sin embargo el hermano de una de ellas enviÓ una carta y dijo que lo sentÍa por el hermano que perdiÓ hace 14 aÑos despuÉs de que paredes le quitÓ la vida y lo sentÍa por su sobrino quien no pudo crecer al lado de su padre. >> muchas gracias. 6 segundos despuÉs de el despegue una fuerte explosiÓn destruyÓ un cohete privado enviado por la nasa hacia la estaciÓn internacional. la nave antares 130 no temporada tenÍa dos toneladas de suministro para los miembros la misiÓn estaba pautada para salir antes de las 7 de la noche en virginia. criminales de ee.uu. habÍan encontrado en la ciudad fronteriza de tijuana en mÉxico un sitio perfecto para esconderse pero cambiÓ porque los Últimos tiempos decena
univisiÓn san antonio dice que minutos antes de morir el ex pandillero pidiÓ perdón a las familias de las vÍctimas. >> tuve la oportunidad. otros colegas de ser testigo de la ejecuciÓn de miguels palabras en espaÑol diciendo te amo, padre. >> agradeciÓ el amor de sus seres queridos y pidiÓ que cuidarÁn de su madre y su hijo. >> tiene un hijo de 16 aÑos que ahora sufre bastante por lo que le van a hacer a su papÁ. >> la ejecuciÓn no acudió ningÚn familiar de...
Oct 9, 2014
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bahia: san jose: 80 oakland: 73 san francisco: 67 santa rosa: 83 santa cruz: 75 half moon bay: 67 livermoore: 85 mountain view: 77 santa clara: 80 ================= miguel juego amistoso de hoy ante honduras... ad lib toss to sot trt:14 outcue: javier hernandez vo el chepo de la torre ya entreno con su equipo por primera vez el dia de ayer. el entrenamiento fue a puerta abierta para los aficionados. pero no hubo una buena respuesta ya que solo 30 aficionados se dieron cita en el lugar para ver al nuevo estatega del chiverio. deportes temporada regular de la mls... ad lib vo los san jose earth quakes visitaron a vo los san jose earth quakes visitaron a lo portland timbers en providence park y caray que fue una noche dificil para el equipo california que se fueron con la derrota de 3 a 0 pese a las grandes atajadas de su arquero, la ofensiva de los quakes hoy no pudo romper el cero del local... son 3 partidos los que les restan a los quakes, dos de ellos en casa, este sabado frente a real salt lake y 26 de octubre cierran temporada frente en el buck shaw vs. chivas usa... vo por otro lado en tierras canadienses el toronto fc recibio al houston dynamo. un
bahia: san jose: 80 oakland: 73 san francisco: 67 santa rosa: 83 santa cruz: 75 half moon bay: 67 livermoore: 85 mountain view: 77 santa clara: 80 ================= miguel juego amistoso de hoy ante honduras... ad lib toss to sot trt:14 outcue: javier hernandez vo el chepo de la torre ya entreno con su equipo por primera vez el dia de ayer. el entrenamiento fue a puerta abierta para los aficionados. pero no hubo una buena respuesta ya que solo 30 aficionados se dieron cita en el lugar para ver...
Oct 14, 2014
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miguel zaragoza torres de 18 aÑos, aun se desconoce el nombre de la vÍctima. las autoridades investigan que ocasionÓ que un edificio se derrumbara esta maÑana en el distrito financiero de sanlida. obtuvimos estas imÁgenes. un hombres se ahogÓ y otro tuvo que ser rescatado de la marea que los alejÓ de la playa ayer. ambos sujetos pescaban en unas rocas pero las olas y los tiraron al agua, mientras uno de ellos pudo sujetarse otro de ellos se perdiÓ en el mar. los equipos de la guardia costera encontraron a los dos hombres pero uno de ellos ya estaba sin vida. >> los candidatos a alcalde de san josÉ van a participar de un tour en un autobÚs junto a miembros de la comunidad para ver las preocupaciones que tienen los vecinos. y tres ferrari nos cuenta que esta pasando. >> aqui estamos en vivo, esperando para ver quÉ estÁ sucediendo. alli hay un grupo en el que se encuentran los dos candidatos y tambiÉn numerosos vecinos de la organizaciÓn comunitaria pack y otras entidades religiosas. dejen que les muestre tambiÉn hay un autobÚs, a ese autobús se van a ser los candidatos junto a vecinos de esta zona. el objetivo es que le van a mostrar a estos candidatos quÉ es lo que estÁ pas
miguel zaragoza torres de 18 aÑos, aun se desconoce el nombre de la vÍctima. las autoridades investigan que ocasionÓ que un edificio se derrumbara esta maÑana en el distrito financiero de sanlida. obtuvimos estas imÁgenes. un hombres se ahogÓ y otro tuvo que ser rescatado de la marea que los alejÓ de la playa ayer. ambos sujetos pescaban en unas rocas pero las olas y los tiraron al agua, mientras uno de ellos pudo sujetarse otro de ellos se perdiÓ en el mar. los equipos de la guardia...
Oct 14, 2014
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san francisco, jean elle, nbc bay area news. >>> a teen suspected of being drunk is in custody after an early morning car crash that killed a pedestrian. police arrested 19-year-old miguel torres of sunnyvale at the scene of that crash. he's now charged with vehicular manslaughter, felony dui, and driving without a license. police say his car hit a man who was either walking or jogging a little after 6:00 this morning along palo alto's east bayshore road. torres's car also struck a utility pole and rolled over. the victim has yet to be identified. >>> well, from bad to worse. a san jose man is dealing with more than anyone should really have to. first his wife is diagnosed with a debilitating disease. and then both of his cars and his wallet are stolen while he's visiting his wife at the hospital. and complicating it all -- the man drives for a living and needs those cars. nbc bay area's ian colt spoke with the victim to tell us how he's coping. >> i woke up this morning and i didn't know what to do. >> reporter: the last few days have been horrible for daniel stewart and his family. on saturday his wife, jennifer, was diagnosed with a rare form of m.s. then yesterday a
san francisco, jean elle, nbc bay area news. >>> a teen suspected of being drunk is in custody after an early morning car crash that killed a pedestrian. police arrested 19-year-old miguel torres of sunnyvale at the scene of that crash. he's now charged with vehicular manslaughter, felony dui, and driving without a license. police say his car hit a man who was either walking or jogging a little after 6:00 this morning along palo alto's east bayshore road. torres's car also struck a...
Oct 4, 2014
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san francisco are facing stern prosecution. but for the families of the victims little can ease their pain. for today miguelaguer. >> dylan is on the plaza with a check on the weather. >> i have a subtle coat for you this morning. we're trying to brighten things up. we have a hearty crowd out here. your sign is running but -- >> it's your birthday today. >> we're from michigan! will clear by you're being upstaged by the fine couple from michigan. we're still having fun out here despite the rain. let's talk about the cold temperatures in the middle of the country. look how far down that jet stream dips. that's about 20 degrees below average today. over into california we're talking about exceptional heat. heat advisories in effect. we have fire danger still a concern out that way. we could see temperatures 20 degrees above average. that's going to stick around through sunday as well. the heat in california but the cold in the midwest is going to spread east as we >>> we are seeing a warm start to the morning and a hot forecast. 90s around san jose. upper 90s south of downtown. mid 80s closer to san francisco
san francisco are facing stern prosecution. but for the families of the victims little can ease their pain. for today miguelaguer. >> dylan is on the plaza with a check on the weather. >> i have a subtle coat for you this morning. we're trying to brighten things up. we have a hearty crowd out here. your sign is running but -- >> it's your birthday today. >> we're from michigan! will clear by you're being upstaged by the fine couple from michigan. we're still having fun...
Oct 4, 2014
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san francisco, are facing stern prosecution. for the families of the victims, little can ease their pain. for "today," miguelaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >>> dylan is out on the plaza with the check of the weather. >> good morning. i have a subtle coat for you this morning. we are trying to brighten things up on the plaza. we have a hearty crowd out here. i feel your sign is running. is it your birth day? >> yes. >> you are being upstaged by a couple from michigan. hello on the plaza. we are still having fun despite the rain. let's talk about the cold temperatures in the middle of the country. look how far down that jet stream dips. it pulls in the cool air from canada and we are seeing temperatures this morning only in the 30s and 40s. this afternoon, it will top out in the 40s and 50s. that is about 20 degrees below average today, but back over into california, we are still talking about exceptional heat. heat advisories in effect. fire danger is a concern out that way. we could see temperatures 20 degrees above average. that will stick around for sunday. the heat in california, but the cold in the midwes
san francisco, are facing stern prosecution. for the families of the victims, little can ease their pain. for "today," miguelaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >>> dylan is out on the plaza with the check of the weather. >> good morning. i have a subtle coat for you this morning. we are trying to brighten things up on the plaza. we have a hearty crowd out here. i feel your sign is running. is it your birth day? >> yes. >> you are being upstaged by a couple from...
Oct 29, 2014
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univisiÓn san antonio dice que minutos antes de morir el ex pandillero pidiÓ perdón a las familias de las vÍctimas. >> tuve la oportunidad. otros colegas de ser testigo de la ejecuciÓn de migueln embargo el hermano de una de ellas enviÓ una carta y dijo que lo sentÍa por el hermano que perdiÓ hace 14 aÑos despuÉs de que paredes le quitÓ la vida y lo sentÍa por su sobrino quien no pudo crecer al lado de su padre. >> muchas gracias. 6 segundos despuÉs de el despegue una fuerte explosiÓn destruyÓ un cohete privado enviado por la nasa hacia la estaciÓn internacional. la nave antares 130 no temporada tenÍa dos toneladas de suministro para los miembros la misiÓn estaba pautada para salir antes de las 7 de la noche en virginia. criminales de ee.uu. habÍan encontrado en la ciudad fronteriza de tijuana en mÉxico un sitio perfecto para esconderse pero cambiÓ porque los Últimos tiempos decenas de estos delincuentes han sido capturados desde tijuana, jorge nos habla del trabajo que realizan la policÍa con las del san diego de california. >> estos son los rostros de fugitivos de la ley de ee.uu. que han sido capturados en tijuana mÁs de 50 en lo que va del aÑo. >> que han matado, secuestr
univisiÓn san antonio dice que minutos antes de morir el ex pandillero pidiÓ perdón a las familias de las vÍctimas. >> tuve la oportunidad. otros colegas de ser testigo de la ejecuciÓn de migueln embargo el hermano de una de ellas enviÓ una carta y dijo que lo sentÍa por el hermano que perdiÓ hace 14 aÑos despuÉs de que paredes le quitÓ la vida y lo sentÍa por su sobrino quien no pudo crecer al lado de su padre. >> muchas gracias. 6 segundos despuÉs de el despegue una...
Oct 23, 2014
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macho, estÁn con la presiÓn, aquÍ en eso lÓgico de san diego los estÁn cuidando mucho para que continÚen. >> hay que ponerles la mÚsica de luis miguel sin interÉs, lo mejor de todo es que boutique univisiÓn tiene la mÁs grande exhibiciÓn en esta secciÓn especÍficamente, tenemos muchos productos flex pay, para que te puedas dar el lujo de tener los productos mÁs caros con mÁs flexibilidad de pago, aparte que despuÉs de hacer el primer pago se le envÍa de inmediato el producto a su casa, y no tiene que esperar. >> por ejemplo, le quiero comprar ese regalo amigo de la vida, pero no tengo el dinero completo, ¿quÉ harÍa? >> aquÍ tienes las tableta completa, hp, ves los precios en la pantalla, pero con flex pay pagas 45,99, por cinco meses, recuerda que lo recibes de inmediato , increÍble. pasamos por acÁ a estos increÍble beats, que estÁn de moda en esos momentos, son caros, pero como tÚ ves la opciÓn de flex pay te permite pagar 39 99. >> con la primera cuota que pague ya tengo el electrodomÉstico. >> asÍ es, el manejo y envío en los primeros pagos y se te envÍa inmediatamente. mira este vestido de cuero, aquÍ puedes ver mÁs o menos que
macho, estÁn con la presiÓn, aquÍ en eso lÓgico de san diego los estÁn cuidando mucho para que continÚen. >> hay que ponerles la mÚsica de luis miguel sin interÉs, lo mejor de todo es que boutique univisiÓn tiene la mÁs grande exhibiciÓn en esta secciÓn especÍficamente, tenemos muchos productos flex pay, para que te puedas dar el lujo de tener los productos mÁs caros con mÁs flexibilidad de pago, aparte que despuÉs de hacer el primer pago se le envÍa de inmediato el...
Oct 15, 2014
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driver miguel there were there goes the torres on the killer manslaughter felony d u high and missed the meter on license driving >> reporter:a devastating six- point- nine magnitude quake struck on the sanreas faultline. centered at the loma prieta peak of the santa cruz mountains. the quake leveled structures in many parts of the bay area. killing more than sixty people. injuring some four- thousand others. >> reporter:kron 4's maureen kelly went to some of the places hit the hardest. to show us what has changed. >> reporter: the freeway was three rerouted. is now known as the mandela parkway. >> reporter: that ease that bridge collapsed and the damage it shut down a major artery. >> reporter: the marina and neighborhood built a landfill was the hardest hit in 89 a dozen buildings were destroyed. >> reporter: the intersection of the visit there zero and eight. >> reporter: of three story building collapsed into one story. it >> reporter: quake damaged buildings torn down and replaced. >> reporter: 5 people were killed when the side of this market came crashing down with a shot rang people with bricks. >> reporter: and santa cruz pile the bricks and cracked walls could be seen and build
driver miguel there were there goes the torres on the killer manslaughter felony d u high and missed the meter on license driving >> reporter:a devastating six- point- nine magnitude quake struck on the sanreas faultline. centered at the loma prieta peak of the santa cruz mountains. the quake leveled structures in many parts of the bay area. killing more than sixty people. injuring some four- thousand others. >> reporter:kron 4's maureen kelly went to some of the places hit the...
Oct 18, 2014
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and so that became san miguel chapel. at the time it was san miguel mission. it's been noted as several different things, san miguel chapel or san miguel mission, but that's probably why they came here. they needed some place to worship. this church actually has been built and rebuilt several different times due to different types of destruction. but originally, they came here and built a small chapel. and it's probably because they were just devout catholics and they needed some place to worship. the building is basically made of adobe by which is mud. in this day, they used mud, clay and straw. back in the 1600s, they used mud, manure, and straw. and that's how they built it. adobe is made and sun baked for several, several days before it is able to be stacked to form a wall. and depending on how they stack the adobe, determines the depth of the wall. san miguel statue is at the center bottom of the altar and san miguel is the patron of the mission church. it dates from the 1600s. it was carved in old mexico by missionaries and then brought to santa fe. abov
and so that became san miguel chapel. at the time it was san miguel mission. it's been noted as several different things, san miguel chapel or san miguel mission, but that's probably why they came here. they needed some place to worship. this church actually has been built and rebuilt several different times due to different types of destruction. but originally, they came here and built a small chapel. and it's probably because they were just devout catholics and they needed some place to...