and r cousinhad hors and a rm down the san riv erand th'd nursethis ttle fawand keptt al iv untitheyind oflike aet for them. th fed iit wasust a t. - mm-hmm. well, had jusgotteneally mfortablwith evebo dy. ars ago, was obably 1or 11, buwe were wn aty grandmhe r's atarmon's eek. thatay, on t well hoe whe we had big bucket that wlowed do and pul d up aneverybodwould take aadle a dri therwas a lile bl parakee that halanded othe wellou se. anhe becamone of mfirst pets thawas not dog. saved a w his feathersrom his ca ge. i gus is is what prervat iowas, dt tape a saran wrap. i rember takg care ohim. and i'd ready starte thismall lite ceme ry wheri would into the kitcn dr aw ani'd grab f ork.and i ulrun out the ge of thwo ods. and had thisafe, cret little ace. and i wod dig ahole wh the rk d i woulbury lite grasoppers a thi ng t thisime, myparakeet bly d ie d i used school x focrayons d pencils justike thisne, justexactly ke this one. an- [sniffg] i lov the ell tha t- ani lined e box wi tissue d my mhad arrangent oflow s. and theyere fakelowe rsand i gus i thout that wld lastnd that s the i