research that is decades old that says yes, a good policy like this should be instituted locally and san sco is the perfect place for doing this, i think we have a reputation and a history of addressing social problems through what the supervisors come up with at the local level. the people who have just talked today i thought provided very rich information on why this is compelling, why it works, what could be changed in some ways to make it a little bit better, but i've just heard very impressive comments from a variety of people. i support the extension of this legislation to low wage workers, i think it's a very compelling argument there that there are people who do not have enough money in their family budget to take time off and there's those low wage workers that i think would be particularly affected by this in a good way, by including their needs. i make no comment about the size of firms, i think it's an important idea but i think the issue is to support the legislation and to institute it and then keep changing it to working on it, perfecting it in a way that you can do once somet