herrara on san tanner wrote in san jose, we are continuing to explore the bay area is rooftops. i am out here it outside hotel valencia. that something fabulous. you need not to take just one elevator, but it to elevators to get here. in the view is well worth the journey. there she is. >>> hello thuy. this is my friend cam. she lives here in santana row. >>> this is the hidden gem of santana row. and the drinks are excellent. i am having a red dragon martini. it is absolutely refreshing. >>> cheers to that. now dino we wili know where we r the next pacquiao or parade meanwhilhappy hour. >>> in busy downtown san francisco, there's a peaceful bubble above the hub. an urban oasis. there are several places like this, quiet corners hidden around the city where anyone could retreat to send a copy, reid, take a lunch break or justice it. some of them are perched above scenic rooftops. these places are very secret, but they are called publipo po architectural historian is prcalls them publicly open spaces. you will have trees, you will have binges and may be a water fountain. rick who