it appearses on the 1950 sanbor. they cite it three storeys over basement. the appellant cited two per pitm the 1950s stated two-storey over basement. the balance of evidence includie 1981 report support the legalite structure. the appellant has been informedo pursue the matter furd with dbiy have the jurisdiction over legaf struck tours. if they find the property is in violation, they'll require it bt into compliance. i'm failin available for any quu have. >> i think you know that was a m brought up last week. there was no substantial answerm either the permit holder or the department. so it would have been relativelo demonstrate and if we had somett was conclusive. but neither side representativee hearing didn't answer the questn either. >> my understanding is that oner pages was presented last week ae hearing. i can't speak as to why they dit provide all four pages. but since then, we did find thee document. >> thank you. >> inspector duffy, anything? >> good evening inspector duffy. >> good evening. prei don't have too much to add. i did see the e-mails