interest because everything is part of the great drama of creation, the fall, promise, incarnation, sanctification, and the coming of the kingdom. soul is whatf his makes pope john paul ii the most i've ever listener encountered in my life. when you are with him he doesn't want to tell you what he thinks. he doesn't want to tell you what to think. he wants to know what you think. he wants to know what is going on. that curiosity which is every today ative and him age 79 plus is because of this profound conviction that everyone he meets is an actor or actress in this great cost the drama of salvation. in the fifth place i would say y soul.ul ii has a la those of you who have read crossing the threshold, and there aretery, more young men in seminaries today because of this man than because of any other single factor of the time. on the other hand this priestly priest, this very priestly priest is the first hope in centuries who for many years intended to live his christian vocation as a layman, and who confesses in threshold and gifted mystery it was a wrestling match when he first felt the finger o