count of sandomir, count... the princedoms first, stupid bugger. princedom of podolia, grand-duchy of posen, duchy of courlande, county of sandomir, county of vitepsk, palatinate of pollock, margravate of thorn. - go on. - that's the lot. what do you mean that's the lot? oh, well, i'm going to make some laws next. hmm, that will be worth watching. i shall begin by reforming the judicial code, and then turn my attention to financial matters. [music] we are strongly opposed to any change. so, pshit. in the first place, judges will no longer receive a salary. and what shall we live on? we are all poor men. you'll keep the fines you impose, and the possessions of those you condemn to death. - that's unthinkable. - infamous. - scandalous. - contemptible. we refuse to judge under such conditions. down the hatch with the judges. what have you done, pa ubu? who will administer justice now? why, i will. you'll see how well it will work out. yes, it will be a right old mess. shut your gob, clownish female. i'm now going to turn my attention to financial matt