bound for east timor on september twenty first one thousand nine hundred ninety two gather with sandor tunis all dylan and all the other journalists we weren't the only people heading for daily italian seven four five was approaching from the east and coming in the opposite direction from west timor where john swain of the sunday times with american photographer chip ryan they were the top hauser's shells of homes. the roads the streets were very empty and security had completely fall apart delhi airport was eerie when we came in at the same time as aircraft that is training in peacekeeping forces the f one building was deserted and partially destroyed there were no formalities no security checks. nor was there any transport not a traditional kind anyway. we managed to flag down a cattle truck but i can remember seller standing at the front of the of the tip. with his head up above looking down the highway the australian peacekeepers that set up in one of the beachfront or tells them in the early ring didn't steal they've made a headquarters in the main hotel which is called the tourist my h