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stinger take 2 boxes sandra bermudez que est ocurriendo ? take sandra live sandra cam yo estoy en la calle inman way en san jose aqui es donde el departamento del alguacil tiene un centro de comando por que precisamete en esta area se hizo un cateo en una casa rodante... pero este es solo uno de varios operativos que se estan realizando para tratar de localizar a rogelio chavez... y a sus complices... take vo/scco inmate search esta calle esta cerrada y aqui hay varios oficiales... estan procesando informacion, evidencia y entrevistando a testigos... llegaron aqui , al este de san jose fuertemente armados y comenzaron a buscar al sospechoso pero no pudo ser localizo.... poco antes de las 2 de la tarde se le ordeno a los alumnos y maestros de la preparatoria overfelt que se encerraran en sus salones como medida preventiva... pues se creia que el profugo podria estar cerca.... en determinado momento se realizaron algunas detonaciones de luces que usan normalmente para distraer a un blanco en especifico... hasta el momento no se tiene noticias de que rogelio chavez o
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take boxes nos enlazamos con sandra bermudez y la informacin de lo que est ocurriendo ? take sandra live sandran san jose aqui es donde el departamento del alguacil tuvo un centro de comando pues estuvieron realizando un cateo en esta casa rodante... se creia que aqu podria haber estado escondido rogelio chavez, unos de los prisioneros que se escaparon de la carcel del condado de santa clara, el miercoles pasado.. un dia antes de accion de gracias. pueden darse cuenta que la ventana trasera esta destruida asi como todos los gabinetes de madera, todo esta hecho trizas en el interior. pero chavez no estaba aqu.. take vo/scco inmate search pero este es solo uno de varios operativos que se han estan realizando para tratar de localizar a rogelio chavez... y a sus complices... oficiales cerraron esta calle por varias horas y estuvieron entrevistando a testigos... llegaron aqu fuertemente armados.. poco antes de las 2 de la tarde se le ordeno a los alumnos y maestros de la preparatoria overfelt que se encerraran en sus salones como medida preventiva... pues se creia que el profugo podria estar cerca..
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sandra bermudez en vivo con los detalles.. qu fue lo que pas? take sandra live sandra on cam muy cerca de aqu donde estoy, en un parque estatal que se llama aÑo nuevo y que se localiza en pescadero es donde se encontro una embarcacion con una cantidad no especificada de droga. take vo resulta que la guardia costera vio que la lancha se detuvo cerca de new years creek , sospechaban que estaban tratando de traficar con drogas asi que notificaron al departamento de aduanas y proteccion fronteriza. llegaron al lugar tambien agentes del alguacil y ah en la escena detuvieron a tres personas que se cree estan asociadas con el trfico de narcticos. en las imgenes que fueron grabadas desde el helicoptero se alcanza a ver en la panga una gran cantidad de paquetes envueltos en una especie de plastico negro, pero no sabemos que tipo de droga habria en el interior ni de qu cantidad estaramos hablando. pero fijense que originalmente este llamado lo atendieron las autoridades cuando pensaron que se trataba de una balacera. el caso todavia esta siendo investigado.. sandra on cam le ten
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sandra bermudez en vivo con los detalles.. qu fue lo que pas? take sandra live sandray cerca de aqu donde estoy, en un parque estatal que se llama aÑo nuevo y que se localiza en pescadero es donde se encontro una embarcacion con una cantidad no especificada de droga. take vo resulta que la guardia costera vio que la lancha se detuvo cerca de new years creek , sospechaban que estaban tratando de traficar con drogas asi que notificaron al departamento de aduanas y proteccion fronteriza. llegaron al lugar tambien agentes del alguacil y ah en la escena detuvieron a tres personas que se cree estan asociadas con el trfico de narcticos. pero fijense que originalmente este llamado lo atendieron las autoridades cuando pensaron que se trataba de una balacera. asi que pidieron refuerzos. escuchemos. take sot con vo/sandra el vocero dice que tuvieron que llamar al menos a 4 unidades. esa es la parte que no queda muy clara. pues sabemos que un agente del alguacil fue transportado a un hospital con una herida de bala pero no sabemos exactamente cmo ocurrio ese incidente o si estaba
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take 2 boxes --sandra bermudez cuentanos de quien se trata? roll en vivo stg take sandra live sandra su nombre es ricardo colindres... es buscado desdeabril, cuao trato de seestra a su novia de sutrabajo en pacifica pero le dio un balazo en la cabeza... milagrosamente ella y su bebe sobrevivieron pero el desaparecio... ahora por ricardo se ofrecen 10 mil dolares... take pkg 0:01 1:00 snipe pkg este es ricardoolinds... uno de los fugitivos mas buscados decalifornia... el abril de esteano llego a una comunidad deadultos mayores en la cuadra1000 dterranova bouvard y trato de privar de su libertad a su novia... la victima tenia en eseentonces 8 meses de embarazo... pero las cosas al parecer no salieron como ricardo las tenia planeadas y termin disparandole en la cabeza y dandola por muerta... se desvanecio y hasta ahora no se sabe nada de el... sin embargo las autoridades quieren hacerle saber a la comunidad que la investacion esta auabierta... sot u.s. marshall pacica phon 03:16 al 03:29 we are hoping....award esperamos que esto sirva para recordarle a lgente quien es...es un profugo y
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sandra bermudez. sandra de quien setrata? take sandra liveen mayopasado. take vo los nombrese los cdidatos sele entregaran allcalde ed l y se supone que el tiene que darsu visto bue. si no es asientonces tendran que empezar elproceso d busqueda otra vez. inialmente se o que habr unos 60 interesados dirigir esta corporacion policiaca. ahora el trabajo del nuevo jefeestara lleno de muchos retospues no solamente tendra quelidiar con una reforma para eluso de la fuerza letal que estapidiendo la comunidad sinoque hace menos de un mes salioun reporte en elue el departamento de justicia dice que la fuerzaque se usa contra la comunidadafroamericana es mayor comparadac otras razas.sto aqu ensan francisco.. hay que recordar que la renunciadel anterior jefe... se dio enmedio de gran controversia porel numero de balaceras mortales en las que se vieron involucrados sus oficiales. activistas de la ciudad estan pidiendo que lo corrieran,ustedes recordaran que hasta se realizo una huelga de hambre aqu precisamente frentea la estacion de policia en la calle m
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esta maÑapudimos conversar con familiares de la vctima esperanzados con encontrarla-- take sandra live sandra de karla ramireesta pasando r la peor de las pesadias. aqu estamos nosotros fren alcomplejo habitacional donde vive la familia ramirey desde que la policia lesinformo del homicidio de ljoven no han dejado deler sus familiares y amigos..take vo estan evaados. nosros tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar con ellos esta manananos decian que estabandesesperados. pero no perdi la esperanza de que la jovenapareciera. nos jeronue karla a una ven muy bieportada, qua sus 21 aÑos todavia les pedia permisos a susapas para salirel dia que desaparecio, les dijo q iniciaente irial cine con suamiga pero cambiaron de parecer solofueron a comer.. karla se reporto con losapas y lo ultimo que supieron es e fue a llevar a su amiga a scasa. desde ese momento ellse desvanecio. lmama nos mento queomo a las 2 de la maÑana se desperto y vio que la luzelcuarto de su ha estaba encendida pero ella no estaba. las siguientes horasfueron terribles para ellos. cen q desde entonces no han podidodormir. un hermano de karla
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decenas personas han estado protestandos de las eleccnes presidencles con los detalles ---take sandrae sandra liven
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sandra bermudez noticie telemundo 48. melissa live rigthcesar middle sandra livleft cesar --- muchas gracias a messahernndez y sandra bermzn precedentey en espaÑol en el rea de la ha -- take vo / lorena---trump o clintn.....quien le dara fortaleza al pe mexicano......en e is siguen muy de cercao que pueda ocurrir enestas elecciones presincies, estamos en vivo con lodetles --- lorenexpectativa -, a nivelmundia...y sobre to en el vecino pais del sur-- cesar --- y mxico sigue muy dcerca loue pueda urrir el da dhoy --- take boxes --- jazive pz nos tiene l detalles ---take jazive live :01 :19 35 :53 : : : : =pkg= +imágenes gente ela calle cada quien pece esrconcentr o en sus asuntos.peroa realidad equen las calleslos cafes y las oficinase este pais la principal conveacies lo que esta ocuiendo d otro lado de la fronte. +imágenes bolero y cliteplatican este bolero y su cliendiscutieron los pros y lcontras de uno y otro caidato. super=dario lopez -inq=necesitamos upresidente que se preocupe por losmigrantes y tenga n nosotrouna relación adecada. al final ambos conidier en que era mejor elevar soraciones para que dond trump no lle
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sandra, se sabe por qu asesinaron? ta sand live sandra eso taa no se hesclarecidolo que si samos es que kaa y la mer que puestamenteplaneo y comio su homicid trabajaron junt en un restaurante de comida rida. (vo) esta iormacn surgio aqu esta corte del condo de alameda en oakland rante la audiencia de laura rodrs ycurtis entoine taylor pues resulta que laura do ber planeo todo. y tenvarios dias afinando los detalles l terrible crimen.o al menos eso es lo e do en su declaracion. asegurue miercoles karla fue aecogerla en su auto y que con enÑos la hizo que manejara hastarroviejo park. que ya estando ah, comen aatacarla y el novioe lau se unio a la agresion en ntra de karla. pues estaba aescondido. eerandolas.ahora el sospecho curtis,estaba enterado de losplanes de laura, de hec el fue quien supuestamenteomp el coenedor, lgasolina y locerillos quee usaron para prendee fgo luego de golpearla yapunalarla, segn la decracinde rodgers. y se fueron en el carrde karla a deshacersee toda la evidencia,incluyendo la ropa de victimay la navaja que usaronara matarla. la tiraron eun contenedor de basura en hotel en hayward. (sandrase que lpolicia pudrecuperar todo eso unvezue los dos presuntos homidas fueron detenidos. sandra bermud nociero telemundo 48. lorena/campan --enan jos,a policia tiebajo custodia un hombre buscado por chocar intencionalmte vehiculo robado contruna patrulla, el mes pado. --el sujeto se di a lauga pesar que los iciales abrierofue. take fs -- juan aglar'' fue arrestado ay cuando maneja otroauto supuestamente robo y habra tenido en suposesin drogas. cesar/take vo --hoy dieron conoc la identidad de dos hombs qfallecieron cuando su aonese precipit a tierra, minutos despues de haberdespegado del aeroprto econcord.. --''renato simone'' d58 aÑos yresidente de danville ''leon dwelet jr'' de 67 aÑode orinda.. viaban en la aerave que seestrell el 25 de octubr.--se desconoce la causa l accidente. lorena --- volva ocurr otra rrera ilel este fin desemana , un conductor perdi la da enla ciudad de santa clar---cesar -- pero las autoridades ttras la pista de un sen conductor al que las auridades describe
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we want to get right to kpix 5's sandra osborne who is live outside the main jail. sandrareporter: good morning to you. yeah. one of the more unusual aspects of this entire thing is that originally there were four inmates all four of them worked together to break through the bars of a window on the old part of the jail back here. two of them managed to get away all four made it to the ground they used clothing and bedsheets to actually rappel out of a second-story window. let me show you what's going on right here right now. we have deputies blocking off an intersection. we are on heading and san pedro. they have not been letting vehicles go to the front of the jail this morning. we have also been watching helicopters in the area. but let me tell you who exactly they are looking for. here's a look at
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que se trata de una muerte sospechosa --- --- sandra bermdez est en vicon los detalles --- sandra que dice la policia?saben quin es la victima? take sandra live--las autorides no hanado a conocer mayoresetalles sobresta averiguacin. vo/lorena ---en richmond el vicecalde fue vctima de un asalto a manarmada ---el hho seeport la noe del miercoles cuando ''eduardomartinez'' estaba acompañado dun amigo... ---segn el funcionario pic le robaron su billetera y su telfono mvil...---un video de vigilancia capal sujeto robando un auto lo qcondujo a su arresto... ---martinez, recuper suspertenencias... zoom vo cam 3cesar/take vo--elbogado de la udad de san francisco, dennis herrera,present hoy una demanda contlos promotores de la torre''millennium'' - -herre alegaue la empresaba que el rascacielo de lujo se estaba hundiendo ms d lo esperado antes de comenz a nder unidad pero no rel la iormacin.-- ya en 2008 la torre se habhundido 6 pulgadas, lo que se eserabacurriria ra toda la vida util del edificio lorena --hoy las auridadedel condado de alameda unen esfuerzos con la ciudad defremont, para inaugurar casasasequibles... take vo --se presentaron 64 unidad
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sandra rmudez ta ah c los detals, sand contraque estan prestandoespecificamee.? take sara live (sandra)contra variacas muy especificas ras que los sienten tem: por emplo elplan que tie deport a ra la elimacion dlas ciudades ntuio , cora lacreacion denregistrparmusulmas y contra la eminacn del progra daca bo el cu estanamparas mas d740 miljovene. (vo) hastaqui, lbibliota de launiverdad de n jose e se localiza en calle n fernando y lgaron denas de jovenepara paicipar te moviento pu quiereque los oficialeslectos cales hlen por els y queagan to lo que este a su aance pa proteg los inmrantes indocuntados.hace apenasnos momtos comenzon a mahar poras calles del no de laiudadpero rresaran este mmo lugar mo en una hra s o men y esperaque muc mas gee dela comunidad dena a es movimiento.escuchemos(mos) estudites opin (vo)quiereque el ndado dsanta clara designcomo unondadosantuao. y dicen q estos fuerzoscontinuarannclusivdespuesdel 20 de eno del 27 que ecuando toma ntrol epresidentelectoonald tmp. y como ustees eden maenerseal tantde loeventos quse realen? mandando umensajee textoal 408 759 91 con lfrase icommit(sandraermud noticio telemundo 48 blanca/topo --habldo de losfectos la eleccide trum el grullamad"yes cafornia"sta eleccin de umpel grupllamado "s ciforniaesta tomandpasos fmales pa poner la bola electal de 2018 unpropues que pediraue se enmnde la consticion estal parque elestadoorado ssepare estadosnidos..--peroe acuer con exrtos, para sararse la unise necesitarcambiara consitucifederalon la aproban del cgreso yl apoyo al men 38 estos... blanca/ms--un hombrse recura en uhospital lue de quen paquecon explosis plotaran su apartamenton filadfia.. te --al pacer, elombre d62 aÑos recibayer paquetque contena micina pa uninhalador..pero abrirlse resgitr u exison..--los instigares tran dedeterminar elestallido f causa una boa o fue resuldo de lquimicos elosedicameos.. take vo car --hoy e arresdo y llado a corte sospecso deplaneaun ataq terroris en nueva rk. --se trata "rafikaji", arresto luegoe variomeses de investigar umovimieos. --segun el i"rafik"laneabaarroll coun cami de basa a peatonesn "timeq
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sandra bermuzsta ah n los detall sandrcontra e estan protestando pecifamente.vivo sngertake 2oxestake sand live (sandra)cora vari cosas y especicas: poejemplol planque tieneeeportar millonde inmigrans, contra la elinacione lasciudades sanario contra la cacn de unregistro pa msulmaney contra la inacion l programa daajo el al estaamparados s de 0 miljovene. (vo)hasta aquila biblteca dea universid de sanose quee localiza ena cal sanfernando y egaron cenas de joven paraarticip en este mimientoues queen quelos oficiales ectosocales blen por els y queagan to lo que este a sulcance ra proter a los migrant documendos..hace apenasunos montos comenzaron marchapor lascalles del ntro la ciud ro regraran a te mismlugar mo en una ha mas oenos y esperaque muc mas gee dela comunidad duna este movimientoaqu se encuera conmo. (interview)(vo)quieren q el condo de sta clara designcomo unondado santuarioy diceque est esfuers continuan incluve desps del 20 denero d 2017 q es cuando tomcontroll esidentelecto nald trp. y comostedes eden maenerseal tan de loseventoque se alicen?mandan un menje de tto al 40859 9571on la fra i commit(sandrpor loronto etodo, sdra bermud noticio lemundo8. blanca---esta maña represtantes del centro lal de lraza y organizacipro inmrantes reunien con lalcalde''libbschaaf''..take vo ...parcoordin esfuers a fin deroteger la comidadindocuntada.---esto sur luegque creera el temor ene la comunidad iigranteras losresultados ectoral... --- la alcaesa agur queoakland segr sieo ciudasantuario... vo/cesa---mieras tan en berley elalcaldelecto jessearregu'' anunciue este lar segusiendoiudad stuario.y rechaza laamenazahechas por elresiden electo''donatrump'' en palir a lasue se nieguen coerar colos agentes fedeles.. ---arreguiquesume elargoel 1 ddiciemb dijo q la solidadad entre variaciudadereduce probabilidade que administrac de tru cumplacon sus amezas. ces una peecucin licial sde san frcisco hta sunnale que volucr diversoentes policies term con unaldotrgico... blanca---un en de aÑos mrto, yuno de9 bajo stodia policial. ehecho orri ent s calleeleanor el camo al... andrs breer con informac. take pkg ;01 banner;2art ;54 andre01;38 danilpkg pasadas las de la dianochdel lus, la pica de n anciscostaba psiguien a dos jves que,ijeron,cometion un ro en laciudad. pero la halid del suestocriminal trsel volae le complic laituac a los unifordos... escapan desu jurisdicci..y en estin dminuto estab a todavelocid por la aupista 1sot art mtiel /cy fue all cudo segn lapatrul de camos, el departamto policial leart sobrla situac , y enguida sunieroa lapersecucinlos sospeosos nducan nda civ , que irman algunotestigos srepas l cienmillas porora...sot monti p y en elecorrid atraveron las aupistas 1, 85 y37... segn eportavoz de patrul de caminos.cuando salr de esaltima va rpida desenle fuefatal bridgeel autoe los spechosotermin estllndoseaqu entrl callesleanor el camino re contratros cinco vehlos..el cmple del supuestoeliuente fdeclaradouerto ela esce tena 1aÑo.. fue identicado co zaindadabh...la intidad l conduct fue da a conoce.. peroupimos e tiene aÑos . jay vio d.. uno los aus destras es eluyo sot (no c ce que cucho uduro goe, sali yio comoacaban joven muer del au... su carro ee que perdidtotal.la mis situac la vivdaniel quienrabaja el bar fren a la escenael accinte. su auto, elojo, sui un gr impactosot daniellptol/afirma q escho un ng, sali haciaa prta y v la terrible esca ..la policiae san fncisco inform qulos dosvenes lhaban ra las peenenciaa hombree origeasiticocuandosala de uautobs ras ant del accident blanca---esta tde rededore las2:30 utren decaltrai queiba en direcn sur aoll a upersona qucruzabailegalmente s vas d tren. take vo ---el hecho repo a laalturae la avida ''bellue''esto entrlas estiones dsan mateo y rlingam ---tras ee accidte se report un reaso en servicio friario, bordo del tren ia700 pasajeros. cesar hoy seresent corte hombre udo de asinar au hija de años dedad en "healdurg"...take vo---segla poli ''gerao mendozordaz''abra ahado en la la bautismal denaglesia su hija epresenc de otrde sushijos.---hoy a lcco y trnta nuestrcompaÑe pilar ño nosrevelamayores detl de estcaso y por quu prximaudiencpodra tardar. blanca---en n francco, inqlinos piden alto aos desaloj entras s fiestse aproxim. take vo ---unaamilia e ha vido porms de dcadas el vecindio ''excelsi'' pideermanec os das para cebrar eda de accin de acias. ---ell han trado de scaral proetario la cassin xito, hoy a la de tarde estracompaÑera ''lsa hernndez '' s traern forme cpleto sre la csis desalos. cg1 cg2 vo/cescg1 ---a pos das celebrse el da de cin degraciaorganiz nes de baha anecesit mpletaron el nro de pos para abastec a las milias necesitada.. ---la orgaacin saado corazne san j an tieque conseguir 6 pavos ra distribuirs entreos 4mil0 familias ictas parrecibiresta ayuda. cg ---si ted estnteresa en ayudaruede vitar el tio web que aparecen pantla. blan---es momto dear un vtazo al trfo en elea de lbaha. cesar ---pasamos c briela lln y la inforcin. ro open uer take gaby vo/blanca vblanc---ser "hommo" dun delincnte pod resultle caro acruzar fronter entre que de hacer parevitar los momentos vo/cesar---un min de sura seconvir en unaomba deiempo al arder llamasn plenovecindario ponienden riesgo la vae muchapersonas.. vo/blanca ---lpolica sca a 2ujetospeligramente mados queasaltan una jera en a delas ciades msustodias del mundo. vo/cesa---estamos aocos dadel viernenegro ylguien t esperao por usd ... ebreve ldiremocmo pod ayudarcientode felino.. juanfra tz---poc lo cren posib perolo rairs naven con vnto a su favor ensta temrada...take vo ---lo nico iierto eentornoa su pible deino en parde aÑo.. hoy autoridas dla bahamanifestar sunters pretener al uipen oakld... ya le ento enalco deportivo.. cruza la ontera,o tratecomo a un cminal. blanca---al parer, su nbre es mismo que de un lincuen. arlen fernnd s tienes sobre este stake vo ;3 arlen;18 nner;24 jose1;10 ey 2;06 arlelot este seÑode estardesesperadoorque, la ocasin ms reent no soll result afeadoino quetuvo que vehorrorido comooficiales eosaban encaÑonaban su ja.una expericia queice, loarc de por vid jos hernnz/tieneroblemacada que cru la fronter se imaga uno lpeor, dque yo hubra mira a mi hja quele pegan.y sihacernada. jos hendez esuerte, ro para ls difcirecordael momento eq cruzabpor la zona de oyesa en n diegocuiando rresabde unasvacacionede mxo, con s 4 hijos de 12, y 20 as en el carro, yos entes dseguridad frtiza lesordenan bajarapuntanles con rifles. no sé qué peona están buscan q se lma iguaque yo, y las mias feches algo quee ha sudido en ocasioneslo detien y lo cuestian en lfronterperoesta v que sesposa hijos vivieron a trible eeriencicon l, qued yafectad no paso gcias a os, no so nada, ro yo npude har nada. los crucesrontezos se consideran lprira lneae defensa delas, y p ellolos agentesjustifin sus procedimiens. sot eddy cz/portaz del do deaduanay proteion fronteriza"puedeer que personque esta sndo prosada ense momentsea el nbre simar a unpersona q buan las toridadpor un crimeque comi". pero exis unecurso ra los afectadosel ograma s trip permite sicitar a verificin de entidadl departento deseguridad naonal. pa ello tiene que maar un creo electrnico yeguir l pasos.una vez que processu casole otorgaun nmo de corol para hacereservacios aerea o presentaal cruz la frontera. "aunque su me sea jn escobar, lapbabilides deque lo par van a r minim a comparacon de psonas q no manden es rreo eltronicoes la jor mana de evar malos ratoso susto como evividoor el sor hernez quien tovia tiela al psar lo que hiese sudido si o su hijaubieraneacciono de diferenteane. "ah habria rminadoor unaequivocion".el proso paraecibir nmero controtarda amenos 30 dasen ese mismsitio, ede solicir una invtigacini consida que fue tratadoe mana injus o inaproada durte una revisin. soy arn fernnz y si tienunaenuncialame a telemuo 48 reonde, a844-408-48. vo/blanca---en orida, vecindio tuvo q ser evuado luo que un camin de bara rminaraenvuelto en ama ---el inceno fue ctado po alguien q vive elos alrederes.---agees dijen queaparenmente ao dentrdel vehculhizo quse proparanlas llas. ---cuadrias de bberos sofocaronl fuego unaexplosin pore el min operaba a g. vo/cesar---cmar de segidad relan el momenten que dos dencuentepeligromente armadoingresan a unajoyera de nvyork yarrasaron nodas lajoyas..---el atracoe rept a lasonce la maÑa unoe ellosingres al rinto orden atres eleados tirarsel suelo mientras los romn los mostradoreson unartillo. ---los ladnes sllevaron variasoyas, ere ellacinco relojevaluados en de tremil dolares caduno... car --el vin negro ta a lavueltae la esina y c la fecha, mhos aprovech para sar sus mejores prociones. blanca--lucreciaohardt n cuentaacerca de un...que dria dibujarle unsonrisao solamente eliernes no por muchos aÑ mas.take pkg ;01 ;18 01;10 02;0lot la ebre deviernesegro suele apoderse de mhos quetratane enconar el ralo perfec sin laimar labilleterapero noolo loscomerciosarticip en esttradici este a pennsu humane soety sune a lcelebracin c una procin muy especia maria jose eren/pensula humane socie "tenem el viernes 25n bla fridayue significa qutod los gas negros que en aqu pa opcin, eden seadoptad forma gratuaas como loscha! absolutameeodos logatitosnegros se gratis ademsvienen esrilizad con todas lasacunas da y c el respecti micrchip deidentificac.y si ustepiensa e supersonalidad esti de vidno son compatl con unmascotale tenos buen noticiporquehay para tod los guos y necesidademaria josegur/peninsa humane socty uchos dlos gatos son y suavey les gta sentar en el gazo dea gente. lesusta jugales guastaa atenc. hay oa gente e 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humansocietyse encuena lalizadon el 1450 rollinsoad, ena ciuda de burlinga. cesar ---en san mao dños de a mascota prentauna demanda cora laienda''petsmart de e ciudad. take voalegando e su peo muricuando fuatendidpara uncorte de uÑa.. ---''jn zarat' uno dlos empleas fue aestado mayo pasado enfnta cars por crueldadnimal..---elperro na dos stillasotasy un pmn perfado... ---la querea alegaue exisn reportes seriasesiones hasta muer de s mascotmientras an atdidos eeste lugar. blanca--los nomenose unionntreanimal de espies complemente derentesson cada v mas cones, y r eso la htoria srepite.cesar --y unvez masna cabradoptaa un mo, al pto que ombra a toda u poblacn... --angel ayln nos te las imagen dondeos animes danuna leccion, a s seresumanos.e amor y tolancia . take l1;16 bron 1;21 muel 1;45 ael lot --en u plantaon de cchouna caa le saa la vi a un monabandono por smama, creanduna insita relaci que sea conveido entoda u monada.. --aqui la temos --ojos abitos hisrias asombras... --es una relion a to lope..--aunque rezca ixplicab ya los amales npelean mo perros y tos. --tal z el cozon salje de algunohumanosa obligado unir m a los animales--por esonvez mase vio, ahora tahilaia comona cabra optaa un mono q perd a su ma victima deos trajadorede una plantaon de ccho --lsemana pasadse dio mismo fenomeno ecna. --y el de h es un so mas la sorprennte adoion de a cabra a un mo.--y co el monsabe enue palo tpa, cuandquedoabandono, raido p las tetill de la bra se endio a sus pas para imentar y ya sin per muchoermiso,ubio asu lomo para desparse della ni de dia de nhe.. --y aunquel mono vista seda, no se qda, estse cubre con el peloe la bra qui ha aceptado s el ptector l fragilacaco--muchos aguran q este eun claro ejelo que un mundo don a se ve racismy la discrimacion hta de lanimales sepnde. bites --y aunqueicen qupor la plata ila el no, en te caso sa por laabra. --estodos quee han hho masamigosue batm y robi se ganarola admicion depuebloy la eeranza ra elchango de quel dueÑde lacabra davia nhaga labarbac y queella, pues nle ponglos cachoson otroico tredor que aparez por ah--comouien di... has queel graero losepare..--pero loue se hconverto un proema es intent sligara los dos aimales. ----aunqueicen e sera cuestion dtiemp porque sera dicil pa la cabra plicarlal monoue esarelaci no tie mucho comun. basta porles unespejo. cesar ---ya nos ampaÑa jn francio ramrecon lasotasde pal deporto...blanca---hoy nos enes hablar los raiders. cueanos...juanfra---bueno eda de h toridad de alada y laciudade oakla se manifeston al rpecto..porque el ta en diusin esmantener equipoe los raideren el r de la baha..---bien podese decirue hoyse toml primepaso agigantado pa q oaklancontin siendoa casa losmaloso.. take vo---epantalltiene aa alcade de la udad deoaklan libby haaf, emaÑana ofci una eda deprensa pa anunci que ya sha creado unlan dinfraeructuraara conruirun nuevo estdio en kland..---de acuerdcon saaf, yae esta trabajao conn grupoe inversiontas pridos, ene los rone lott 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para ayudarte okay? bp 100 over 40. let's get some o2 and start some leads. no, no, no, déjatela puesta, es para ayudarte a respirar. make some room please! vamos a llevarte al hospital ahora, okay. no te muevas, vas bien. la vida te puede cambiar en un instante. no esperes. asegúrate. covered california. es más que cuidado médico es cuidado para la vida. en queas aguase agitan tras podero tsunamen japon- alli vesomo est botes comienzan a vee luegoe que la tier se estmecieracon el sismde 7.4 -- aunque eesunamie ecatalogadaco peque.. -- observe fuer del ag y como empu y arstra lo q encuentra a pa.. -- tomo tasoldos minos para q el niv del ag se elevar. (-- vo -- take vo 2 -- mieras quen inglarra.. las toencialelluviasocasionaroinundiones..-- est imagen fueroncaptadas poun resiente..--y observe fuerzael agua..gaby cam tro-- en mcheer las toridadtuvieron qurponder 157 incidentes racionad con elmal tiempo ces --espere en nutos esu noticiero lemundo8 a las y 30 anca vo--se dieron cocer vars arrestos y sibles anesterrortas en ferentes eventode acci de graas. --le tenem los delles. sandrargen nuesdonde mieron 6iÑos...--el conducr enfrea gravecargos... diremoporque vo blanca --- una ola violena se hadesata en lostimos d en el estado deuerre el goerno asegura q es pte de las dispus entrenarcotficante cam 2 anchor...no olvidee escrirnosal coro "notiero t 4arrobatelemundouo com" ... anchor--- y si tne una storia e contars llmen al 40844 4813. sospechode robormadopensaron e logran escapar deaautorides, persu osa terminen tragia, un joven pierdla vida otro terminaras lasejas tr una peligrosa psecucin zoom in camecesar --- mubuenas rdes... sar --- hoy se psent enorte elhombre acusa de ahogar a su ja cuatroÑos de edaen la pa bautism de una iglesia enheasburg".take 2boxesblanca---pil
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sandra osborne who is live outside the main jail. sandra. >> reporter: good morning to you. yeah. one of the more unusual aspects of this entire thing is that originally there were four inmates all four of them worked together to break through the bars of a window on the old part of the jail back here. two of them managed to get away all four made it to the ground they used clothing and bedsheets to actually rappel out of a second-story window. let me show you what's going on right here right now. we have deputies blocking off an intersection. we are on heading and san pedro. they have not been letting vehicles go to the front of the jail this morning. we have also been watching helicopters in the area. but let me tell you who exactly they are looking for. here's a look at them. we have rojelio chavez who has that distinctive facial tattoo around his left eye. and there's lanon campbell who is 6'4", 220 pounds. chavez was booked in august on burglary, extortion and false imprisonment charges. campbell is being held on robbery, false imprisonment and firearms violations. a sergeant we spoke with this morning from the sheriff's office says he does not believe they are armed. but the public needs to consider them dangerous. >> we have no indication that they are armed. as of right now we don't know how they got through the bars with just the desperate act of cutting through bars to escape from jail. they know we are after them. we want the public to take caution. >> reporter: and this whole thing happened around 11:00 last night. as far as the search efforts go, we have have seen the chopper going around with the spotlight and k-9 units. there are some residential areas near here and they say they have been patrolling that area. i have also watched as a vehicle from the sheriff's office had a spotlight driving through some of the parking lots right around the jail where we are this morning. the search is continuing. if you spot these guys, don't try to catch them. don't approach them. call 911. live in san jose, sandra osborne, kpix 5. >>> it could be another busy morning at the airport as people head out for thanksgiving. this is a live look out at sfo. we just checked and it's taken about 20 minutes to get through security. the airport says the busiest days should be on sunday. >> it should be a much more quiet morning on the roads today on the right of your screen you can see what it looked like late last night heading to sfo. traffic is smooth this morning. on the left is oakland international airport. >>> caltrans has given the "all clear" for the high country drivers. yesterday snow caused problems on i-80. sugar bowl and kirkwood open up tomorrow. all clear for driving today to the high sierra. >>> julie has the thanksgiving forecast. >> i think we'll see a little powder this weekend on the slopes. no snow today. might see some tomorrow. saturday in the sierra. we'll stay dry down here through thanksgiving. as we make our way throughout the day today, outside this morning, a beautiful shot of
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sandra: they are. there. >> there is no resentment. sandra: if only harry carrey lived to see the day. harris: on that cheery note, wait for the campaigns to begin. ratcheting up attacks on each other with five days to go. hillary clinton going after donald trump for treatment of women, and questioning his fitness to be a role model for our nation's children. >> just think about what what happens if he were to win for women and girls. our girls would grow up with a president who loudly and proudly ranks women about their looks. remember what he said about carly fiorina a distinguished woman with a tremendous record of accomplishment. trump said nobody will vote for her. look at her face. [booing] he bragged about doing things to women without their consent. just imagine what that would mean to girls and women. harris: donald trump attacked clinton on her emails, even as he was taking a gentle pock at himself about staying on message >> you think hillary will restore honesty to government? i don't think so, folks. hillary wants to blame everyone else for her mounting legal troubles but she has no one to blame but herself. hillary is the one who set up an illegal private email server to shield her criminal activity. we have to be nice and cool. nice and cool. right? stay on point, donald, stay on point. [laughter] [cheering] no side tracks, donald. nice and easy. nice. because i've been watching hillary the last few days. she is totally unhinged. harris: meanwhile new quinnepiac polls showing candidates running neck-and-neck in key battleground states n florida, only one point separates clinton and trump. in north carolina the democrat hold as 3-point lead, 47-44% within the margin of error. in ohio the republican is up by five, 46-41%. pennsylvania which has not been for a republican since the 1980's. he is closing in on clinton's lead, trailing by five points. i said squeaky tight, brian. >> he is on a roll. donald trump started on obamacare an being so disciplined on the stump maybe he is getting it and listening to different people. if you watch his rallies carrying them all weekend long he is being disciplined. obamacare is close to collapse.d now they're running from it. a lot of these things have nothing to do with donald trump. a lot has to do he is hitting his stride. that is making everything coming together. we're in a race too close to call. harris: we're in the presence of a judge. >> here's the thing. not only does, is donald, he is seeming more clearly on message. she is a little more hysterical. woe didn't see it in that sound but she is almost screaming at people. is this what you want? she is becoming unhinged because now what she sees is the fbi reopening an investigation, not the same stuff but the reopen of the clinton foundation stuff and fact it was never closed. four separate departments or offices in the fbi, california, arkansas, new york and washington, kept it open. and now she sees the combination, the intersection of wikileaks, the emails, the news reports, and her movements within the state department as very damaging stuff. there's talk of her being indicted. harris: so there is one thing, and certainly if you consider the indictment, that is whole another ball of wax. which i would imagine president obama would have to weigh in on at some point. with the word, whether or not he will pardon her. i would think we would hear from him. >> even before that, loretta lynch, the won who met with the target's husband on the tarmac would have to give him access to a grand jury. that is what people don't understand. jim comey doing the investigation along with all the separate fbi offices can do nothing without access to a grand jury. only the attorney general can give him that. harris: do you think she will do it? >> she has already been renewed. >> already said a after meeting on tarmac i will keep loretta lynch. do you think that was a bribe? not for me to say. harris: sandrajulie on the couch this week went as far to say this week we saw pivot from donald trump so many, even his own supporters have been looking for. a few days out has the race changed dramatically and he is one on message -- >> let's be realistic. i said this all along. it is about math, not momentum. momentum catches up to math. mat are math and statistics is statisticses. ultimately the firewall, her white college educated women. he is beatings him by 27 points. harris: that category. >> romney won him by six. this is her firewall. and on the campaign trail with alicia mao dodd dough. ultimately you look at polling -- machado. the advantage to this cycle versus previous cycles. we not necessarily know how individuals voted but have indication how people voted already in early voting. among people who voted in florida, north carolina, democrats seem to have the advantage. so when you look at polling take into account -- harris: except for the black vote. looked specifically at north caro
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one-hour special, uniting through food, sandra documents her visit to haiti to >> we should be inspired to make sure that everybody has enough food to live on. >> sandra has used her fame and success to fight for those in need and was just named unicef's special nutrition emsarry. >> the show is based on a best selling cookbook which donates its proceeds to the u.s. fund for unicef. still to come, happy days reunion. mrs. come together to honor garry marsh marshall. >> then our gradeland flashback with priscilla presley as he had gives us a tour of the attraction that lets you live like the king. >> that's ahead, but first this weekend in the "entertainment tonight" birthdays, which oscar nominee has the giving tree book cover tattooed on his arm? is it michael fassbender, joaquin phoenix, or this is lulu, our newest dog. uhh help me! (doorbell) mom, check this out. wow. swiffer sweeper, and dusters. this is what i'm talking about. look at that. sticks to this better than it sticks to lulu. that's your hair lulu! mom, can we have another dog? (laughing) trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, dust and hair than the store brand stop cleaning. start swifferin
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live telling all on "gma." >>> countdown to thanksgiving, celebrity chef and friend and contributor to our beautiful show, sandra lee is here to talk turkey day, dishes and treats. always wonderful to have you here, sandra. okay, so first of all, i have -- you have always been committed to children and nutrition and better nutrition, about that and this position with unicef, position that you now have with unicef, special nutrition emissary. >> yes. have now. >> i've been involved with unicef for about 17 years, in fact i'm one of three founding board members of the l.a. chapter and been part of the family for a long time and decided i wanted to get more involved and made some mission trips and i was just down in haiti which is an incredible place. you know, there's so much need, nutritional need with these children and the moms just don't know how to feed them even with what they have so i went down there and we did some cooking children, with i is amazing and it's an honor. it's a privilege to serve. >> it's work. it's work for you. >> it's work for all of us. we are a global community. >> the program tonight on discover tlc. >> discovery family and tlc is called unichef. and so it's all about kind of
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lives. sandra: amen. >> put behind us all the nonsense we all felt there was too much it during the campaign. sandra: let's begin th some of those changes made to president-elect trump's transition team. lobbyists and many d.c. insiders shown the door as the president-elect to twitter to slam reports of a chaotic transition. he tweeted, quote, very organized process taking place as i decide on my cabinet and many other positions. i am the only one knows who the finalists are! moments ago, former house speaker newt gingrich with this to say about the transition. >> i'm confident that in fact they will begin to put things in place in very orderly way. it will take two or three weeks. you can't, you would be really dumb to accelerate and start making mistakes in order to make the press happy. sandra: doug mckelway, join us live from outside of trump tower in manhattan after newt gingrich reminded it will take time, folks. doug? reporter: yeah, for a lot of us here i want to clear up something i said in the last hour. i said, i misheard our producer speaking that donald trump snuck off to washington tod
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sandra documents her visit to haiti to raise awareness for childhood hunger. >> we should be inspired to make sure that everybody has enough food to live on. >> sandra has used her fame and success to fight for those in need and was just named unicef's special nutrition emsarry. >> the show is based on a best nominee has the giving tree book cover tattooed on his arm? is it michael fassbender, joaquin phoenix, or this is lulu, our newest dog. mom didn't want another dog. she said it's too much work. lulu's hair just floats. uhh help me! (doorbell) mom, check this out. wow. swiffer sweeper, and dusters. this is what i'm talking about. look at that. sticks to this better than it sticks to lulu. that's your hair lulu! mom, can we have another dog? (laughing) trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, stop cleaning. start swiffering. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, for psoriatic arthritis. humira c
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sandra: moms dig it. sandra: here is a stocking-stuffer idea for you for the holidays. our own one lucky guy is the editor of the best-seller, a torch kept lit, great lives of the 20th century. james, please tell us about this "new york times" best-seller. >> you're very kind to ask. it's a collection of eulogies that william f. buckley, jr., late conservative icon wrote or delivered. one section for president of the united states. j-fk, nixon, reagan. section for pop culture figures like johnny carson and john lennon. a torch kept lit is only place in the world where you find conservative economist milton friedman alongside jerry garcia of the greatful dead. sandra> friendship is one of recuing themes in the book. dare say for those our viewers who give a torch kept lit as a gift whatever the occasion will deepen friendship with the. julie: what was good about william f. buckley promoted intellectual consearch tim in the movement. we need more that. >> i will do my impression. i would sooner be governed by the first 2,000 names in the boston telephone directory than the factory of harvard university. sandra: there is something for everyone in this book. elvis, john lennon, jerry garcia, princess di. >> 30 of 50 cases eulogies in the book, buckley knew them personally. he is drawing on his own experiences with these people, his own correspondence of these people. he was a best-selling spy novelist. he was great literary touch and light comic touch and used it to conjure people and allow the raider to meet people as bill buckley knew them. this is sweep few of the 209th century. dagen: anybody around as good as bill buckley? >> present company exc
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sandra lee here live with yummy thanksgiving apps and tory johnson here with great holiday deals and they're saying -- >> both: good morning, america. >> hap >> happy friday eve. we've got sandra lee and tory johnson here with us this morning and it's one of our most popular "deals & steals" of the year. holiday gifts for $20 or less. >> all right. >> that's a great deal and last time we decorated ornaments, now the wreaths, and we're going head-to-head in a make-off to see who can -- >> a make-off. >> a make-off. >> not a makeout. >> it's a make-off. >> all right. >> all right, and i have lilly bell. bell. litt she is 5, a senior up for adoption. five more dogs upstairs in our audience and as part of our "gma" pawdoption event all month we've been helping dogs of all ages find homes. i'll show you more on that tomorrow and the importance of considering an adult dog. she's super she's totally trained. has a fabulous smile too and, guys, we have found forever homes for 3,600 dogs for all of our participating shelters and counting. we're not stopping there. >> hopefully the senior dog, give the stat you gave us earlier. >> off camera it's very, very alarming. once a dog turns 3 years old its chancing of getting adopted go down by almost 70% because everybody wants a puppy. look what you can get. already has commands down. and that just is so grateful to have a home. >> just wants love. >> "little women" by bell is available. maybe. >> not again. not again. >> ah, lara. >> i can't have them all. i have 3,600 dogs, america. >> she's not far off. >> not far. let's go to amy with the morning rundown. >> >>> we have breaking news. eastern 50ur7. in kosovo they have prevented simultaneous attacks by isis including one on the israeli national soccer that played the world cup qualifier in neighboring albania. 18 suspects are under arrest. we'll have more details for you as they become available. >>> but first back here in this country the big story a day of marathon meetings at trump tower as the president-elect moves closer to selecting members of his cabinet. he is sitting down with former carolina governor nikki haley who is a possible contender for secretary of state. the president-elect will also meet with japan's prime minister. >>> meanwhile, sources say the trump transition team has requested security clearance for trump's son-in-law jared kushner but earlier on "gma" former campaign manager kellyanne conway would not confirm that and denied that kushner has applied for a formal job in the white house. referring to him only as a special adviser. >> it's a very special relationship, very few people in their family member, particularly adult children would be very supportive of that. >> the trump team announced a five-year ban on lobbying for people appointed to government positions. >>> hillary clinton delivered her first public remarks since her concession speech honored by the children's defense fund where she worked after law cool and encouraged her supporters to stay engaged and to keep fighting. >>> well, a new clue in the unsolved murder of a young woman jogging near her family's home in massachusetts. seen parked near the woods where vanessa's body was found in august and believe she struggled with her attacker and may have injured him. >>> and this morning, at least 37 large wildfires are burning across the southeastern u.s. and the smoke is raising new concerns about air quality from tennessee to the carolinas and georgia where there has not been any measurable rain in 31 days. >>> near boston a commuter train crashed into this car that was crossing the track splitting seconds later you see two people walking away. police say they were fleeing the scene of another crash and drove around the crossing gates. not to be repeated there. >>> and the new record in the art world this morning. this painting take a look by monet from his green stack series just sold for $81.4 million in new york. that is the highest amount ever paid for a monet. become an unlikely internet sensation. you'll sigh why. at just five feet she needed a stepstool to put her grandson into his crib but then take a look as she -- oh. over she goes, right into the crib. grandma and baby are both fine except baby stayed awake after that. didn't sleep right after and she's given 34 million facebook users and me a very good laugh. >> how many? >> 34 million. >> oh, my goodness. >> wow. >> everybody loves a >> a safe landing. >> you made a new friend too. >> that's lilly bell as we met earlier. she he's going to company us for "pop news." >> here we go. >> as there's an old saying a penny saved is one earned. ben franklin anticipate most famous. jon bon jovi decided to give some of his savings to honor the signer of the declaration of independence. the new jersey rocker donated $5,000 to help restore his gravesite in philadelphia. was cracked and pitted from people tossing pennies on to it for good luck in honor of that saying. the goal have it fixed by april, the anniversary of franklin and death. thank you, jon bon jovi. he's terrific. so generous. >> very charitable. >>> also in "pop news" this morning, one teen from phoenix, arizona, is getting into the thanksgiving spirit a little early thanks to a welcoming grandmother. jamal thinton was looped into a group text unexpectedly from a grou grandmother with amanda and justin. those are not his actual family. jamal slightly confused and asked for a picture though after sending a selfie of herself jamal broke the news you're not my grandmother along the crying laughing emoji and added can i still get a plate though to which wanda replied, of course, you can join. that's what grandmas do, feed everyone. and that is what thanksgiving is all about. they're all planning on thanksgiving dinner. >> can i get a plate though? >> hey, wanda. >>> we all know the 12 days of christmas song, five golden ring, four calling bird, three ugly christmas sweaters? stores, started as one pop-up shop but owner jeremy turner said his ugly christmas sweater business has been so successful the past four seasons that he has now opened two more tex locations and fear not. if you don't want to repeat the tacky sweater for one more party, you wear it every year and put it away, this year he's offering the option to rent, you can rent an ugly sweater. the ugly sweater business booming. jeremy, if you are watching, give us a call. our ugly christmas sweater contest, just around the corner. >> ugly sweater business. >> yeah. >> i mean it's booming. there ginger has won it the past -- >> george is thinking about the people love an ugly sweater. >> i don't know how any of that would work. i have no idea but we thought that was interesting and wanted to share it. happy "pop news," everybody, please adopt lilly bell. she has the greatest teeth. >> sat here the whole time and just so calm and nice. >> she's in the doghouse too. >> but >> but i have. it's like your blood pressure, everything, never been calmer on this set as i am right now. and she's got quite a smile. >> yes, she does. >> thank you so much. coming up, co-parenting during the holidays. maybe you want to bring home a dog for the holidays. how reese witherspoon and ryan phillippe make it work. >>> tory johnson is also here with great holiday "deals & steals," everything is 20 bucks or less. >> look at that. that was invigorating! you're probably wondering why i've just carved a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ? ? it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] ? ? eyes open? good. because it's here. cue the confetti. say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. so give your eye doctor a ring, and your eyes just might thank you. one drop in each eye, twice a day. the most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, and an unusual taste sensation. to help avoid eye injury or contamination of the solution, do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. if you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra before placing them back in your eyes. are you ready to do something about your dry eyes? talk to your doctor about xiidra. black friday deals are here all month long at lowe's. get up to 40% off appliance special values $396 or more, like this whirlpool refrigerator for only $898. and this whirlpool washer and dryer pair for only $579 each. once with not anymore. sprint's reliability is now within 1% of verizon. and sprint will save you a ton. can you hear that? (vo) don't let a 1% difference in network reliability for people with hearing loss, >>> we >>> we welcome you back to "gma." there is reese witherspoon and her children. i cannot believe how they have grown. >> yes. wow. >> gorgeous young adults. >> yes, we know her ex-husband ryan phillippe. nearly a decade after their split ryan is opening up about how the former couple, how they handle the holidays with their two kids. they do it beautifully. abc's paula faris has more on th could help a lot of couples. >> reporter: reese witherspoon and ryan phillippe might be divorced but that doesn't stop these two doting hollywood parents from amicably co-parenting during the holidays. philippi telling "entertainment tonight" as a divorced dad we trade off so last year my kids and i went to my parents in delaware. this year they will be with their mom and i am shooting a movie up in toronto. i'm going to fly down to philly and just have a thanksgiving to be with reese. the couple are parents to 17-year-old ava and 12-year-old deacon, reese often posting pictures of her kids on instagram like this one where ava looks like the spitting image of her mom. >> bonjour mademoiselle. >> reporter: they met in th the '90s their romance blossoming on "cruel intentions." they were married for eight years before deciding to split in 2007 and reese saying on camera in surrounded by love. >> i always tell my kids, you're so lucky, it's not just your mom and dad that love you grandparents and a stepdad. always such a great opportunity to have as many people in your life nurturing and carrying you and guiding you. >> reporter: through it all witherspoon and philippi have managed to greasily co-parent and philippi telling "e.t." you have to get to that point as a divorced pant where you're not putting yourself first. >> we're going to bring in erica suit suitor, editor at mom.me. it is apparent they've worked it out and other couples can learn from it. >> ryan and reese are a good example. they've been able to put their kids' needs above their own and co-parenting isn't easy and requires a lot of communication, empathy and patience. but, you no he, what we found that if we talk to couples, there are three things that tend to make it work, number one, they plan schedule. you don't want to wait on the holidays. they also set rues and boundary, not just for the kids but for the adults. that means you don't cancel last minute and that the kids follow the same rules at both houses and lastly they stay positive. you don't want to complain or be angry in front of the kids and want the whole thing to feel comfortable for everyone if you can. >> i like number two how set rules not just for the kids but adults, as well. ericka, what about when there's how does that work out. >> grandparents, you want to set time aside for them to see them. but girlfriends or stepparents, probably want to set up rules early. what role will they play? will they be able to discipline the child or do pickup? those are important so there's no surprises. >> we know thanksgiving is next week and the holidays right after that. it is a good time to be planning right now. >> it is a very good time to plan right now and also want to -- we found a lot of families should blend the holidays. and whether they should bring those extended families together and that can be a good idea. not necessarily at first. i mean think about it, newly divorced and siting across from your ex-husband and his new girlfriend but if you can get to the point where you can do that and you can have this extended family vacation or holiday together, it creates great memories for you and your kids that extend beyond and last a lifetime and it's just a really important thing to do if you example. >> wonderful. >> erica, thank you very much. coming up forget black friday we've got huge holiday "deals & steals" right now and they're all $20 or less. ? if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, r respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. ? eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! ?spread a little love today? ?spread a little love my way? ?spread a little somethin to remember? philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites. the holidays are made with philly. we asked women to smell two body washes and pick their favorite- i prefer b. b. i would like to smell like this every day! but what was body wash a? ohhhh, i love bath and body works! and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh... this is suave! really? that's quite a bit of smelling good. suave, three fragrances preferred over bath and body works now twice as much smelling good. >>> back >>> back here on a thursday morning, a mild morning in times square but not as warm as texas, you were telling me. we are aware. but, hey, you guys want to get a little colder? it's about to. check out this cold front and i mean chilly weather coming at you by this weekend. we're dipping into the 30s. so it's going to come. it's coming. we're about to get good morning. rain free seven day, but big changes as far as temperatures. then a quick fold -- cold front comes up. highs only in the 60s and low >>> all right. the timet. the time you've been for, "deals & steals" with tory johnson. she's become with big savings on holiday gifts and they're all $20 or less. >> that's right and what's important about that is $20 or less doesn't mean it's a stocking stuffer. all of these are substantial gifts on their own. ready. partnered with all of these brands to bring you great savings. i love this first up from collage.com. you helped me out with this and wrote a note to your son and did it for all your kids. we then took a photograph of it, on a little pouch so you can give somebody a truly personalized gift. i'll give away the price, $14. $14 gift like that. we did photos of your family. george. softy george calls his daughter harper doodle and made an i love you pouch for doodle. you can make pouch, pillows, a variety of different sizes and patterns. you have to purchase it and you time for christmas and time to think of the christmas and notes you want to write. i love these normally $40 to $75 and slashed that by at least 65%, $14 to 20 bucks for all of these. >> okay. >> a little bling, bling is good. all pave crystal pieces. leather bracelets with pave crystals. a variety of earrings. she was stunned at these prices too. you will be as well. >> ooh from the crowd an had to give extra. >> these normally are 42 to $68 and slashed them by 64 and more percent. $15 to 20 bucks. you do love these. love at first light. let me give you a little cuticle treatment. take a little of the soy melted. put it on the other side. right there. you rub that in a little bit and rub it on your hands and artificial tree for the holidays you must buy the oh christmas tree scent because your whole home will smell like the authentic pine. how good is ha. >> i love these because you can use the wax on your skin. >> exactly. >> it keeps me soft and supple. >> soft and supple. if you can get soft and supple tore this deal like him buy it. $39 normally slashed by 51%, 19 bucks. can't beat that. okay. anyone good to her hair these are fashion. turbans and towels. prevents split prevents split ends. as opposed to putting a big bulky towel on your head. fabulous deal normally depending on the style 18 to 22 and they are's all 9 bucks. okay. so from our friends at cozy bling and we have some here. we asked them to model hats, hats, scarve, mix or match or do like they did all one color. these are normally 32 to $44 but we've slashed them by 55%. 14 to 20 bucks. your choice. >> and i love these young ladies, they just show up to watch the show and end up being models. i love it. >> lolo. huge assortment. the original coolest collection every single person. you can no got wrong with these. normally 24 to 85 and slashed them by 50%. 12 to 20 bucks and everybody is going home with jewelry from daniella swaebe. >> you are the best. thanks to all these companies. get these deals on our site goodmorningamerica.com on yahoo! >>> coming up, sanders ra lee i here with great thanksgiving good morning everyone, it's been this morning. we had a garbage truck caught on fire right on bush. and expect some delays there. they also have this southbound exit on to 75, onto the bush, close at the moment. so that's causing congestion around bauer. also very busy southbound on to 75. the crash we were watching fletcher, that has all clear. i was also causing a roadblock in the southbound lane, and that was all cleared as well. looking better right in the area. your drive getting better, >>we are now looking at 60 in tampa, but many of us -- most of us are still in the 50s. blue skies out there all day with dry will limit the clouds. upper 40s across parts of the nature coast, chilly stuff but i the afternoon, we been talking about it. almost 800, almost a 400 difference. we have a big range and temperatures from night until daytime highs. this will be the case tomorrow as well. cool start, mild finish in like the last few, not much moister, just a fan of clouds. very cool start to the end of next week and highs with overnight lows in the 30s and ? ? [ applause ] ? good good good ? >>> welcome back. what a wonderful audience up here. >> yes. >> free jewelry and everything. and -- >> i'm not usually tempted to take him h >> oh, ki see it in your eyes. >> yeah. this is a beautiful -- >> 3601. >> three at home. three! >> i have three. what's the differency they're meant to be in packs. >> beautiful. can you hold her? >> yes. >> thank you because what i'm bringing to the table. robin's favorite mottos, make your mess your -- >> absolutely. >> someone figured out how to >> tom brady. >> very good. have you seen this commercial. rather deflategate, of course, accused of tampering with the footballs. check out this ad. >> that's an unfortunate mind-set you got there. >> just because something is great doesn't mean anything is going on. why can't some things just be great. >> just a question. >> starts with questions and then questions turn into assumptions and then assumptions turn into vacations. so why would you punish the week of greatness for something that never even >> how do >> how do you feel about that. >> some might think too soon. it's funny. >> it's very funny. his acting is on point. for somebody -- i personally know tom. and i got to say he is probably as far away from what people think. they think it's this pretty boy. this guy has worked extremely hard sixth round pick and then not only that at 39 years old when most quarterbacks are in game -- takes it very seriously. give respect to him. you have to laugh at yourself. >> i agree. >> especially in tough situations. >> pretty good. following a pattern. remember john travolta and idina menzel. >> please welcome the wickedly talented one and only adele dazeem. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage my very dear friend, glom gazinga. >> i deserve that darling. my beautiful, my wickedly talented idina menzel. >> you got it. >> yay. >> taking -- >> scared with the face grabbing, i was like please get it right. >> pulled it off. one more. martha stewart. martha stewart. >> let's get to the reason i'm here tonight which is to give prison. i've been in lockup and you wouldn't last a week. >> like you bury remember martha stewart was in prison. >> that's true. [ applause ] >> but you got to laugh at yourself. >> you have to. >> why not. >> you have to laugh at yourself and get over it and i have a question for everybody here in the audience. how many of you told little white lies? [ applause ] >> never. >> oh, my i love how you three sat like we've never done it. oh, yes you. >> of course. >> there was a study and found this at "the daily mail." here's some of the top lies. >> parents tell their kids. >> i got one. >> okay. >> what is your, george? >> it's such an obvious one, we'll see and now they just call you on it. is that a real we'll see or a daddy we'll see and a no. >> my parents would always say we're almost -- we're like -- really? >> they surveyed your parent, by the way. one of the ones that i use, i always know when you're lying. you ever done that one. it's not true. i've done this one too. we can come back and buy that toy next time. >> oh. you use that? >> of course. >> gorgeous little -- >> she didn't buy that one at all. >> no one is buying that one. >> some of these other ones. >> how about this, when the runs out of ice cream. >> oh, that's terrible. [ applause ] that's cruel. >> that's so bad. that's bad. >> terrible. so if you hear the music there's no more ice cream. >> exactly. >> that is wrong. >> can we have a show of hands. have the parents here, have you used any of these or others? can we just see? have you? >> i have one. [ applause ] >> yes. >> i remember telling my kids they just we minded me i used to say if you don't brush your me out what is the cavity monitor look like of the i had to draw a picture of what it looked like. >> that's a lot of work. >> green and one eye. >> you added levels to the white lie. >> very create sieve. >> what do you have. >> i have a good one. a new study that talks about what women find the most attractive in men and i think it might surprise you. we all know the obvious attributes but this is not about the physical that women are very, very attracted to storyt that a storyteller is an attractive thing? i'm getting a mixed response here. apparently -- >> some smiles. >> not for a fling but looking for a long-term relationship, somebody that can tell a story because it means that a man according to psychologists are willing to share emotions and willing to be vulnerable and willing to connect on a higher level. men on the other hand don't -- >> tell me a story, michael. >> robin, there was this one time -- >> ooh. voice. >> when he at thes a story like that. >> i married a storyteller so i can't be the storyteller in that's ali. in that's true. >> ali had said she looks to you for advice and talks to you. she really respects you. i think that is also one of these attributes. >> you're just making that up now. >> i am. interestingly, men are not interested at all in whether or not women are funny you should ask this. is on the study. i can't believe it women with long arms. is that attractive to you? i have particularly long arms. so i've always thought that i had sort of -- i was embarrassed of that. another -- wearing red. that's kind of obvious because most women do look good in red but big eyes. big eyes. i bet you didn't think i was >> right. lara. thankfully i found number eight was independence and intelligence. thank you, matt. number eight. >> i was going to say confidence. >> thank you. >> i love that. is that number one? >> yeah. >> sense of humor i'm sure is up there. so anyway it's a cool study it comes out of the university of north carolina. >> lara, let the baby go. you've been wrestling with the it'll fall right off the desk in you want to play? >> i'll pass. >> pass the puppy. >> i don't want to share the puppy. >> well, you know what you're not sharing the puppy -- >> we'll get another great story that ginger is going to share with us right now and you're outside, beginner. >> when i get out there i'm going to share the puppy too. we are celebrating macy's annual believe campaign. macy's will donate one dollar up make-a-wish for every stamped letter to santa claus that you drop off at a believe box at macy's or submit online. really easy to do. help everybody out and introduce you to a brave little boy who realized his football dream thanks to make-a-wish. >> he was born with si syndrome that means he was born with half a heart. >> reporter: after three surgeries the last when he was just 4 it was then little got his first jersey and became a football fanatic. >> i never miss a raider game ever in my life. ? >> reporter: now 12 years old, thanks to make a. >> no, way. >> bo jackson. >> reporter: he is headed to oakland. >> no way! >> joining the raiders roster as a captain. >> welcome. oakland raiders. ? how you like me now ? >> that's your locker. >> aah! >> reporter: next to fellow >> we are locker buddies. >> one, two, three. ? welcome to my house ? >> reporter: the next day, game day and ready for a walk on to the 5 the 50 yard line for the coin toss. >> josiah is josiah. >> reporter: the raiders crushed the broncos 30-20 and for josiah a wish that will never leave his heart. for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, new york. >> thank you, macy's and make-a-wish. >> such a great story and now you can help grant a wonderful wish just like that. you just have to drop that letter off at your local macy's or submit one online. go to goodmorningamerica.com on yahoo! to find out more. i say we never use this, this prop here. the believe meter but i'm going to do it because coming up we have our wreath make-off. getting into the holiday spirit. >>> welcome ba >>> welcome back to gramm. i'm in birthday corner. i can't name them all there's so many. any of y'all love "how to get away with murder"? uh-huh. we got a special announcement. make sure to watch "how to get away with murder." the winter finale tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central on abc and you get to find out who is under the sheet. it's a secret. >>> morning free of the rain, but big changes in the temperatures. we'll stay in the 70s and 80s, highs only in the 60s and 70s here by monday. = suave and, mict to say she's a fan.ave and, mict >> bring her in. i'll give her a hug the second we're done here time for our "gma" holiday make-off. that's right, make-off. all about the wreath. nicole farb, diy expert and partner with michael's. back here with more tips for how to make a wreath. give us a little something-something. very important to be creative officer the holidays. >> it is. look, we're all busy but it's important, mom of little twin, gives you a new way to connect. vision. your door decor. telling your neighbors who you are. i'll be the candy cane lady today. next, oh -- >> you have other theme, as well. >> we do. you're like woodlands. i feel like amy is candy cane. what i love is shimmer down there. the white. >> i know. >> we set ginger up to win. >> radiance. >> we're having a little contest here. >> we are. >> and these two, they were down there already trying to swap out -- >> tip number two, plan it out. you guys know what you're doing. >> i'm just planning ahead. >> look what -- you have already created your whole theme. >> i was laying them out strategically so i had a plan. >> you don't have to. anyone can make -- you'll be okay too. >> i'm fine. i'm not worry add all. >> tip number three, use the sticks. i like crafts that make them look good. these are a craft hack. >> you just kind of stick them in. >> they're like hair picks from the '80s, ang it and, look, look, now i have a bird. >> i want the bird back. >> you know what, our winter -- i got to say you won the last time we did this with our ornaments. i'll give you credit for that. [ applause ] >> in the mid sfwll i'm not going to miss my shot. that's right. [ applause ] >> good luck. >> warming up. so it's the bt they have 30 seconds so you guys will help us vote at the end. are you ready? pick up, ready, set, make. >> there we go. >> don't be nervous. >> i know. [ cheers and applause ] >> ah. >> snowman. >> amy, amy's got it. amy's got it. let's see. oh. three, two, one. wreaths up. >> that's a go >> that's a good look. >> whoa! wow. >> you just won. you just won. >> ginger that's like a kitchen sink. >> more is more. >> fifth avenue called. they want ginger's wreath. that is pretty. >> okay. >> you know what, mine is considered wearable art, okay. >> i like lara's. >> i was a little picky. let me make sure. i needed like another 30 seconds because i was -- >> 30 seconds look how easy this is. >> it was fun. >> so you know what, audience, help us vote. yell a name. yell a name. >> well, you know what -- >> we are all winners here, everybody. we're all winners and, nicole, thank you and thank michael's as well. >>> coming up, sandra lee is here with her best thanksgiving >>> the >>> the person under the sheet will be live telling all on "gma." >>> we are back now our countdown to thanksgiving, celebrity chef and friend and contributor to our beautiful show, sandra lee is here to talk turkey day, dishes and treats. always wonderful to have you here, sandra. okay, so first of all, i have -- you have always been committed to children and nutrition and better nutrition, about that and unicef, special nutrition emissary. >> yes. >> it comes around -- tell us about this position that you have now. >> i've been involved with unicef for about 17 years, in fact i'm one of three founding board members of the l.a. chapter and been part of the family for a long time and decided i wanted to get more involved and made some mission trips and i was just down in haiti which is an incredible place. you know, there's so much need, nutritional need with these children and the moms know how to feed them even with what they have so i
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sandra lee here live with yummy thanksgiving apps and tory johnson here with great holiday deals and they're saying -- >> both: good morning, america. >> happy friday eve. we've got sandra lee and we've got tory johnson here with us this our most popular "deals & steals" of the year. holiday gifts for $20 or less. >> all right. >> that's a great deal and last time we decorated ornaments, now the wreaths are ready. and we're going head-to-head in a make-off to see who can -- >> a make-off? >> a make-off. >> not a make-out. >> it's a make-off. >> all right. >> plus, we've got great holiday tips for making your own, lara. she is 5 years old, a steen yore, a stupendous senior from the north shore animal league. five more dogs upstairs in our audience and as part of our "gma" pawdoption event all month we've been helping dogs of all ages find homes. i'll be showing you more on that tomorrow and the importance of considering an adult dog. >> lily belle is chill. >> she's super chill. this dog came from a home. she's totally trained. she has a fabulous smile too and, guys, i want to give you the update. we have found forever homes for 3,600 dogs for all of our participating shelters and counting. we're not stopping there. >> and hopefully the senior dogs. give the stat you gave us earlier. >> off camera. it's very, very alarming. once a dog turns 3 years old its chances of getting adopted go down by almost 70% because everybody wants a puppy. look what you can get. they don't need to be trained. already has commands down. >> just wants love. >> lily belle is available. maybe. >> not again. not again. >> lara, we want to give her another home. >> i can't have them all. i have 3,600 dogs, america. >> she's not far off. >> not far. let's go to amy with the morning rundown. >> all right, good morning, guys and we have some breaks news overseas right now. a series of terrorism raids in eastern europe. authorities in kosovo say they have prevented simultaneous attacks by isis including one on the israeli national soccer team that played a world cup qualifier in neighboring albania. 18 suspects are under arrest. we'll have more details for you as they become available. >>> but first back here in this country, the big story this morning, a day of marathon meetings at trump tower as the president-elect moves closer to selecting members of his cabinet. trump is sitting down today with former secretary of state henry kissinger as well as south carolina governor nikki haley who is a possible contender for secretary of state. minister. >>> meanwhile, sources say the trump transition team has requested security clearance for trump's son-in-law jared kushner but earlier on "gma" former campaign manager kellyanne conway would not confirm that and denied that kushner has applied for a formal job in the white house referring to him only as a special adviser. >> it's a very special relationship. very few people in this country have the ability to serve as president and of course their family members, particularly adult children, would be very supportive of that. >> the trump team has also announced a five-year ban on lobbying for people appointed to government positions. >>> hillary clinton has delivered her first public remarks since her emotional concession speech. clinton was honored by the children's defense fund where she worked after law school and encouraged her supporters to stay engaged and to keep fighting. >>> well, a new clue in the unsolved murder of a young woman jogging near her family's home in massachusetts. investigators now say they are vanessa's marcotte's body was found in august and believe she struggled with her attacker and may have injured him. >>> and this morning, at least 37 large wildfires are burning across the southeastern u.s. and the smoke is raising new concerns about air quality from tennessee to the carolinas and georgia where there has not been any measurable rain in 31 days. >>> near boston a commuter train crashed into this car that was crossing the track splitting that car in two. seconds later you see two people walking away. police say they were fleeing the scene of another c around the crossing gates. not to be repeated there. >>> and the new record in the art world this morning. this painting, take a look, by monet from his grain stack series just sold for $81.4 million in new york. that is the highest amount ever paid for a monet. >>> and finally a grandma described as vertically challenged has become an unlikely internet sensation. in just a moment. at just five feet she needed a stepstool to put her grandson into his crib but then take a look as she -- oh. over she goes, right into the crib. grandma and baby are both fine except for that baby stayed awake after that. didn't sleep right after that, and she's given 34 million facebook users and me a very good laugh. >> how many? >> 34 million. >> oh, my goodness. >> wow. >> everybody loves a good fall as long as you're safe. >> as long as you're safe. >> a safe landing. >> a soft landing. >> you made a new friend too. >> yeah. >> that's lily belle as we met earlier. and she's going to accompany us for "pop news," everybody. >> good. >> here we go. as there's an old saying, a penny saved is a penny earned, one of ben franklin's most famous. jon bon jovi decided to give some of his savings to honor the signer of the declaration of independence. the new jersey rocker donated $5,000 to help restore franklin's gravesite in philadelphia. the founding father's gravestone was cracked and the marble tablet had become in honor of that saying. the goal is to have it fixed by april, the anniversary of franklin and death. thank you, jon bon jovi. he's terrific. he's so generous. >> very charitable. >>> also in "pop news" this morning, one teen from phoenix, arizona, is getting into the thanksgiving spirit a little early this year thanks to a very welcoming grandmother. 17-year-old jamal thinton was looped into a group text unexpectedly from an unknown number claiming to be his grandmother with amanda and justin. thos jamal slightly confused and asked for a picture though after sending a selfie of herself jamal broke the news saying you're not my grandmother along the crying laughing emoji and added, can i still get a plate though to which wanda, the grandmother replied, of course, you can join. that's what grandmas do, feed everyone. and that is what thanksgiving is all about. and literally amanda and justin are -- have contacted jamal and they're all planning on >> can i get a plate though? >>> finally, we all know the 12 days of christmas song, five golden rings, four calling birds, three ugly christmas sweaters? stores? it starts as one pop-up up shop but owner jeremy turner said his ugly christmas sweater business has been so successful the past four seasons that he has now opened two more texas locations and fear not, if you don't want to repeat the tacky sweater for one more party, you wear it e and put it away, this year he's offering the option to rent, like rent the runway, you can rent an ugly sweater. the ugly sweater business booming. jeremy, if you are watching, give us a call. our ugly christmas sweater contest, just around the corner. >> ugly sweater business. >> yeah. i mean it's booming. there ginger has won it the past -- >> george is thinking about the economics but i don't know if that's sustainable. but people love an ugly sweater, george. >> now you can rent your ugly -- i don't know how any of that would work. to share it. happy "pop news." everybody, please adopt lily belle. she has the greatest teeth. >> she has sat here the whole time and just so calm and nice. >> she's in the doghouse too. but i have. it's like your blood pressure, everything, never been calmer on this set as i am right now. >> there are medical benefits and she's got quite a smile. >> yes, she does. >> thank you so much. >>> coming up, co-parenting during the holidays. maybe you want to bring home a little doggie for the holidays. how reese witherspoon and ryan phillippe make it work. our parenting expert is here to talk about that. >>> and tory johnson is also here. she's got great holiday "deals & steals." everything is 20 bucks or less. >> look at that. oh. that was invigorating! well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ? ? it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] ? eyes open? good. because it's here. cue the confetti. say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. the most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, and an unusual taste sensation. to help avoid eye injury or contamination of the solution, do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. if you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before placing them back in your eyes. are you ready to do something about your dry eyes? black friday deals are here all month long at lowe's. get up to 40% off appliance special values $396 or more, like this whirlpool refrigerator for only $898. and this whirlpool washer and dryer pair for only $579 each. make your home happy with great savings at lowe's. i was once with verizon, not anymore. sprint's reliability is now within 1% of verizon. (vo) don't let a 1% difference in network reliability for people with hearing loss, cost you twice as much. visit sprintrelay.com there is reese witherspoon and her children. i cannot believe how they have grown. >> yes. wow. >> gorgeous young adults. >> yes, we know her ex-husband ryan phillippe. nearly a decade after their split ryan is opening up about how the former couple, how they handle the holidays with their two kids. they do it beautifully. abc's paula faris has more on the lessons they've learned that could help a lot of couples. >> reporter: reese witherspoon and ryan phillippe might be these two doting hollywood parents from amicably co-parenting during the holidays. phillippe telling "entertainment tonight" as a divorced dad we trade off so last year my kids and i went to my parents in delaware. this year they will be with their mom and i am shooting a movie up in toronto. i'm going to fly down to philly and just have a thanksgiving with my parents and the kids get to be with reese. the couple are parents to deacon, reese often posting pictures of her kids on instagram like this one where ava looks like the spitting image of her mom. >> bonjour, mademoiselle. >> reporter: reese and ryan met in the late '90s. their romance blossoming on the set of "cruel intentions." the couple was married for eight years before they decided to split in 2007. witherspoon saying on camera in 2011 that the kids are surrounded by love. >> and i always tell my kids, you're so lucky. it's not just your mom and dad that love, you have grandparents that love you and a stepdad. always such a great opportunity to have as many people in your life nurturing and carrying you and guiding you. >> reporter: through it all witherspoon and phillippe have managed to easily co-parent have to get to that point as a divorced parent where you're not putting yourself first. for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> we're going to bring in ericka souter, editor at mom.me. it is apparent they've worked it out and other couples can learn from it. >> ryan and reese are a good example. they've been able to put their kids' needs above their own and co-parenting isn't easy and requires a lot of communication, empathy and patience. but, you know, what we found that when we talked to couples, there are three things that tend to they plan ahead and create a schedule. you don't want to wait on the holidays. they also set rules and boundaries, not just for the kids but for the adults. that means you don't cancel last minute and that the kids follow the same rules at both houses and lastly they stay positive. you don't want to complain or be angry in front of the kids and want the whole thing to feel comfortable for everyone if you can. >> i like number two how set rules not just for the kids but adults, as well. ericka, what about when there's extended families involved and time aside for them to see them. but it's trickier when you talk about girlfriends or stepparents. you probably want to set up rules early. what role will they play? will they be able to discipline the child or do pickup? those are important so there's no surprises. >> we know thanksgiving is next week and the holidays right after that. it is a good time to be planning right now bringing the family together. >> it is a very good time to plan right now and also want to -- we found a lot of families are wondering whether they should blend the holidays. and whether they should bring those extended families together and that can be a good idea. not necessarily at first. i mean, think about it, you're newly divorced and you're sitting across from your ex-husband and his new girlfriend but if you can get to the point where you can do that and you can have this extended family vacation or holiday together, it creates great memories for you and your kids that extend beyond and last a lifetime, and it's just a really important thing to do if you can. >> it certainly is and very happy for ryan and reese, what a great example. >> very happy. they're wonderful. >> ericka, thank you so much. steals" right now and they're all $20 or less. ? 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?spread a little love my way? ?spread a little somethin to remember? philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites. the holidays are made with philly. we asked women to smell two body washes and pick their favorite- i prefer b. b. i would like to smell like this every day! but what was body wash a? ohhhh, i love bath and body works! and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh... this is suave! really? that's quite a bit of smelling good. suave, three fragrances preferred over bath and body works now twice as much smelling good. >>> back here on a thursday morning, a mild morning in times you were telling me. we are aware. but, hey, you guys want to get a little colder? because it's about to. check out this cold front and i mean chilly weather coming at you by this weekend. we're dipping into the 30s. so it's going to come. it's coming. it'll feel like the holidays. we're abou >>> all right. the time you've been waiting for. it's time for "deals & steals" with tory johnson. holiday gifts and they're all $20 or less. >> that's right, and what's important about that is $20 or less doesn't mean it's a stocking stuffer. all of these are substantial gifts on their own. so are you ready. >> i'm ready. >> we've partnered with all of these brands to bring you great savings. i love this first up from collage.com. look at this. you helped me out with this and wrote a note to your son and did them for all of your kids. we then took a photograph of it, upload it and then it's printed on a little pouch so you can give somebody a truly personalized gift. i'll give away the price already up top, $14. $14 gift like that. we did photos of your family. george, look at softy george calls his daughter harper doodle and made an "i love you" pouch for doodle. >> this is awesome. >> you can make pouches, pillows, a variety of different sizes and patterns. you have to purchase it and you have three weeks to get it in to think of the christmas notes you want to write. i love these, normally $40 to $75 and slashed that by at least 65%, $14 to 20 bucks for all of these. >> okay. >> a little bling-bling is good. danielle saebe. all pave crystal pieces. leather bracelets with pave crystals. a variety of earrings. she was stunned at these prices too. you will be as well. yeah, very good. that's very good. >> ooh from the crowd and had to give extra. >> normally these range fro to $68 but we slashed them by 64 and more percent. $15 to 20 bucks for your assortment. you do love these. love at first light. let me give you a little cuticle treatment here, why don't we. take a little of the soy that's melted. put it on the other side. other side. right there. you rub that in a little bit and rub it on your hands and your cuticles. give you a pro tip. if you are planning to buy an holidays, you must buy the oh, christmas tree scent because your whole home will smell like the authentic pine. how good is that? >> i love these because you can use the wax on your skin. >> exactly. >> it keeps me soft and supple. >> soft and supple. if you can get soft and supple for this deal like him, buy it. $39 normally slashed by 51%, 19 bucks. can't beat that. okay. aqua hair towels. so anyone who wants to be good to her hair, these are fabulous. turbans and towels that are very lightweight helps your hair dry faster. prevents split ends. good things to are your hair as opposed to putting a big bulky towel on your head. these are really a fabulous deal. normally depending on the style you choose, $18 to $22 and they're all 9 bucks. okay. cozy bling. so from our friends at cozy bling and we have some here. come on over, you guys. we asked them to model them. hats, scarves, mix or match or do like they did, all one color. these are normally $32 to $44 but we've slashed them by 55%. 14 to 20 bucks. your choice. >> and i love these young ladies, they just show up to watch the show and end up being models. that's what i love. i love it. >> lolo. so this is a huge assortment from lolo. this is the original, coolest collection of vinyl bags, a silhouette for every single person. you cannot go wrong with these. normally $24 to $85 and slashed them by 50%. 12 to 20 bucks and everybody is going home with jewelry from danielle swaebe. >> you are the best. thanks to all these companies. get these deals on our site goodmorningamerica.com on yahoo! >>> coming up, sandra lee is here with great thanksgiving dishes. >>> good morning, it is now 8:27 a.m. i am dan spindle. an update ant the buckeye boy mississippiing for four months today. a private investigator is telling us he believes he knows who did this. now he is not naming names, he is not saying what this is, whether he thinks that he is alive or dead. but he hopes to see movement on the case vy >>> right now, asu students still stuck outof their dorms. my forbe, a hot water pipe burst, forcing them to e. coli having wait. you can see the crews working to clean it all up. they are staying in hotels or other dorms for the time being until it dries out. >>> well, finally, feels like fall in phoenix, a lot of us are maybe needing a jacket or a long sleeved shirt this morning. that. >>> yes, and the winds overnight with the cold front brought that dust effort valley. so we get some hazy conditions to start the day. but cool temperatures, too. we are actually down in the 50s in phoenix. and much of th
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