that report by sandra peyton manning cobbled, i asked her, what's the way out of this di, situation? there doesn't seem to be an easy way out. the trajectory is actually that the situation is getting more dire, because right now the international community, namely the united nations, up providing essential food items to about half the population, 20000000 people. and they will have to continue to do that because the economy around us, despite the fact that there are still local markets and the way the economy is collapsing and increasing number of people is job less. we met a lot of people who are really very keen to leave the country, many fearing the economic down for much more than their security situation. and i myself, personally, am wondering for how long the international community will be able to keep up this huge international humanitarian effort. when you have a look around the work because there are other crisis ongoing as well and i've gone to stun might be one of those forgotten crisis. and in that time to come. and another issue there is this clamped down on women's rig