joining me now is sandy duncan from "the farmer's almanac." good morning. >> good morning!> i want to know before we get into the details, how do you do it? >> well, luckily, it's not my job, but the farmer's almanac based its long-range weather predictions on a mathematical and astronomical formula that dates back to 1818. we take sun spot activity, tidal action of the moon, position of the planet into consideration. >> and it certainly has worked for you throughout these years. can you tell us what is causing all of this cold? is there any specific meteorological activity doing it? >> well, you know, i think personally mother nature was reading "the farmer's almanac" back in august when we came out and said it would be a very frigid winter. in fact, we called it an ice cold sandwich winter, meaning it would be very cold and frigid in the middle part of the country and not so cold, but don't get me wrong, still going to be cold, on the two coasts. so, i just think that big cold air is just sweeping down south more than it ever has before. >> do you see more snow coming, an