the soil consists of dread sand over sandy shoals and what is referred to -- the navy filled in this area, creating the flat area. the two primary concerns are the sand layers and the settlement of the young bay mud. those two settlement issues are a big concern with construction and development on the island. for the approach, week mitigate that. -- we mitigate that. ngo reviewed this with a panel consisting of four world wide experts in the geotechnical field. there are two different types of medication. to start with, the sand identified throughout the development is defined by dynamic compaction and vib rocompaction. it simulates an earthquake. it can pack bill ayers. the compression of the bay mud then is done by loading a bunch of soil that creates a great deal of bay mud over time. both of those together create a disabled platform for the construction of the buildings and utility and researcher. the yellow area is where the dynamic impaction would take place, under all the new developments. on the perimeter, the vibrocompaction, to create a stable shoreline along the edge. pre