the goal to improve diagnosis and more effective treatment. >> joining us now exclusively, sandy weill also with us today is the energy secretary of the united states rick perry gentlemen, it is great to have you with us today. secretary perry, you want to tell us about this agreement today? >> secretary perry, can you hear me >> looks like to me the shot as frozen we'll try to get back. mr. weill, do you hear me? >> i hear you fine maybe you can tell us about what you're saying today is a groundbreaking partnership >> well, this is an important public/private partnership and i think as one looks at science and the development of new science and especially ai and computing, you really need to have partners to make things work it's too expensive for anybody to try to do it themselves i think what the secretary has arranged here is to create a partnership between our foundation, ucsf and uc berkeley with lawrence livermore and argonne national laboratories to work with the power we have today which is as much computing power in the last two years as we have had in the previous 100-some o