the mayor's office and mta have made bicycling a high priority for sanford cisco, and the december showcase comes on details of the october decision by the metropolitan transportation commission to approve a $4.29 million grant that will make bicycle sharing in san francisco and the region a reality. the bay area air quality management district will manage the grant, and san francisco and the air district are joined by their regional partners, the santa clara valley transit authorityvalleyvta, san mateo county, and met with city -- santa clara valley transit authority, vta. it will provide 100,000 bicycles and several hundred kiosk, including 500 bicycles and 50 kiosks in san francisco. the remainder of these vehicles will be located in redwood city, mountain view, palo alto, and san jose. total project cost is approximately $7 million with $1.4 million in funding provided by the air district and $1.3 million in matching funds from our local partner. the demonstration showed this will provide us with useful information as we begin to develop our request for proposals this spring. as you rec