so you start to see family planning tools come into effect, thanks in part to margaret sanger, and womenstart cutting their hair. look at her. i think this woman's 25. she's actually a dancer, and the shot was done in 1925. so she's got short hair. women didn't cut their hair before the 1920s. so just remarkable. and of course, she's showing how all the young kids are all partying today. you keep your flask in your garter. everyone still does that today, right? so, yeah. so, women started getting in on the game as well. so it became kind of fun to break the law, you know? it's like, ooh, this is glamorous! we're breaking the law! you're like, really, breaking the law's glamorous? but yeah, we became a nation full of scofflaws during this era. just remarkable. now, why did the country turn against prohibition? well, we had a couple things that happened. certainly, everyone saw all the organized crime that was going on, and especially as the 1920s progressed, you saw in cities like chicago, new york, and what not, some more people were getting killed over gangland violence, over who was go