got to the airport, the little commuter plane standing on the tarmac there was no one other than the sango was an imposing guy. he had this rush in and draw kind of like the old actor, anyway. he said the hotel can wait. i wish i could do the voice imitations but it was more like a command. you are coming to my house for dinner. i said what am i going to do. so i get into this car he drives about a million miles per hour coming get to his house and no sooner than i get there he breaks out these homemade vodka is and i proceed to get as drunk as i've ever been. >> host: i have to read this part. more than three decades later i can still taste the stuff. i enjoy an occasional vodka martini that this was like nothing i've ever consumed since. after one shot my hands were tingling him after to my feet were numb and after three i couldn't feel my face. meanwhile, van sanko kept talking even more am immensely coming and he then really wants to talk to you about the thing you're not supposed to talk about, his detention. >> guest: he starts off on this, so at this point, i've already violated my