buy geranium sangushka for them here on the square of the high market and in the autumn square of freedom, dance with the houses, dze manahi pachatku i zhyli. and when the advent of the new calegium appeared, then the team was given the status of mission, then it was promoted and resident. and many men's scholars have been in the past since 1714, and in 1678, draulian kascels and draulian pabudov monasteries were published. manahizuits. and the first catholic order that appeared in minsk, with the mission of preaching the word of god. before the jesuits, there were bernardine and dominican monks in minsk. the main competitors of the jesuits were the dominicans. not far from the church of the virgin mary, also on the upper market there was a monastery and a dominican church. this is now practically the place where the palace of the republic stands on october square in minsk. the construction of the majestic church in the center of the entire jesuit complex. was the dream of the jesuits who settled in minsk. in 1700 the rector the minsk residence was antony brzhestovsky, who illuminated the