human rights commission, and we are happy to say that we are taking all complaints and reworking santh city issues right now. so if you have any issues, either have been discriminated against or know someone who has an issue about the city of san francisco not respecting the sanctuary ordinance, come to us. we can take complaints there by phone, e-mail or mail, whatever is easiest for you. i am going to leave some forms over there, so if anyone wants to talk to us about problems, they can do it. also, they can visit our website. just a few things about it. we respect your confidentiality status, which means i am not going to ask you whether you are current or not. we are not even going to ask you about your name if you don't want to give it. it is a completely confidential process. it is going to be only about trying to investigate possible abuse and try to discuss with the city department about the actual situation. we are working for all san francisco residents, and we are working with city or county democrats. that means we cannot help with any ice issues or with federal authorities. but