i'm here to represent santo esposito. i have 16 additional letters of support that i would like to submit. >>: what is your name? >>: darcy brown. we are open for questions. i think the presentation said everything. mr. esposito is from italy, came to this country; work as a waiter in restaurants, saved his money and bought this business and would like to offer sandwiches and expand experience for his patrons. >> president fong: thank you. we may have questions for you later. >>: i'm opening up for public comment. two speaker cards. vincenzo // >>: i am a longtime resident of north beach, for about eight years. i was amazed one morning walking to the bus stop to see this new place is open up. i was born and grew up in italy. since then i go to -- i know how hard it is to survive on a couple of tables and a limited menu. i'm here to speak for him. i would like for him to get this permit approved to expand his business are able to offer more choices. i'm sure his customers will appreciate it. so we don't see another north b