naator immigratioto saoaulo s slowedgain, ( speaking porguese )slato, but birth rates coinue rease thetion. orwirojectop ceg ib th is ciwhicswi dow sinher case, has creased.pop sao o willontinutoe one of the world's mega-cies. the urban geography of immigration and ethnic diversity real a complex pattern of squatr settlements and self-construction. with luck and hard work, the newest residents will get their chance to share in the wealth and sophistication thats sao paulo. narrator: in eatorial regions around the world, large tropicalaiforests are qukly vashing. ree examine seral emes,uness, b thanouincluding:16% of bras rt opical foresecology; maalof sustainabevelopmeucnd a; the amazon rain forest-- and its dirsity ofife.worldfor s the forest ecosystem is delicate e oflants and animals, soil and water. like geography, ecology is an integrative science, bringing together many pblems into one view. ecologist daelepstadisesearchi . whether he gheria inhe forescanopy ecologist daelepstadisesearchi . or mng ion compute a spatial pepectivis essential whether he gheria inhe forescanopy the f