this once again confirms the sapieha did not live in poverty. the first level on top, and our creaks and clip are friendly look, then there you can see the neck of the roof of another level of bonding oozing from another level of the topic. isha her to build the level of the ground with a coward sweeping the whole and how, as if access to it, e, could not. well, here's e access yes open more than our museum. such a fruit was delivered, because the emergency zone is actually carelessly located here. and as i said earlier, yes, it happens for fake collapses too. already in soviet times , basements began to be covered with earth; today , restorers plan to dig them out, after all, with tapping walls. voids were found. it means there is something behind them. who knows, perhaps soon we will learn something new, including the olige , which says that a special underground road leads from this palace to kosovo, not even about the underground passage, in this case, but the whole underground road, allegedly, according to legend , this passage connecting t