sara luna zoric is alma, the dutch—bosnian teenager who journeys from the home in holland that she shareser to visit the hospitalised father whom she lost to nostalgia for his homeland many years ago. she's been told that her cousin will help herfind her way but he claims to be too busy to take her anywhere — leaving alma to be abandoned and kidnapped, helped and hindered, loved and hated by emir and his friend denis. clearly inspired by the tone ofjim jarmusch‘s indie american road movie stranger than paradise, take me somewhere nice has a deadpan absurdist streak throwing its protagonist together on a seemingly aimless but actually rather moving odyssey. a coming—of—agejourney variously furnished with lost suitcases, heady encounters, and meagre coffins. the colourful academy ratio framing finds strange beauty in unlikely circumstances as action moves from derelict houses to magical theatres from the towns to the mountain tops exploring its central themes of migration and duality through the divided soul of alma who is at one point literally cut in half. and note that is not a plot spoi