so sarah balal, what do you have to say to isap's position. >> i am a lawyer, but the fact of the matteris this call this a rabbit hole, and i would like to hear ramzi's position on this as well. there is no international law that vindicates holding people indefinitely without filing charges. in fact, this position that the spokesperson has said is very interesting. because we file litigation before the high court in pakistan to pressure the pakistani government to take a step to negotiate with the americans precisely because we have to figure out ways around this issue to litigate this issue to accord the detainee's rights. in that litigation you know, through the pakistani ministry of foreign affairs the united states took the position that just one of our clients was captured, and we were able to disprove that by the u.s. government by producing letters that the detainee himself had written to his family members that pre-dated by two years the date of detention that the u.s. government said that they had captured him. you know, frankly, i don't buy that position at all. and also to de