journalist who dared tell the truth about his mismanagement ask ginsberg's public affairs chief, sarah ballard role in the layoff of a beloved reporter in the sf weekly a week after he was part of a cover story. will you, parents and grandparents, let him get away with poisoning our parks? it is your responsibility, along with the mayor, to clean up the contamination of stow lake and the toxic behavior sign rec and park management. thank you. >> good morning. my name is ernestine. i am going to complain, too, about corruption. people want very part restored. we cannot put up with corrupt dirty politics. that has to go. your job is to serve the people first and foremost. that is what your job is all about. you promised me mark -- hello. you promised me, mark, make me believe with the. we're not the only ones that have complained. we gave you a petition to do it. you ignore us. we're fed up with it. put the name back. the people hate the sign that there, sue bierman park. you do it against our will, and you're not doing good public relations. please get rid of the illegal name of sue bierman par